Do you know the libs on the this site still think there was collusion between Russia and Trump?

All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
. Aren't the Russians a super power in which every administration has to deal with ?? So you think in this one instance in history, and because Hillary was running for President, that it was hands off in regards to the Russians all because of ?? Did not the Russians come up in past presidential debates, and haven't we always dealt with the Russians ever since world war two ?? Why is it that Obammy and Hitlery we're free to deal with the Russians, and to speak with the Russians, but all of a sudden they were off limits according to the Demon-crats in this past election ? Were the Demon-crats so corrupt that they were jumping at their own shadows anymore ??
No problem with Trump talking to the Russians or any other country

But since it was widely reported at the time that the Russians were interfering with the election on his behalf, you would think that a man as intelligent as our President would be careful enough to fully document the meetings

Why doesn't Trump just come out and say....We met with Russian representatives on these occasions and here is what was discussed

Why does he choose to hide and deny instead?
. Uh to fuel the conspiracy that the libs have going ?? LOL.
You know by now that Trump loves driving the Demon-crats/liberals crazy don't ya ?
Trump's next MAJOR problem, will be Kushner's shady deals while accepting Russian laundered money from the German a quid pro qup between Russian and access to the WH.

Ivanka is going to have to make a hard choice pretty soon.

Yep, pretty sure Jared is in a pretty good pickle - prolly gonna do a little time like Daddy Kush done.

BTW - The Kush went fishing and apparently Ivanka couldn't find a picture to tweet without a confederate flag in the background. LoL

The controversial symbol of the Confederacy can be seen on a boat in the distance behind Kushner’s left shoulder, displayed alongside the American flag. Twitter users quickly attacked the first daughter, since President Donald Trump, her father, has a history of defending Confederate statues.

“Couldn't find four photos without one? Or is this a dogwhistle?” tweeted Walter Shaub, who was director of the Office of Government Ethics under former President Barack Obama.​

All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation

No, you wouldn't be satisfied. You'd simply move on to another.
where are Trump's Tax returns ?

And there is a prime example.
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adulterer
. Then you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
Collusion remains on the table until the investigation can determine what Trump's aids were meeting with Russia about

Outside of collusion the charges of obstruction of justice, money laundering and failure to report foreign contacts remain in play
. Do you apply the same standards to all administrations past or present ?? I'll answer - No you don't. So what are the libs so scared of Trump over or about, because it sure isn't about Russia.
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:
At least he's not an idle man...
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adulterer

Well, UNLESS one has a penchant for getting screwed most Trump Cultists seem to have developed a yearning for.....
Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with alleged "collusion" or Donald Trump! What part of that can't your little brain grasp?

OK, moron...Since those two pled guilty to lying to the FBI.....WHAT EXACTLY were they lying about??.....Was it over blow jobs? Or was it over "chatting" a bit with Russian spies WHILE working for Trump???

Go on, answer the above and you will be a bit less of an idiot on here.....

Your problem, Nat is that nothing they lied to the FBI about had anything to do with Trump or even the Trump Administration! Where is there even a HINT of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russians? It's there in SPADES between the Clinton campaign and Russians!

Want to impress the ever loving hell out of me? Have Mueller conduct an investigation into BOTH sides of that election and see who comes out looking dirty and who doesn't!
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:

The fake outrage over Trump is over the top for most, but if it saves the agenda in some way, shape or form for the Demon-crats, then the outrage will continue.
Then you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL

LAME attempt on diversion........Stick to the topic of this thread, your orange hero, Trump...leader of your cult.
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:
At least he's not an idle man...
. Y'all got a problem with the quote function on site ? How is it that I am being quoted as saying things not said, and this being because someone didn't start a response in the proper placement after the previous quote was given by a previous poster ?
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:

When you have close to 500 hundred companies some of them are going to go bankrupt,thats 1.2 percent of his total holdings.....
So how many businesses do you own?
Your problem, Nat is that nothing they lied to the FBI about had anything to do with Trump or even the Trump Administration! Where is there even a HINT of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russians? It's there in SPADES between the Clinton campaign and Russians!

Want to impress the ever loving hell out of me? Have Mueller conduct an investigation into BOTH sides of that election and see who comes out looking dirty and who doesn't!

First, I couldn't give a flying fuck what does or does not "impress" you......

Second, since your ilk likes to tout that through your overwhelming and "stellar" political victories, you are FULLY in charge......PETITION your right leaning congress to appoint another special counsel to investigate whatever the fuck you want.

Third, Mueller....a republican....was appointed by a republican head of the investigate a republican administration......KNOW THAT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER that an administration has been investigated by someone of the same party.

