Do you have a graduate degree?

Do you have a graduate degree?

  • No - I'm conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Hey it's me again,

Just offering the suggestion that liberals and conservatives are both just as likely to attend and influence equally the world of higher education. There isn't a conspiracy. But if you want to go on dreaming such nonsense, have it, bro!

Nobody said its a conspiracy. But as I posted earlier it is a fact that higher education in the USA tilts very left. The fact that conservatives who gravitate to a site like USMB have been able to see through the liberalism of their education--or managed to get through school before higher education was so infused with liberalism--does not change the fact that higher education has become a bastion of liberalism. Again I will refer you to my previous post.

It has been my observation that those who are liberal (by the modern definition for U.S. liberals) are generally much more susceptible to dynamics of group think and are less well equipped to articulate a rationale for their point of view. Those who think for themselves can can articulate a rationale for their point of view. The later group, though all individuals in it are not immune to group think, do tend to be mostly conservative according to the definition of modern American conservatism.

Americans who graduate from American colleges and universities these days are conservative in spite of the education they most likely got.
It has been my observation that those who are liberal (by the modern definition for U.S. liberals) are generally much more susceptible to dynamics of group think and are less well equipped to articulate a rationale for their point of view. Those who think for themselves can can articulate a rationale for their point of view. The later group, though all individuals in it are not immune to group think, do tend to be mostly conservative according to the definition of modern American conservatism.

I suppose this will just lead to a stalemate but...

If you replace the world "liberal" with "conservative" and vice versa in your above post, then that's exactly how I feel.
Americans who graduate from American colleges and universities these days are conservative in spite of the education they most likely got.

There's a big difference between getting an advanced degree and GRADUATING


Getting an advanced degree so you can remain in school the rest of your life to receive unlimited government grants to count the number of angels dancing on the heads of pins.
Hi just checking in...

So because of this poll... can we all agree yet that Universities are not liberal breeding grounds? Can we get rid of that idiotic conservative talking point?

I can't wait to link to this thread whenever some butthurt Republican talks about liberal professors again :razz:
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Hey it's me again,

Just offering the suggestion that liberals and conservatives are both just as likely to attend and influence equally the world of higher education. There isn't a conspiracy. But if you want to go on dreaming such nonsense, have it, bro!

With certain exceptions which I have already named, I believe liberals influence higher education more. Only liberals are willing to settle for the pay one gets working in academia.
With certain exceptions which I have already named, I believe liberals influence higher education more. Only liberals are willing to settle for the pay one gets working in academia.

What exactly do we mean by "liberals influence higher education more?"

Are liberals ensuring that college sports become multi-million dollar enterprises?

Are liberals escalating the cost of education so mainly those with muli-million dollar loans can afford to attend?

Are liberals forcing employers to limit employment opportunities to only those with advanced degrees?
It has been my observation that those who are liberal (by the modern definition for U.S. liberals) are generally much more susceptible to dynamics of group think and are less well equipped to articulate a rationale for their point of view. Those who think for themselves can can articulate a rationale for their point of view. The later group, though all individuals in it are not immune to group think, do tend to be mostly conservative according to the definition of modern American conservatism.

I suppose this will just lead to a stalemate but...

If you replace the world "liberal" with "conservative" and vice versa in your above post, then that's exactly how I feel.

But you see, conservatives don't, as a rule, put much confidence in 'feelings'. To a conservative, how somebody feels is not a reasonable basis to determine what is.

Take almost any fairly common issue of any complexity in America and both conservatives and liberals will have an opinion about it. But ask each group to articulate a rationale for their opinion, and most--not all but most--of the conservatives can give you a reasoned basis for their point of view. Most--not all but most--liberals cannot.

Example: most liberals have very strong, negative opinions about Ronald Reagan and/or his administration. And they all know the group think sound bites to say. But ask them to support those opinions with anything more substantive than other assigned liberal sound bites, and they can't do it. Pin them down on it, and they almost always run away.

