Do you know the libs on the this site still think there was collusion between Russia and Trump?

I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
Four indictments and two guilty pleas.

And that was only this year.

I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
Four indictments and two guilty pleas.

And that was only this year.


Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with alleged "collusion" or Donald Trump! What part of that can't your little brain grasp?

On the other hand...each passing week seems to bring yet more proof that the Clinton camp was actively using Russians to smear Donald Trump with a phony "dossier"...which begs the question...why is Mueller spending most of his time trying to FIND something on Trump when his people are literally tripping over evidence that Hillary Clinton actually DID collude with Russians to affect our election?
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation
. Aren't the Russians a super power in which every administration has to deal with ?? So you think in this one instance in history, and because Hillary was running for President, that it was hands off in regards to the Russians all because of ?? Did not the Russians come up in past presidential debates, and haven't we always dealt with the Russians ever since world war two ?? Why is it that Obammy and Hitlery we're free to deal with the Russians, and to speak with the Russians, but all of a sudden they were off limits according to the Demon-crats in this past election ? Were the Demon-crats so corrupt that they were jumping at their own shadows anymore ??
No problem with Trump talking to the Russians or any other country

But since it was widely reported at the time that the Russians were interfering with the election on his behalf, you would think that a man as intelligent as our President would be careful enough to fully document the meetings

Why doesn't Trump just come out and say....We met with Russian representatives on these occasions and here is what was discussed

Why does he choose to hide and deny instead?
I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
Four indictments and two guilty pleas.

And that was only this year.


Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with alleged "collusion" or Donald Trump! What part of that can't your little brain grasp?

On the other hand...each passing week seems to bring yet more proof that the Clinton camp was actively using Russians to smear Donald Trump with a phony "dossier"...which begs the question...why is Mueller spending most of his time trying to FIND something on Trump when his people are literally tripping over evidence that Hillary Clinton actually DID collude with Russians to affect our election?

We don't know what those plea bargains entailed
I doubt if they would offer immunity unless there was some important testimony to be had
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation

No, you wouldn't be satisfied. You'd simply move on to another.
I swear to God that is true. I just to state that, and they also think when Trump finally fires Mueller that that will be their proof.


They have been wrong about everything.

Hey, my internet is still working!!! Remember that?
Four indictments and two guilty pleas.

And that was only this year.


Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with alleged "collusion" or Donald Trump! What part of that can't your little brain grasp?

On the other hand...each passing week seems to bring yet more proof that the Clinton camp was actively using Russians to smear Donald Trump with a phony "dossier"...which begs the question...why is Mueller spending most of his time trying to FIND something on Trump when his people are literally tripping over evidence that Hillary Clinton actually DID collude with Russians to affect our election?
Then it keeps getting worse. The fake dossier (French for folder and another way to make it seem "official") allowed the FBI to get wire taps through FISA.

This whole thing was about getting shit on Trump and bringing him down. This is proven. The FBI have been caught saying it and there is no disputing it and the fucking unreal stupid hacks like Nat4900 yell about Flynn?!!!!

As if they have anything to do with anything. They are fucking pieces of shit. Worth nothing. They are pathetic.

When will I be justified to punch these lying stupid fuckers in the face? WHEN!?!?!
Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with alleged "collusion" or Donald Trump! What part of that can't your little brain grasp?

OK, moron...Since those two pled guilty to lying to the FBI.....WHAT EXACTLY were they lying about??.....Was it over blow jobs? Or was it over "chatting" a bit with Russian spies WHILE working for Trump???

Go on, answer the above and you will be a bit less of an idiot on here.....
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation

No, you wouldn't be satisfied. You'd simply move on to another.
where are Trump's Tax returns ?



Now the fucking loser brings up his tax returns!!!!!


Fuck head, WHERE ARE HIS 2006-2016 tax returns?????
Still under "audit????................LOL
Collusion remains on the table until the investigation can determine what Trump's aids were meeting with Russia about

Outside of collusion the charges of obstruction of justice, money laundering and failure to report foreign contacts remain in play
Since everything and all things the left claim is 100% wrong, what else can we assume about ALL of their claims over the years?

There is not one thing, and this is truly amazing, has the left been right about. Not one single thing.
Its a good thing now that Mueller isnt on the left.

The crimes of flynn and manafort have already been exposed, and more...
Now we'll find out if voter outreach coordinated with russian trolls.
Told you. They are so fucking pathetic.
When it's time, we'll accept your apology.
Outside of collusion the charges of obstruction of justice, money laundering and failure to report foreign contacts remain in play

What Trump cult members REFUSE to acknowledge is that Trump set a trap for himself when he fired Comey........The obstruction of justice charges "trump" (pardon the expression) all other problems for our beloved orange buffoon.
Trump's next MAJOR problem, will be Kushner's shady deals while accepting Russian laundered money from the German a quid pro qup between Russian and access to the WH.

Ivanka is going to have to make a hard choice pretty soon.
All our president needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key aids were having multiple meetings with the Russians and I will be satisfied

Until that time....we need to continue the investigation

No, you wouldn't be satisfied. You'd simply move on to another.
where are Trump's Tax returns ?

And there is a prime example.
sorry I do not trust man who declares bankruptcy six times , starts a fake university and trails 4000 law suits around and is a serial adulterer
Trump's next MAJOR problem, will be Kushner's shady deals while accepting Russian laundered money from the German a quid pro qup between Russian and access to the WH.

Ivanka is going to have to make a hard choice pretty soon.

I think Kushner is the key to Muellers investigation

Seems Kushner did the dirty work for Trump's campaign. We will have to see how far Trump will go to cover up for his son-in law

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