Do you have a graduate degree?

Do you have a graduate degree?

  • No - I'm conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I too wondered who on earth didn't know what an MBA meant.

I've had people on this forum ask.

For a while MBAs were as common as dust and the number one post grad target.

Still pretty common. Employers love to send managers off to graduate school. Virtually all of upper management at my company was sent, at employer expense, to get an MBA. It pays off though, the techniques such as Kaizen, value stream mapping, etc. definitely made us a more vibrant and profitable organization. With everyone educated, the resistance to said ideas vanishes.

Vanderbilt has an MSN/MBA program. I would have done that, but couldn't take off moe time than I did. SIU has an MD/JD program.
Poll so far suggests, people with brains use them to make money.

Why else would you spend the time and money to go to school? :confused:

I have a friend here in Albuquerque who was fortunate enough to be pretty much independently wealthy at a young age and has spent much of his life collecting degrees in this or that. I think he has something like three PhDs. :)

But I'll admit, he is the exception rather than the rule. :)

I certainly have drawn on my education, plus work experience and references, to qualify for different jobs and contribute to the family income. Now the only reason I would like to complete a masters degree, or even a PhD, is for the formal credentials to include as author of some projects I'm getting ready for publication. My ace in the hole though is that one of my kids does have a PhD and can co-author if necessary.

And, I would also like to have the diploma in hand just for the self satisfaction of finshing what I started.
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Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:

That depends on what degree you are seeking.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
Columbia University which has to cancel righties from speaking due to threats of violence against them on the podium?

Another Ivy League school or two or three canceled ROTC programs in their push to taint the military as bad for America, when actually, it gave them the free speech to say stupid stuff.

Sorry, TheOldSchool. The Jury's still out for some of us on Universities pushing to make this world one great big Tower of Babel--you know, the society that divided people down ethnic lines instead of united them when it took over?

Schools are repeating forgotten history--disparaged by the push to atheism to keep people in the dark as the result of one-worldism.

When I was growing up, people knew to leave some things well enough alone.

Well make sure not to use this site and this poll as a source for your info...
Will the Harvard Crimson do?

There are hushed whispers at Harvard, peaceful objections at Princeton and ROTC courses at three of the eight Ivy League institutions. More than three years after the 1969 outburst of campus antiwar protest, the ROTC program is limited but credited at Cornell and Penn, extracurricular at Princeton and dead and buried at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia and Dartmouth.
Survey of ROTC in the Ivies
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:

That depends on what degree you are seeking.

I didn't go back to find TheOldSchool's original post, but will build on it here.

The fact is that most university faculty are pretty hard core liberals.

College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.

By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative. . . .
College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds (

Those friends of mine who teach at the college level who are liberal think like TheOldSchool that they don't breed liberals, because the environment feels normal to them. The way things are supposed to be. Those who are conservative say that the college environment is pretty hostile for conservatives, which is why so few stay with the university while the rest seek employment in the private sector.

So of course the young and gullible are going to be exposed to more liberal doctrine than conservative point of view. And they receive a skewed or inadequate education because of that. Those smart enough to figure that out are still often forced to be dishonest as they have to slant their papers and test answers to fit the professor's liberal views in order to make good grades.

Some leave college pretty liberal these days, but working in the real world provides a different education that much modifies most of those liberal views. But many gullible and pliable don't learn to think for themselves so much which is why we see state and national votes go the way they have in the last decades, and why we see our personal liberties slipping away from us one by one.

Modern American conservatism is the very definition of individual liberty and personal responsibility. Modern American liberalism not so much.

Whether one has a degree doesn't determine whether they are more likely to be liberal or conservative. That in my opinion comes from whether they are able to see and understand things as they really are. Conservatives are much more likely to choose to think for themselves. Liberals are much more likely to embrace group think.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

But we do have conclusive proof that TheOldSchool lacks a knowledge of valid statistical sampling.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

But we do have conclusive proof that TheOldSchool lacks a knowledge of valid statistical sampling.
...or that misinterpretation is the support the errant conclusion.

However, I think you are more correct...lack of knowledge, likely exacerbated by having been educated by liberal professors.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Harvard is. So is Columbia.

Not all universities are liberal breeding grounds. Just some of them.

Some of our colleges are so liberal that if you actually say you're a conservative you'll never get laid.
An excellent poll for culling out the minority opinion that education does not matter all that much.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Harvard is. So is Columbia.

Not all universities are liberal breeding grounds. Just some of them.

Some of our colleges are so liberal that if you actually say you're a conservative you'll never get laid.

I agree. I don't think Harvard and Yale are, and likely not Vanderbilt either. I didn't get that feeling when I was there. Those schools are about Money
An excellent poll for culling out the minority opinion that education does not matter all that much.

"Culling Out?" Will that minority be sent to "re-education" camps?
Why? That's an elitist, fascist position to which I don't hold. The very nature of our economic system almost always separates the lazy and the uneducated from the winners.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Hey it's me again,

Just offering the suggestion that liberals and conservatives are both just as likely to attend and influence equally the world of higher education. There isn't a conspiracy. But if you want to go on dreaming such nonsense, have it, bro!
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

But we do have conclusive proof that TheOldSchool lacks a knowledge of valid statistical sampling.

Lol so is this forum majority conservative?

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