Do you like anal sex and beastiality?

Does legalized SSM make you like anal sex and beastiality?

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Of fer f*cks sake....can we have a "Pervert Row" forum please?????
And make it so the threads do not populate when hitting "New Posts"???
Nothing like logging in and seeing another DE4 sicko thread.

If there were a pervert row the rightwing nuts and the Bible thumpers would be spending all their time their instead of derailing threads, tossing out their lame insults and parroting their favorite pervert Rush Limbaugh.
Wish that were true.

"138 countries to an estimated yearly viewing audience of 360 million people."
About The 700 Club Show History Format and Highlights The 700 Club

Lots of people listen to Rush Limbaugh too. You are giving the ratings. Some people watch him because he is funny.

The 700 Club is a religious show and Pat Robertson is a religious leader and his statements like the one the OP presented are of a religious nature. Not even Pat Robertson would have moved this thread from the religious forum. He'd want his minions to try to defend his indefensible blather.
Religious people talk about sex more than non-religious people. By doing so they make such discussions perfectly appropriate for religious enviroments.

Oh brother ...

No one talks about sex and offers encouragement for all its myriad perversions more than the Democrat/Left.

Offers encouragement is a left thing I'd agree. But talking about it, not doing it, purity balls/abstinance movements is a right thing.

Whereas the left says sex is fine, they don't make it a point to say it ALL the time.

Right decries sex constantly. That'd be fine except for the little problem of everytime you tell someone don't do this sex thing, or don't do that sex thing, guess what they're thinking about? That sex thing. :)
Knowing Christian posters on this board a bit, I don't think ANYTHING is going to get them to like anal sex and beastiality short of God himself coming down and saying He's into it. :)
Doubt number listening to people to later mock are significant.

I agree in the matter of Pat Robertson. Rush Limbaugh is widely followed by people who hate his guts. I'm just saying that just because people listen to Pat Robertson doesn't indicate that they feel the same way that he does.
Easy to say but could say it of the Pope too and suddenly the billion plus Catholics doesn't mean much. Think instead it's just something we try to comfort ourselves with when confronted by an 'oh shit!' sorta realization. :)
Knowing Christian posters on this board a bit, I don't think ANYTHING is going to get them to like anal sex and beastiality short of God himself coming down and saying He's into it. :)

Actually they love anal sex as long as it is will little boys and those right wing red state hicks will fuck a sheep or a cow if their sister can run faster than them. In fact are red state bible belt virgin is a girl who can run faster than her brothers, uncles and cousins.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms, generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference. And in many cases they are under the influence of mind-altering drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms. Generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference, and/or they are under the influence of drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Not all Christians are right-wingers. But most right-wingers are Christian.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms. Generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference, and/or they are under the influence of drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Not all Christians are right-wingers. But most right-wingers are Christian.
That's what many fucked-up idiots think.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms. Generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference, and/or they are under the influence of drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Not all Christians are right-wingers. But most right-wingers are Christian.
That's what many fucked-up idiots think.

"57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion"
57 Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

Next time I make a declarative statement, assume I have links ready to go. Save yourself the embarassment.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms, generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference. And in many cases they are under the influence of mind-altering drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Right winger flock to Bible bangers and trash like Pat Robertson. They are his base.

There are two types of Christians: There are the Sermon on the Mount/Jefferson Bible Christians and then there are the Bible believing Leviticus loving cousin marrying gay hating morons who are the ones who follow trash like Pat Robertson of Bitch.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms, generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference. And in many cases they are under the influence of mind-altering drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Right winger flock to Bible bangers and trash like Pat Robertson. They are his base.

There are two types of Christians: There are the Sermon on the Mount/Jefferson Bible Christians and then there are the Bible believing Leviticus loving cousin marrying gay hating morons who are the ones who follow trash like Pat Robertson of Bitch.
That's what a lot of ignorant and immature people think.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms. Generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference, and/or they are under the influence of drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Not all Christians are right-wingers. But most right-wingers are Christian.
That's what many fucked-up idiots think.

"57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion"
57 Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

Next time I make a declarative statement, assume I have links ready to go. Save yourself the embarassment.
I'm not embarrased.

And I don't bother to click on your links anymore because they are consistantly illogical garbage posted by brain-damaged things like you. You are no longer a curiosity to me.
Religious people talk about sex more than non-religious people. By doing so they make such discussions perfectly appropriate for religious enviroments.

Asking if you "LIKE" it, is not a religious discussion dude.

Robertson said Christians will like it. I'm asking Christians if they really do in the form of a poll. Already appealed the move to CK.

Robertson is a whack job. No one takes him seriously.

Wish that were true.

"138 countries to an estimated yearly viewing audience of 360 million people."
About The 700 Club Show History Format and Highlights The 700 Club

"On the air continuously since 1966, The 700 Club is one of the longest-running programs in broadcast history. Hosted by Pat Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen and Gordon Robertson, The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry. The 700 Club can be seen in 96 percent of the homes in the U.S. and is carried on ABC Family cable network, FamilyNet, Trinity Broadcasting Network, plus numerous local U.S. television stations, and is seen daily by approximately one million viewers."

A million a day globally ain't so hot.
Religious people talk about sex more than non-religious people. By doing so they make such discussions perfectly appropriate for religious enviroments.

Asking if you "LIKE" it, is not a religious discussion dude.

Robertson said Christians will like it. I'm asking Christians if they really do in the form of a poll. Already appealed the move to CK.

Robertson is a whack job. No one takes him seriously.

Wish that were true.

"138 countries to an estimated yearly viewing audience of 360 million people."
About The 700 Club Show History Format and Highlights The 700 Club

"On the air continuously since 1966, The 700 Club is one of the longest-running programs in broadcast history. Hosted by Pat Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen and Gordon Robertson, The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry. The 700 Club can be seen in 96 percent of the homes in the U.S. and is carried on ABC Family cable network, FamilyNet, Trinity Broadcasting Network, plus numerous local U.S. television stations, and is seen daily by approximately one million viewers."

A million a day globally ain't so hot.

How many at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco? How many at Jonestown?

A million crazy people is a bloody lot of crazy people. :)
Of fer f*cks sake....can we have a "Pervert Row" forum please?????
And make it so the threads do not populate when hitting "New Posts"???
Nothing like logging in and seeing another DE4 sicko thread.

Agree - we need a separate religion sub-forum for all the Pat Robertson garbage. We could add the preachings of the Duck Dynasty slime, Josh Duggar and all the other phony christians.
Pat Robertson gays will make Christians like anal sex bestiality New Pittsburgh Courier

"Extreme right-wing pastor and televangelist Pat Robertson despises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide, telling his television audience that gays will encourage Christians to enjoy anal sex and, eventually, bestiality."
I would not call Pat Robertson a Right Winger.

Although I have noticed that a lot of really fucking ignorant brainwashed idiots think that Christian and Right Winger are synonymous terms. Generally, their IQs are simply not high enough to comprehend the difference, and/or they are under the influence of drugs that addle the mind and/or they are brain damaged.

Not all Christians are right-wingers. But most right-wingers are Christian.
That's what many fucked-up idiots think.

"57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion"
57 Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

Next time I make a declarative statement, assume I have links ready to go. Save yourself the embarassment.

There's no doubt that many RWs are trying their damnedest to trash the US and the Constitution.

OTOH, they're the same willfully ignorant people who have no clue what the SCOTUS is or does and demands the president do the job of Congress while also demanding Congress not do their job. And they're the same idiots who have no idea why we have no true journalism left in this country and actually vote to leave their children with no future.

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