Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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The only proper metric to measure by is job approval & or success with his agenda.

Interesting that basic character, credibility, honesty and integrity don't make the list of "proper metrics". Because that wouldn't lead to the predetermined result.
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

You've never seen groupies then?

Okie Dokie then

My favorite of these "girls" is the porn star that is all pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Read that sentence again, she is pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Let that sink in a minute.

Sure will. As soon as you link it.
Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything.
Here’s what don didn’t realize about being president. You can’t get away with shit. In secret you can get a DA to drop your case but not when the media will be coming after that DA for overlooking a crime.
Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything.
Here’s what don didn’t realize about being president. You can’t get away with shit. In secret you can get a DA to drop your case but not when the media will be coming after that DA for overlooking a crime.

And that reminds me I left out a big one --- self-delusion.

More self-delusion than anybody since Reagan. Believe me. Many people are saying that including three million illegals dancing on rooftops and bleeding badly from a facelift.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

Bieber? LoL!! :D

According to The Washington Post, Donald Trump has the lowest approval ratings in America out of all the past Presidents. He is also voted as the most hated man in the world, along with Adolf Hitler and Justin Bieber.

Trump is even more hated than Pharma Bro? That's amazing!

the pharma bro is hated but he is not as hated because not many people know him

Thanks for proving people are expressing uninformed opinions, worthless.


Aside from the great unemployment rate, improving economy, great tax rates, conservative judges, vastly improved border control and winning the war on ISIS, a record number of Liberals are losing sleep every night drowning in their misery.

More businesses closing and fewer jobs every month, no real tax cuts for the working class. Fewer undocumented being deported but its costing more. No evidence that he's "winning the war on ISIS" but he's killed more civilians in 8 months than Obama did in 8 years. Sleeps half the day, tweets daily tantrums and lies, whines like he's 4 years old and vacations constantly. Even his own wife can't stand him.

BUT, on the plus side, his 1% cronies are doing extremely well.

Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

You've never seen groupies then?

Okie Dokie then

My favorite of these "girls" is the porn star that is all pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Read that sentence again, she is pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Let that sink in a minute.

I've never hear that. Please link to credible source. No alternative facts sites. Thanks.
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

I know he is just SO dishonest compared to most politicians who are well known for their honesty. :D
Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything.

Yes to all of the above ...

Throughout his life, trump has never had to account for or pay for his crimes. He believes that his existence is enough reason to crown him King Forever. I think he's still having a really hard time dealing with being held accountable to and by the US govt. Just today, he said it again, that the atty general is and should be his own personal attorney.

He's stupid, he's ignorant and he is unable to learn anything new. That's why he constantly parrots fox.

Like? Not much to like. That doesn't imply hostility. If by accident he does something positive, it should be acknowledged. That remains to be seen.
yeah , i like The TRUMP as i see him as Old Style American Nik !!
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