Do you have a graduate degree?

Do you have a graduate degree?

  • No - I'm conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Conservatives with master's degrees still way out in the lead! Far left loons like JakeFakey who are still trying to figure out how to spell GED are a distinct minority.
If it makes a difference, I'm a well-rounded graduate of the school of hard knocks:

Some college - no degree.

On the job education, in no particular order:

Firefighter / EMT Basic
Truck driver
Landscaper / nursury
Telemarketing / sales management.
Cemetery & Funeral sales
Retail sales
Photography / Photography instructor
Government clerk
Corporate clerk
Specialized technician & sales rep
Technical writing
Marketing: writing, design, layout and publishing
As a kid, I even did a little acting in a TV commercial. It counts 'cause like everything else on the list above, I got paid.

I am SO not your typical American with just one career - life is too fucking short.
My "education" does not dictate my principals which speak to whether I am conservative, liberal or moderate on any given issue. During the process of getting my education I learned how to research, analyze and use critical thinking when deciding how I may view a particular issue. Further, it is due that "education" and the process therein that I could never pigeon hole myself into being a conservative, a liberal or a moderate.
If so, what is it, and what is your political affiliation?

I ask because of a question posed by Avg-Joe

Please be honest to the extent that the interwebz allow..

I have an MBA, but I can't answer your poll because I am neither conservative nor left.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
Columbia University which has to cancel righties from speaking due to threats of violence against them on the podium?

Another Ivy League school or two or three canceled ROTC programs in their push to taint the military as bad for America, when actually, it gave them the free speech to say stupid stuff.

Sorry, TheOldSchool. The Jury's still out for some of us on Universities pushing to make this world one great big Tower of Babel--you know, the society that divided people down ethnic lines instead of united them when it took over?

Schools are repeating forgotten history--disparaged by the push to atheism to keep people in the dark as the result of one-worldism.

When I was growing up, people knew to leave some things well enough alone.
I became a conservative and identified with the Republican party after voting for Carter as a senior in college, then watching him backtrack on his campaign rhetoric and generally suck balls for the next for years.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
Columbia University which has to cancel righties from speaking due to threats of violence against them on the podium?

Another Ivy League school or two or three canceled ROTC programs in their push to taint the military as bad for America, when actually, it gave them the free speech to say stupid stuff.

Sorry, TheOldSchool. The Jury's still out for some of us on Universities pushing to make this world one great big Tower of Babel--you know, the society that divided people down ethnic lines instead of united them when it took over?

Schools are repeating forgotten history--disparaged by the push to atheism to keep people in the dark as the result of one-worldism.

When I was growing up, people knew to leave some things well enough alone.

Well make sure not to use this site and this poll as a source for your info...
Conservatives with master's degrees still way out in the lead! Far left loons like JakeFakey who are still trying to figure out how to spell GED are a distinct minority.

I appreciate that so many responded to the poll.
After a 30 year absence I recently moved back to town and now life a few blocks from campus. It's pretty neat going back. Walking or riding my bike around. Last year I signed up to monitor a class - The Economics of Social Issues. It was fun. :thup:
No, I do not have a degree (in any form). I have two diplomas. One in civil engineering and the other in surveying. Both took me two years to achieve on a full-time basis, and they were both at the full expense of the British Army. I'm the sole owner of a mid-to-large demolition company, and have contracted for large construction and engineering companies in the UK and Europe. My parents have three framed testaments of mine and my two younger brothers' achievements. Their degree certificates sit next to a framed picture I took of one my largest contracts to date. It's of the monoplex sheet sign hanging from the building the reads: "Arup - Working in Partnership With N***** Demolition". If you don't know what Arup is and does, you don't get out much (they built the Sydney Opera House).

Hard right conservative, but I no longer vote for the Europhile Tory party. UKIP convert.
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I have a BS majoring in history and literature.

I am a FEDERALIST with anarchistic tendencies.

And the above, chums, pretty much also describes our own government's POV since 1789, too.

On one hand we hate government, on the other we know we need government.

I always knew you were full of BS.
I am more like FreedomBecki. With my formal education plus all the college courses I have taken for credit and/or audited since, plus some pretty intense management training, I have more college hours than most master degreed folks, but technically no formal degree. But almost all my jobs held since the 1970's have required at least a bachelor's degree, and I have been hired, and I have been a college lecturer in some very narrowly defined areas of expertise, so. . . .

And I am classical liberal, i.e. modern American conservative in my sociopolitical leanings.
If so, what is it, and what is your political affiliation?

I ask because of a question posed by Avg-Joe

Please be honest to the extent that the interwebz allow..

I have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Science in Nursing, and a Juris Doctor. I have post master's work in pharmacology, psychopharmacology, and pathophysiology. Along with those, I have an ANCC APRN, BC certification, a DEA number, and am a licensed NP.

Also, have credits but no degree in some things business - accounting, business communications, etc.

AND I have several credits in oil painting at a school in Nashville, but no art degree. I have taken for fun - Spanish, caligraphy, knitting, cake decorating, and belly dancing.

And I am an expert on widowhood and single parent child rearing.

I am a blue dog. I don't see that on the list.

I think I'm done with school.
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Katzndogs claims to have a Doctorate? In what & from where?

Juris Doctor is a law degree. I have that, but my degree actually says "Doctor of Jurisprudence."

One of the profs where I went to law school asked on his first test what was the name of the degree we were seeking. Anyone who answered incorrectly got points deducted.
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Now that I am officially a retiree, I have been negotiating with a university that may allow me to take a few credit hours and receive an official diploma. Just to say I did it. I have had the same offer from the University of New Mexico, but damn, it is expensive even taking courses on line. Maybe when the economy improves and we don't feel so much pressure to protect our nest egg. . . .
My PhD


What? PhD doesn't stand for poor, hungry dog?

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