Fourth, how can anyone with a half brain "conclude" that members of an administration who LIED about dealings with a foreign, enemy country are now EXEMPT of being part of that same administration,

Fifth, I actually believe that Trump did not HIMSELF directly collude with the Russians..........Russians are smarter than that in placing their "trust" with an idiot that spews bullshit whenever challenged.......RATHER, the Russians relied on smarter and greedier underlings to infiltrate the WH.

Hope the above helps.....maybe not you (you're too far gone) but others.
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adultererThen you don't trust 85% of the politicians/celebrities in this world do ya ?? LOL
so all politicians have 6 bankruptcies a fake University 4000 law suits and serial adultery ...OK ....:badgrin:
At least he's not an idle man...
. Y'all got a problem with the quote function on site ? How is it that I am being quoted as saying things not said, and this being because someone didn't start a response in the proper placement after the previous quote was given by a previous poster ?
Could be..
When you have close to 500 hundred companies some of them are going to go bankrupt,thats 1.2 percent of his total holdings.....
So how many businesses do you own?

DEFEND this, Trump cult member.....

Trump Has Several Business Bankruptcies on His Record

Trump-controlled businesses have sought bankruptcy protection several times after those entities — nearly all of them casino properties — were several hundreds of millions of dollars or more in debt (although the exact number of bankruptcies tied to Trump is debatable, as his spokespeople routinely disclaim that “many of the filings occurred when Trump was no longer involved in the businesses”):

#1) Trump Taj Mahal (1991): The Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City opened in 1990, with Trump financing the completion of its construction with $675 million in junk bonds at 14% interest. By the following year the casino itself was in debt to the tune of $3 billion, while Trump himself owed some $900 million in personal liabilities.

In order to keep the Taj Mahal afloat, Trump struck a deal with his lenders in which he gave up half his ownership share and equity in the casino, sold his Trump Shuttle airline and his Trump Princess 220-foot yacht, and agreed to a bank-set limit on his personal spending in exchange for a lower interest rate and additional time to make his loan payments.

#2 and #3) Trump’s Castle and Trump Plaza Casinos (1992): Less than a year after the Taj Mahal bankruptcy Trump filed for Chapter 11 protection again for two more Atlantic City hotel-casinos, the Trump Plaza and Trump’s Castle, over their inability to make principal and interest payments on bonds. The Plaza ($550 million in debt) and the Castle ($338 million in debt) were competing against each other, as well as against the Taj Mahal, and Trump gave up a 50% share in exchange for more favorable terms on the debts.

#4) Trump Plaza Hotel (1992): Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy protection a third time in 1992 over the Trump Plaza Hotel on New York’s famous Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park in midtown Manhattan. Once again, Trump gave up a 49% stake in the property to secure more favorable terms from lenders on the luxury hotel’s debt of more than $550 million.

#5) Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004): In 1995, Donald Trump established Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts as a publicly traded company, an entity that eventually consolidated his three Atlantic City casinos (Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and Trump Plaza), along with other properties, under one company. In 2004, Trump sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the company, with filings listing about $1.8 billion in debt. Yet again, Trump’s ownership in the business was reduced, from 47% to 27%, in order to obtain more favorable terms from lenders.

#6) Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009): After its 2004 bankruptcy, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts was renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts (TER), and that latter entity went Chapter 11 in 2009 with a debt of $1.2 billion. Trump fought with his board of directors over how to restructure the company and ended up reducing his ownership share of the business once again (to 10%) and resigning as chairman of the board.

Other Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankrupcties, including:

Trump Steaks
GoTrump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)
Trumped! (syndicated radio spot)
When you have close to 500 hundred companies some of them are going to go bankrupt,thats 1.2 percent of his total holdings.....
So how many businesses do you own?

DEFEND this, Trump cult member.....

Trump Has Several Business Bankruptcies on His Record

Trump-controlled businesses have sought bankruptcy protection several times after those entities — nearly all of them casino properties — were several hundreds of millions of dollars or more in debt (although the exact number of bankruptcies tied to Trump is debatable, as his spokespeople routinely disclaim that “many of the filings occurred when Trump was no longer involved in the businesses”):

#1) Trump Taj Mahal (1991): The Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City opened in 1990, with Trump financing the completion of its construction with $675 million in junk bonds at 14% interest. By the following year the casino itself was in debt to the tune of $3 billion, while Trump himself owed some $900 million in personal liabilities.

In order to keep the Taj Mahal afloat, Trump struck a deal with his lenders in which he gave up half his ownership share and equity in the casino, sold his Trump Shuttle airline and his Trump Princess 220-foot yacht, and agreed to a bank-set limit on his personal spending in exchange for a lower interest rate and additional time to make his loan payments.

