Do you have a graduate degree?

Do you have a graduate degree?

  • No - I'm conservative

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Actually, it was not my comment, it was a direct quote from MBA graduate students I talked to. And it was said tongue in cheek, which neither of you caught because you are not all that smart. Any MBA person I've ever met was pretty much flatlined as far as having complex critical thinking skills.

You are abysmally ignorant. You have no clue what an MBA entails.

I actually do believe you have a Fine Arts degree - it fits your personality. You have absolutely nothing of value to offer, yet still believe yourself superior to all others.

But I'll bet she can make a spiffy ashtray and play the spoons!
BS Chemical Engineering- TAMU

MBA- University of Houston

Doctor of Luv- Earth:cool:

Moderate => I regard all politicians equally, regardless of their party affiliation.
When I was a graduate student, I worked in the office of the Business department. (I'm a worked my way through 6 years of university person and proud of it.) Of course, I do know what MBA stands for, but I'm also a curious person, so I asked the students about the specifics of their program. MBA students told me their program essentially focused on 'how to manipulate people.' That's a direct quote. Any MBA grads dispute that?

Yes, that's extremely ignorant.

Supply chain management. Finance. Economics. Lean Manufacturing and other process improvement disciplines. The only "manipulation" would be in the areas of human resources.

Fine Arts is mostly underwater basket weaving, right?
With an emphasis in Easter baskets and hemp doormats.
According to the poll, we have more master's degrees than bachelor's here!
A college and post graduate education is worth absolutely nothing unless applied. It in no way insures success and prosperity. It may open doors, possibly and interview, but nothing compares to work experience, accomplishment, and on the job performance.
A college and post graduate education is worth absolutely nothing unless applied. It in no way insures success and prosperity. It may open doors, possibly and interview, but nothing compares to work experience, accomplishment, and on the job performance.

Tell that to the open market employers..... and the federal government.... and the state/local governments.... and government contractors. Maybe they'll believe you, but my experience shows they won't........ Unless it's the low paying service jobs.
As an employer, we weigh more toward accomplishment, and experience. Don't cry to me about the dearth in entry level jobs and middle management opportunity, your anger should be directed toward the anti business environment that prevails within the mid set of those on the left bench. These pathetic soles have convinced the vast majority that corporate and private sector employers are despicable evil entities. Would you invest today in building a company located in such an environment?
As an employer, we weigh more toward accomplishment, and experience. Don't cry to me about the dearth in entry level jobs and middle management opportunity, your anger should be directed toward the anti business environment that prevails within the mid set of those on the left bench. These pathetic soles have convinced the vast majority that corporate and private sector employers are despicable evil entities. Would you invest today in building a company located in such an environment?

If your company hires based on qualifications over documentation then you are one of the rare ones. As for your rant about the left...... Don't completely agree, ultimately don't care. I was pointing out the major reality in the job market, not crying to you.
Staidhup is doing nothing more than the anti-educational college accomplishment polka.

He's out of step, and those of us who are educated, accomplished, and successful have fired folks like him.
Just the fact that there's no real 'options' available besides 'lefty' and 'conservative' should be a clue as to one of the things that's wrong around here......

Fortunately, I really do like pineapple : ))

Those are the two sides.

We are in a "soft civil war" at the moment. The nation is split between those who seek government control of most aspects of the the economy, with stringent rules of political correctness based on group identity, and those who seek individual liberty and Laissez Faire Capitalism.

See, that's where you're wrong. This war would be a WHOLE lot easier if only it were that black and white.

Life in America is a shade of grey for all but the extremists... most of us are not simply Blue or Red, we're dynamic shades of Purple. I know I'm not alone in saying that I'm conservative when it comes to some things and progressive on other issues, which makes it suck shopping for a politician in this day and age..... they have to be bright red or solid blue to raise enough money to be elected.

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