Zone1 Do you know your name day?


Gold Member
May 29, 2023
The celebration of name days has been a tradition in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries since the Middle Ages, and has also continued in some measure in countries, such as the Scandinavian countries, whose Protestant established church retains certain Catholic traditions. The name days originate in the list of holidays celebrated in commemoration of saints and martyrs of the church. For example, the name Karl or Carl is celebrated in Sweden on 28 January, the anniversary of the death of Charlemagne (Charles Magnus, i.e., "the great"). The church promoted the celebration of name days (or rather saints' feast days) over birthdays, as the latter was seen as a pagan tradition.

Where name days occur, official lists contain the current assignations of names to days. There are different lists for Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, and other countries that celebrate name days, though some names are celebrated on the same day in many countries. From the 18th century and onwards the list of name days has been modified in Sweden and Finland.

Do you know your name day?
My main name day is on August 20.

Because of him:

Bernard of Clairvaux, O. Cist. (Latin: Bernardus Claraevallensis; 1090 – 20 August 1153), venerated as Saint Bernard, was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order.

He was sent to found Clairvaux Abbey at an isolated clearing in a glen known as the Val d'Absinthe, about 15 kilometres (9 mi) southeast of Bar-sur-Aube. In the year 1128, Bernard attended the Council of Troyes, at which he traced the outlines of the Rule of the Knights Templar,[a] which soon became an ideal of Christian nobility.

Bernard of Clairvaux - Wikipedia

But I have other name days as well. :)
Now I wonder whether some fundamentalist will ask me:
"Where did our Lord Jesus order us to celebrate our name day?"

In Spain name days are important, I think in Poland and other European countries too, but I have no idea.
I just have found this:

Countries Where People Are Likely to Know Their Name Day
In the following countries, most people know their name day, even if they do not celebrate it. At the very least, they have heard of the name day custom and know what it is.

Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark (rare), France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland.

Countries Where Name Days Are Extremely Common
In the following countries, most people know their name day and usually celebrate it. It may even be more important than birthdays. Often normal calendars list name days, along with other holidays and special days.

Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Greece and Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden.

I tell you what though................

There are many, MANY fuktards out there that think it's THEIR JOB to CHANGE YOUR NAME!

When someone tells you their name, THAT is what you call them.
You DO NOT take it upon yourself to bastardize, cannibalize, or fuck over thier name into something YOU "think" they should be called!

I'd love to shoot every motherfucker in the face, that does this to my name!!!
And I've got a simple name that's easy to spell and pronounce, yet these pieces of narcissistic shit refuse to use MY name to identify ME!!!
I even got into a verbal "fight" with one c-u-n-t because I told her to stop calling me that, and she said it was my name. and it had nothing to do with MY name!!

Fuckers need to just be externimated, if they cannot comprehend the basics of anything!
i have about 25 patron saints.
and hence 25 Namenstage

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