Do you have a graduate degree?

Do you have a graduate degree?

  • No - I'm conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Just the fact that there's no real 'options' available besides 'lefty' and 'conservative' should be a clue as to one of the things that's wrong around here......

Fortunately, I really do like pineapple : ))

Those are the two sides.

We are in a "soft civil war" at the moment. The nation is split between those who seek government control of most aspects of the the economy, with stringent rules of political correctness based on group identity, and those who seek individual liberty and Laissez Faire Capitalism.
The poll choices are in adequate:

- Yes, I have a Master's, and I'm an independent.
I have two Bachelor's degrees, Respiratory Therapy and Nursing. I also have a certification which took two more years of school and one year of internship yet doesn't award a Master's degree.
When I was a graduate student, I worked in the office of the Business department. (I'm a worked my way through 6 years of university person and proud of it.) Of course, I do know what MBA stands for, but I'm also a curious person, so I asked the students about the specifics of their program. MBA students told me their program essentially focused on 'how to manipulate people.' That's a direct quote. Any MBA grads dispute that?

Yes, that's extremely ignorant.

Supply chain management. Finance. Economics. Lean Manufacturing and other process improvement disciplines. The only "manipulation" would be in the areas of human resources.

Fine Arts is mostly underwater basket weaving, right?
I have an MFA, and I am a human being. I hate labels. I do not self identify with any specific group, political or otherwise, other than, of course, that biologically I am a human being.


Yep. That applies.

And your comments about MBAs are incredibly stupid.
What a total asshole you are. Must suck to be you, not only ignorant as hell, but pathetic beyond measure and full of manure in every facet of your being.

Ohh, touchy are we?


Hey, I understand your thin skin, it's no doubt difficult to explain the value of a Master's in underwater basket weaving...
When I was a graduate student, I worked in the office of the Business department. (I'm a worked my way through 6 years of university person and proud of it.) Of course, I do know what MBA stands for, but I'm also a curious person, so I asked the students about the specifics of their program. MBA students told me their program essentially focused on 'how to manipulate people.' That's a direct quote. Any MBA grads dispute that?

Yes, that's extremely ignorant.

Supply chain management. Finance. Economics. Lean Manufacturing and other process improvement disciplines. The only "manipulation" would be in the areas of human resources.

Fine Arts is mostly underwater basket weaving, right?

What a total asshole you are. Must suck to be you, not only ignorant as hell, but pathetic beyond measure and full of manure in every facet of your being.

I see you're studying the the literary masters of the twentieth century........ :eusa_whistle:
Actually, it was not my comment, it was a direct quote from MBA graduate students I talked to. And it was said tongue in cheek, which neither of you caught because you are not all that smart. Any MBA person I've ever met was pretty much flatlined as far as having complex critical thinking skills.

You are abysmally ignorant. You have no clue what an MBA entails.

I actually do believe you have a Fine Arts degree - it fits your personality. You have absolutely nothing of value to offer, yet still believe yourself superior to all others.

Yep. That applies.

And your comments about MBAs are incredibly stupid.

I TRIED to give her finance and accounting: I didn't instantly jump to naval contemplation in liberal arts with her.... But alas, someone like Esmeralda could never be educated in a field that offers value to humanity. It's not in her nature.

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