Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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Yes, no more.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

Foreplay pose? While on the phone?

You pretty much nailed that you are the perv Pogo. Yep, nearly everyone performs foreplay on a phone.

I see I have again posted over the heads of those who don't know what "foreplay" is.

The foreplay pose is hers, not his. That's why the post above already says "the girl in a foreplay pose", which leaves zero wiggle room.

Rump is as usual looking into the camera. That's so that he can print it out and gaze admiringly at a picture of himself admiring himself, for such is the toxic soup in which narcissistic personality disorder swims.

Actually he's paying very little attention to her at all in any of those soft porn shots. He's got her posed to amplify the admiration of Numero Uno. Because, see above. As I also said -- using her as his tool. Which is, again, typical.

Hope I haven't used any too-big words here like "the".
He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

Foreplay pose? While on the phone?

You pretty much nailed that you are the perv Pogo. Yep, nearly everyone performs foreplay on a phone.

I see I have again posted over the heads of those who don't know what "foreplay" is.

The foreplay pose is hers, not his. That's why the post above already says "the girl in a foreplay pose", which leaves zero wiggle room.

Rump is as usual looking into the camera. That's so that he can print it out and gaze admiringly at a picture of himself admiring himself, for such is the toxic soup in which narcissistic personality disorder swims.

Actually he's paying very little attention to her at all in any of those soft porn shots. He's got her posed to amplify the admiration of Numero Uno. Because, see above. As I also said -- using her as his tool. Which is, again, typical.

Hope I haven't used any too-big words here like "the".

OMG, you are the biggest PERV on this board. Keep it up bro.
OP= "
Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no"

Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything."



Do you have a reading comprehension problem, Pogtard?

Ability to follow instructions=FAIL.

I like Trump, he triggers you. :coffee:

Yyyyyeah ummm..... looks to me like you're the one melting down here, Maid Marion.

So when you gonna start charging Trump rent for that space in your head? :aug08_031:

I nominate Pogtard the leftist shill King of USMB.

You're #1! :fu:

Hey, I came, I saw, I answered.

All you could do was whine, stomp your feet and hold your breath like a four-year-old who's just been told no he can't have a cookie. Yet you found absolutely nothing in there to dispute.

I'm good with where I am. You?
Last edited:
OP= "
Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no"

Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything."



Do you have a reading comprehension problem, Pogtard?

Ability to follow instructions=FAIL.

I like Trump, he triggers you. :coffee:

Yyyyyeah ummm..... looks to me like you're the one melting down here, Maid Marion.

So when you gonna start charging Trump rent for that space in your head? :aug08_031:

I nominate Pogtard the leftist shill King of USMB.

You're #1! :fu:

Hey, I came, I saw, I answered.

All you could do was whine, stomp your feet and hold your breath like a four-year-old who's just been told no he can't have a cookie. Yet you found absolutely nothing in there to dispute.

I'm good with where I am. You?
real talk
seriously. who were the ones screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOO when being sworn in and melted down to simply scream at the sky?
if you're gonna bash people for their habits, let's not forget those habits on your own side. :)

Honestly, I don't have a clue what you're referring to?
And.....what exactly is "my side" ?

Because both parties are self interested and no longer actually do what's best for the nation....I find I don't prefer to be either a Democrat OR a "Republican"

Instead, I support candidates who best follow the Constitution and do what's best for ALL Americans....not the elitist class.

The Republicans nowadays are basically the more moderate branch of the extreme Left Wing Democrat Party.

If you want socialist Democrat polices just elect Republicans because that is what you will get.

You are so dishonest, you have been asked over and over if you like the sexual assaulter Clinton if your criteria is as you claim and do you like his enabler, so far you have ignored the question.
republicans protect trump?
Congressional Republicans moved to head off any attempt by President Donald Trumpto fire special counsel Robert Mueller as the president continued to attack the Russia investigation and the Justice Department.

Two Republicans and two Democrats have consolidated their separate bills to protect Mueller into a single piece of legislation that would, according to the sponsors, ensure that the special counsel can only be fired for “good cause.” It would also give the person in that role the ability to seek an expedited judicial review of any dismissal.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa plans to put the bill on the panel’s agenda tomorrow, according to George Hartmann, a Grassley spokesman, though it could get delayed for a week by an objection from a committee member.

That may force the hand of those Republicans, including members of party leadership, who’ve insisted such legislation isn’t needed because Trump won’t go as far as dismissing Mueller, despite his heated rhetoric and public complaints.

That group includes the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, John Cornyn, who also is a member of the Judiciary Committee. He said Wednesday that he continues to view legislation to protect Mueller as unnecessary. He also questioned whether it would get past Trump’s desk.

“If it did pass, would the president sign it? I don’t think he would,” Cornyn said.

