Do you like anything liberals thought of?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....
I am a congenital Liberal-----I TRULY BELIEVE---that trump
has liberal tendencies and that Hellary is a dyed in the wool
fascist republican. Ie In balance---trump is more liberal than
is hellary. Of course-----I do realize that the country has FALLEN
into repub paws

I am a congenital Liberal-----I TRULY BELIEVE---that trump
has liberal tendencies and that Hellary is a dyed in the wool
fascist republican. Ie In balance---trump is more liberal than
is hellary. Of course-----I do realize that the country has FALLEN
into repub paws
we should have a paternity test

too late-----dad died......... but I have a bunch of sibs-------the matter
could be evaluated thru them
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....
none of those things are really worth slaughtering innocent babies while they're still in the womb, though.
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....

That's not what progressives today care about.

Do you like anything about the progressive Agenda?
- Anti-white racism
- Anti-Christian
- pro-Islam , pro-Sharia Law
- Marxism / anti-capitalism
- pro-abortion-on-demand
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....

That's not what progressives today care about.

Do you like anything about the progressive Agenda?
- Anti-white racism
- Anti-Christian
- pro-Islam , pro-Sharia Law
- Marxism / anti-capitalism
- pro-abortion-on-demand

-I don't like anti-white racism
-I don't like anyone being mistreated
-I am not pro-islam or their laws
-I hate marxism and am very pro-capitalism
-I don't like abortion...
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....

You fucking ignorant of history propaganda tool

Theodore Roosevelt was a conservative republican

Theodore Roosevelt, often called "the conservation president," impacted the National Park System well beyond his term in office. He doubled the number of sites within the National Park system. As President from 1901 to 1909, he signed legislation establishing five new national parks: Crater Lake, Oregon; Wind Cave, South Dakota; Sully's Hill, North Dakota (later re-designated a game preserve); Mesa Verde, Colorado; and Platt, Oklahoma (now part of Chickasaw National Recreation Area). However another Roosevelt enactment had a broader effect: the Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906. The Antiquities Act enabled President Roosevelt and succeeding Presidents to proclaim historic landmarks, historic or prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest in federal ownership as national monuments.

Roosevelt did not hesitate to take advantage of this new executive authority. By the end of 1906 he had proclaimed four national monuments: Devil's Tower, Wyoming, on September 24 and El Morro, New Mexico, Montezuma Castle, Arizona, and Petrified Forest, Arizona, together on December 8. He also interpreted the authority expansively, protecting a large portion of the Grand Canyon as a national monument in 1908. By the end of his term he had reserved six predominantly cultural areas and twelve predominantly natural areas in this manner. Half of the total land area was initially administered by the Agriculture Department and was later transferred to Interior Department jurisdiction, since the National Park Service would not be created until 1916.

And the E.P.A. was started by Nixion

Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....

And god damned you mother fucker..

Eisinhower was a republican also when he signed in NASA

What is it with you propaganda liberal faggots anyways always trying to revise history?

President Eisenhower authorizes creation of NASA
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On this day in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs an act that creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He called the signing an [sic] historic step, further equipping the United States for leadership in the space age.
Do you like anything liberals thought of?

I like a lot of thing that are liberal.
-National parks
-Clean air and water acts
-FDA protecting the quality of our medications and food.
-The safetynet
-NWS, NHC, Noaa,
Man I could keep going....

FDA: 1906

Oh look who signed it in 1906?

Theodore Roosevelt...

The Food and Drug Administration is the oldest comprehensive consumer protection agency in the U. S. federal government. Its origins can be traced back to the appointment of Lewis Caleb Beck in the Patent Office around 1848 to carry out chemical analyses of agricultural products, a function that the newly created Department of Agriculture inherited in 1862. Although it was not known by its present name until 1930, FDA’s modern regulatory functions began with the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act,

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