Conservatives however, can usually cite the statistics, both pro and con, or go get them from a reasonable credible site.

And this, in my opinion, illustrates the difference between educated opinion and that which most U.S. universities are cranking out. You won't often get the whole deal from a liberal college professor, and if most college professors are liberal. . . .well. . . .
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With certain exceptions which I have already named, I believe liberals influence higher education more. Only liberals are willing to settle for the pay one gets working in academia.

What exactly do we mean by "liberals influence higher education more?"

Are liberals ensuring that college sports become multi-million dollar enterprises?

Are liberals escalating the cost of education so mainly those with muli-million dollar loans can afford to attend?

Are liberals forcing employers to limit employment opportunities to only those with advanced degrees?

I just stated what I meant in terms of salaries for college profs. If you want to know about that other stuff, look at who sits on the boards of regents. Who are they? Probably conservatives, but they don't tell you what to teach, certainly they don't know enough to tell people in my professon what to teach. As to employment and advanced degrees. A person without an advanced degree is not qualified to do what I do and that is state law, not a board of regent or employer decision.
Why? That's an elitist, fascist position to which I don't hold. The very nature of our economic system almost always separates the lazy and the uneducated from the winners.

Then what did you mean by "culling out?"

Read the bolded.

There's an old saying that statistically is generally true, (have to locate the statistics) but it says:
A students teach,
B students run the companies that are owned by the C and D students.
That's similar to Longhorns calling Aggies, "Boss".
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Just a side thought...

Just 'cause a Monkey has a degree does not mean he's smart, and not having a degree doesn't necessarily mean that a Monkey is uneducated.

There are a LOT of ways to learn stuff, college is but one of them.
A college and post graduate education is worth absolutely nothing unless applied. It in no way insures success and prosperity. It may open doors, possibly and interview, but nothing compares to work experience, accomplishment, and on the job performance.

Tell that to the open market employers..... and the federal government.... and the state/local governments.... and government contractors. Maybe they'll believe you, but my experience shows they won't........ Unless it's the low paying service jobs.

hey i was a lowly Letter Carrier ( with a Masters in Postology) and i was making more money than people with College Degrees who lived on the route.....:eusa_angel:
A college and post graduate education is worth absolutely nothing unless applied. It in no way insures success and prosperity. It may open doors, possibly and interview, but nothing compares to work experience, accomplishment, and on the job performance.

Tell that to the open market employers..... and the federal government.... and the state/local governments.... and government contractors. Maybe they'll believe you, but my experience shows they won't........ Unless it's the low paying service jobs.

hey i was a lowly Letter Carrier ( with a Masters in Postology) and i was making more money than people with College Degrees who lived on the route.....:eusa_angel:

An education does increase a person's chances to work in higher paying professions but is not a guarantee of it. Some professions require higher degrees. But again, in my case, though I had the education, I did not have the certification - i.e. that diploma in hand - but employers have waived the certification to hire me for the last thirty years or so.

We wouldn't want the certification waived for medical doctors or certain other professions that require proof of completion of a prescribed course of study. But there is somebody on the bottom of every class at medical school too. And non certified personnel who know more medicine than some of those who graduate.

Probably all of us know at least one presumably very highly degreed person who is an absolute idiot. And at least one person with minimal formal schooling who has succeeded beyond all expectations. We do not need to scorn higher education and we can all learn from it. But it sure doesn't guarantee that we will be educated beings.
This ^^^^^ is exemplary of idiotic liberal logic.

This poll indicates little more than the following:

Out of the 26 USMB members that have responded thus far...

  • 15 claim to be conservative
  • 7 claim to be lefty
  • 4 are clowns
  • 10 of the conservatives claim to have post-graduate degrees
  • 4 of the lefties claim to have post graduate degrees

This is hardly useful in logically arguing that "Universities are not liberal breeding grounds". However, if you are pleased in dreaming such nonsense, have at it, bro! You are expected to be stupid.