Asked about legislation designed to protect Mueller, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the administration doesn’t yet have a position.

Read more: Why Mueller Is One Contestant Trump Can’t Easily Fire

Another potential hurdle is that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has suggested the measure is unnecessary and hasn’t indicated he’d move forward with a vote if it clears committee.

The merged legislation is sponsored by Democratic Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey and Chris Coons of Delaware and Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

“The integrity and independence of special counsel investigations are vital to reaffirming the American people’s confidence in our nation’s rule of law,” Tillis said in a statement.

Coons said the legislation is needed “to ensure not only that Special Counsel Mueller can complete his work without interference, but that special counsels in future investigations can, too.”

Trump’s Reaction
Trump erupted angrily after FBI agents raided the offices of his personal lawyer on Monday, calling Mueller’s investigation “disgraceful” and an “attack on our country.” On Wednesday he called it “corrupt” and said Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the probe, have conflicts of interest.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that Trump has privately discussed firing Mueller and CNN reported that he’s considered firing Rosenstein.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Nope. Don't like the huckster one bit.

He's a far left Democrat acting out a parody of what a Democrat thinks a conservative Republican believes.
How can anyone like that slime bag who over his lifetime has taken advantage of all he did business with Unfair advantage
The left cannot contain its hatred towards the President or his family or anyone who dares to support him. Everyday they become more unhinged.

I have to agree - the fat little cheeto is quite accomplished at mindless destruction.

And he loves him some photo ops - like when he screwed over the coal miners by poisoning them and their families. But hey, he did give that room full of coal miners ONE pen as a souvenir.

Or, lied to the faces to steel workers. He didn't even give them a pen to share.

I'll be you really love the say he screwed the veterans and is continuing to harm them in several different ways.

He's gone after the handicapped, elderly, children, women, lied about a tax cut. And its not just water he is poisoning. Same with our air and food. We're losing jobs, factories, farmers and the list goes on and on.

But you know what? There are actually RWNJs who care nothing at all about any of that. Instead, they support the pos because there are some Americans who don't. Think about that. Let it sink in. RWNJs are thoughtful and aware as grade school drop outs.

republicans protect trump?
Congressional Republicans moved to head off any attempt by President Donald Trumpto fire special counsel Robert Mueller as the president continued to attack the Russia investigation and the Justice Department.

Two Republicans and two Democrats have consolidated their separate bills to protect Mueller into a single piece of legislation that would, according to the sponsors, ensure that the special counsel can only be fired for “good cause.” It would also give the person in that role the ability to seek an expedited judicial review of any dismissal.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa plans to put the bill on the panel’s agenda tomorrow, according to George Hartmann, a Grassley spokesman, though it could get delayed for a week by an objection from a committee member.

That may force the hand of those Republicans, including members of party leadership, who’ve insisted such legislation isn’t needed because Trump won’t go as far as dismissing Mueller, despite his heated rhetoric and public complaints.

That group includes the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, John Cornyn, who also is a member of the Judiciary Committee. He said Wednesday that he continues to view legislation to protect Mueller as unnecessary. He also questioned whether it would get past Trump’s desk.

“If it did pass, would the president sign it? I don’t think he would,” Cornyn said.

Asked about legislation designed to protect Mueller, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the administration doesn’t yet have a position.

Read more: Why Mueller Is One Contestant Trump Can’t Easily Fire

Another potential hurdle is that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has suggested the measure is unnecessary and hasn’t indicated he’d move forward with a vote if it clears committee.

The merged legislation is sponsored by Democratic Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey and Chris Coons of Delaware and Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

“The integrity and independence of special counsel investigations are vital to reaffirming the American people’s confidence in our nation’s rule of law,” Tillis said in a statement.

Coons said the legislation is needed “to ensure not only that Special Counsel Mueller can complete his work without interference, but that special counsels in future investigations can, too.”

Trump’s Reaction
Trump erupted angrily after FBI agents raided the offices of his personal lawyer on Monday, calling Mueller’s investigation “disgraceful” and an “attack on our country.” On Wednesday he called it “corrupt” and said Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the probe, have conflicts of interest.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that Trump has privately discussed firing Mueller and CNN reported that he’s considered firing Rosenstein.

Repubs are leaving congress in droves.

Very good thing for the country.
More than I like the vast majority of leftists. I do like the fact that he makes liberals freak out. It's hilarious!

Do you now, genius? Are you glad your 'team' won? Shit, you must be soiling yourself in your LA-Z-Boy wearing your MAGA hat and rooting at your television 24/7 from all the perceived 'winning' going on. This administration is an embarrassment.

This cavalier attitude is exactly whats going wrong with America these days. We allow the willfully ignorant and the easily swayed to cast votes. No one is held accountable for their actions. SMH. I'm glad you're enjoying the shit show.
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