#2 and #3) Trump’s Castle and Trump Plaza Casinos (1992): Less than a year after the Taj Mahal bankruptcy Trump filed for Chapter 11 protection again for two more Atlantic City hotel-casinos, the Trump Plaza and Trump’s Castle, over their inability to make principal and interest payments on bonds. The Plaza ($550 million in debt) and the Castle ($338 million in debt) were competing against each other, as well as against the Taj Mahal, and Trump gave up a 50% share in exchange for more favorable terms on the debts.

#4) Trump Plaza Hotel (1992): Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy protection a third time in 1992 over the Trump Plaza Hotel on New York’s famous Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park in midtown Manhattan. Once again, Trump gave up a 49% stake in the property to secure more favorable terms from lenders on the luxury hotel’s debt of more than $550 million.

#5) Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004): In 1995, Donald Trump established Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts as a publicly traded company, an entity that eventually consolidated his three Atlantic City casinos (Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and Trump Plaza), along with other properties, under one company. In 2004, Trump sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the company, with filings listing about $1.8 billion in debt. Yet again, Trump’s ownership in the business was reduced, from 47% to 27%, in order to obtain more favorable terms from lenders.

#6) Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009): After its 2004 bankruptcy, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts was renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts (TER), and that latter entity went Chapter 11 in 2009 with a debt of $1.2 billion. Trump fought with his board of directors over how to restructure the company and ended up reducing his ownership share of the business once again (to 10%) and resigning as chairman of the board.

Other Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankrupcties, including:

Trump Steaks
GoTrump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)
Trumped! (syndicated radio spot)

What part of 500 businesses escapes you?
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
. Aren't the Russians a super power in which every administration has to deal with ?? So you think in this one instance in history, and because Hillary was running for President, that it was hands off in regards to the Russians all because of ?? Did not the Russians come up in past presidential debates, and haven't we always dealt with the Russians ever since world war two ?? Why is it that Obammy and Hitlery we're free to deal with the Russians, and to speak with the Russians, but all of a sudden they were off limits according to the Demon-crats in this past election ? Were the Demon-crats so corrupt that they were jumping at their own shadows anymore ??
No problem with Trump talking to the Russians or any other country

But since it was widely reported at the time that the Russians were interfering with the election on his behalf, you would think that a man as intelligent as our President would be careful enough to fully document the meetings

Why doesn't Trump just come out and say....We met with Russian representatives on these occasions and here is what was discussed

Why does he choose to hide and deny instead?
. Uh to fuel the conspiracy that the libs have going ?? LOL.
You know by now that Trump loves driving the Demon-crats/liberals crazy don't ya ?

Seems Trump is the one going crazy about this investigation

He has been whining nonstop since it started
When you have close to 500 hundred companies some of them are going to go bankrupt,thats 1.2 percent of his total holdings.....
So how many businesses do you own?

DEFEND this, Trump cult member.....

Trump Has Several Business Bankruptcies on His Record

Trump-controlled businesses have sought bankruptcy protection several times after those entities — nearly all of them casino properties — were several hundreds of millions of dollars or more in debt (although the exact number of bankruptcies tied to Trump is debatable, as his spokespeople routinely disclaim that “many of the filings occurred when Trump was no longer involved in the businesses”):

#1) Trump Taj Mahal (1991): The Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City opened in 1990, with Trump financing the completion of its construction with $675 million in junk bonds at 14% interest. By the following year the casino itself was in debt to the tune of $3 billion, while Trump himself owed some $900 million in personal liabilities.

In order to keep the Taj Mahal afloat, Trump struck a deal with his lenders in which he gave up half his ownership share and equity in the casino, sold his Trump Shuttle airline and his Trump Princess 220-foot yacht, and agreed to a bank-set limit on his personal spending in exchange for a lower interest rate and additional time to make his loan payments.

#2 and #3) Trump’s Castle and Trump Plaza Casinos (1992): Less than a year after the Taj Mahal bankruptcy Trump filed for Chapter 11 protection again for two more Atlantic City hotel-casinos, the Trump Plaza and Trump’s Castle, over their inability to make principal and interest payments on bonds. The Plaza ($550 million in debt) and the Castle ($338 million in debt) were competing against each other, as well as against the Taj Mahal, and Trump gave up a 50% share in exchange for more favorable terms on the debts.

#4) Trump Plaza Hotel (1992): Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy protection a third time in 1992 over the Trump Plaza Hotel on New York’s famous Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park in midtown Manhattan. Once again, Trump gave up a 49% stake in the property to secure more favorable terms from lenders on the luxury hotel’s debt of more than $550 million.