Hey it's me again,

Just offering the suggestion that liberals and conservatives are both just as likely to attend and influence equally the world of higher education. There isn't a conspiracy. But if you want to go on dreaming such nonsense, have it, bro!

Nobody said its a conspiracy. But as I posted earlier it is a fact that higher education in the USA tilts very left. The fact that conservatives who gravitate to a site like USMB have been able to see through the liberalism of their education--or managed to get through school before higher education was so infused with liberalism--does not change the fact that higher education has become a bastion of liberalism. Again I will refer you to my previous post.

It has been my observation that those who are liberal (by the modern definition for U.S. liberals) are generally much more susceptible to dynamics of group think and are less well equipped to articulate a rationale for their point of view. Those who think for themselves can can articulate a rationale for their point of view. The later group, though all individuals in it are not immune to group think, do tend to be mostly conservative according to the definition of modern American conservatism.

Americans who graduate from American colleges and universities these days are conservative in spite of the education they most likely got.

This article from the Liberal Washington Post agree's, Foxfyre, that the majority of college professors are liberal. There are later studies stating the same conclusion, don't have time to link to them right now.

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 29, 2005; Page C01

College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.

By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds (
Hey it's me again,

Just offering the suggestion that liberals and conservatives are both just as likely to attend and influence equally the world of higher education. There isn't a conspiracy. But if you want to go on dreaming such nonsense, have it, bro!

Nobody said its a conspiracy. But as I posted earlier it is a fact that higher education in the USA tilts very left. The fact that conservatives who gravitate to a site like USMB have been able to see through the liberalism of their education--or managed to get through school before higher education was so infused with liberalism--does not change the fact that higher education has become a bastion of liberalism. Again I will refer you to my previous post.

It has been my observation that those who are liberal (by the modern definition for U.S. liberals) are generally much more susceptible to dynamics of group think and are less well equipped to articulate a rationale for their point of view. Those who think for themselves can can articulate a rationale for their point of view. The later group, though all individuals in it are not immune to group think, do tend to be mostly conservative according to the definition of modern American conservatism.

Americans who graduate from American colleges and universities these days are conservative in spite of the education they most likely got.

This article from the Liberal Washington Post agree's, Foxfyre, that the majority of college professors are liberal. There are later studies stating the same conclusion, don't have time to link to them right now.

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 29, 2005; Page C01

College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.

By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds (

Yes I posted an excerpt from that same article with link earlier Starlight. And it was mostly ignored by our more leftist friends as your post probably will be too. I do tend to run on though which probably makes my posts more conducive to skip over without reading. You tend to be much more succinct which on message boards is a virtue. :)

But again, the article underscores again my opinion that those who make it out of college as conservatives these days do so in spite of the education they receive. And, again, in my opinion that is because they are able to think for themselves and are not so susceptible to group think.
Tell that to the open market employers..... and the federal government.... and the state/local governments.... and government contractors. Maybe they'll believe you, but my experience shows they won't........ Unless it's the low paying service jobs.

hey i was a lowly Letter Carrier ( with a Masters in Postology) and i was making more money than people with College Degrees who lived on the route.....:eusa_angel:

An education does increase a person's chances to work in higher paying professions but is not a guarantee of it. Some professions require higher degrees. But again, in my case, though I had the education, I did not have the certification - i.e. that diploma in hand - but employers have waived the certification to hire me for the last thirty years or so.

We wouldn't want the certification waived for medical doctors or certain other professions that require proof of completion of a prescribed course of study. But there is somebody on the bottom of every class at medical school too. And non certified personnel who know more medicine than some of those who graduate.

Probably all of us know at least one presumably very highly degreed person who is an absolute idiot. And at least one person with minimal formal schooling who has succeeded beyond all expectations. We do not need to scorn higher education and we can all learn from it. But it sure doesn't guarantee that we will be educated beings.

Some employers can do that. Not all. If you are going to practice as an NP you have to have the master's and the certification from one of the credentialing bodies like the ANCC. State law. Not a choice.

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