#5) Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004): In 1995, Donald Trump established Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts as a publicly traded company, an entity that eventually consolidated his three Atlantic City casinos (Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and Trump Plaza), along with other properties, under one company. In 2004, Trump sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the company, with filings listing about $1.8 billion in debt. Yet again, Trump’s ownership in the business was reduced, from 47% to 27%, in order to obtain more favorable terms from lenders.

#6) Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009): After its 2004 bankruptcy, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts was renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts (TER), and that latter entity went Chapter 11 in 2009 with a debt of $1.2 billion. Trump fought with his board of directors over how to restructure the company and ended up reducing his ownership share of the business once again (to 10%) and resigning as chairman of the board.

Other Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankrupcties, including:

Trump Steaks
GoTrump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)
Trumped! (syndicated radio spot)

You left out the number of marriages that went bust
When you have close to 500 hundred companies some of them are going to go bankrupt,thats 1.2 percent of his total holdings.....
So how many businesses do you own?

DEFEND this, Trump cult member.....

Trump Has Several Business Bankruptcies on His Record

Trump-controlled businesses have sought bankruptcy protection several times after those entities — nearly all of them casino properties — were several hundreds of millions of dollars or more in debt (although the exact number of bankruptcies tied to Trump is debatable, as his spokespeople routinely disclaim that “many of the filings occurred when Trump was no longer involved in the businesses”):

#1) Trump Taj Mahal (1991): The Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City opened in 1990, with Trump financing the completion of its construction with $675 million in junk bonds at 14% interest. By the following year the casino itself was in debt to the tune of $3 billion, while Trump himself owed some $900 million in personal liabilities.

In order to keep the Taj Mahal afloat, Trump struck a deal with his lenders in which he gave up half his ownership share and equity in the casino, sold his Trump Shuttle airline and his Trump Princess 220-foot yacht, and agreed to a bank-set limit on his personal spending in exchange for a lower interest rate and additional time to make his loan payments.

#2 and #3) Trump’s Castle and Trump Plaza Casinos (1992): Less than a year after the Taj Mahal bankruptcy Trump filed for Chapter 11 protection again for two more Atlantic City hotel-casinos, the Trump Plaza and Trump’s Castle, over their inability to make principal and interest payments on bonds. The Plaza ($550 million in debt) and the Castle ($338 million in debt) were competing against each other, as well as against the Taj Mahal, and Trump gave up a 50% share in exchange for more favorable terms on the debts.

#4) Trump Plaza Hotel (1992): Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy protection a third time in 1992 over the Trump Plaza Hotel on New York’s famous Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park in midtown Manhattan. Once again, Trump gave up a 49% stake in the property to secure more favorable terms from lenders on the luxury hotel’s debt of more than $550 million.

#5) Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004): In 1995, Donald Trump established Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts as a publicly traded company, an entity that eventually consolidated his three Atlantic City casinos (Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and Trump Plaza), along with other properties, under one company. In 2004, Trump sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the company, with filings listing about $1.8 billion in debt. Yet again, Trump’s ownership in the business was reduced, from 47% to 27%, in order to obtain more favorable terms from lenders.

#6) Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009): After its 2004 bankruptcy, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts was renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts (TER), and that latter entity went Chapter 11 in 2009 with a debt of $1.2 billion. Trump fought with his board of directors over how to restructure the company and ended up reducing his ownership share of the business once again (to 10%) and resigning as chairman of the board.

Other Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankrupcties, including:

Trump Steaks
GoTrump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)
Trumped! (syndicated radio spot)

You left out the number of marriages that went bust

Who cares?
Trump's next MAJOR problem, will be Kushner's shady deals while accepting Russian laundered money from the German a quid pro qup between Russian and access to the WH.

Ivanka is going to have to make a hard choice pretty soon.

Yep, pretty sure Jared is in a pretty good pickle - prolly gonna do a little time like Daddy Kush done.

BTW - The Kush went fishing and apparently Ivanka couldn't find a picture to tweet without a confederate flag in the background. LoL

The controversial symbol of the Confederacy can be seen on a boat in the distance behind Kushner’s left shoulder, displayed alongside the American flag. Twitter users quickly attacked the first daughter, since President Donald Trump, her father, has a history of defending Confederate statues.

“Couldn't find four photos without one? Or is this a dogwhistle?” tweeted Walter Shaub, who was director of the Office of Government Ethics under former President Barack Obama.​


I think ultimately, all fingers are going to point to Jared Kushner. He is a neophyte at politics and did not realize how he was being set up to take the fall

Trump will maintain plausible deniability, claim he knows nothing, remembers nothing while all the evidence points to Jared

Jared will take the fall and Trump will pardon him

Ending his chances at re-election

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