Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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Like or dislike of a president is kinda irrelevant, if forced to answer and assuming it were based on reality, everyone would dislike him. That would include me. How can anyone like a liar and cheat, a draft dodger, a fake university money trap, a foundation that was crooked and sued, and a man who spends weekends golfing after hypocritically calling our last president out for golfing? Trump didn't even pay his workers and has had over three thousand lawsuits over his shady dealings. It's kinda like loving the devil. Of course there are the deplorables who love him as they both hate the same people, but if your reason for like is hate so be it, but please acknowledge your reasons. The weak and the snowflakes like his bluster and BS it feeds their own hate.

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

PS If you are a Russian troll intent on messing with the American mind, take a rest we have our own wacko think tanks and web sites, they control the flock very well already. Here's a short list: National Inquirer, Fox Media, OAN, Newsmax, Townhall, Breitbart, American Thinker, Washington Times, Heritage, Cato, and the Federalist society. The Koch brothers are way ahead of you Russians, communists could have learned something from them, control education and you create followers.

The Cost of Corruption: Waste and Abuse in President Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." Adolf Hitler

"The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention." Adolf Hitler
More than I like the vast majority of leftists. I do like the fact that he makes liberals freak out. It's hilarious!

Considering that this country is founded on principles of Liberalism, that's revealing.

There is no "left" or "right" with Rump. He'll just tell anybody whatever they want to hear if it creates a cheer, then turn around and say the opposite somewhere else for the same reason. Imagining he occupies any fixed space on a political spectrum, or has any ideology at all, is absurd.

See anything "left" or "right" in there? Sure, both. See any consistency? Nnnnnnnnnnot so much.
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More than I like the vast majority of leftists. I do like the fact that he makes liberals freak out. It's hilarious!

Considering that this country is founded on principles of Liberalism, that's revealing.

There is no "left" or "right" with Rump. He'll just tell anybody whatever they want to hear if it creates a cheer, then turn around and say the opposite somewhere else for the same reason. Imagining he occupies any fixed space on a political spectrum, or has any ideology at all, is absurd.

See anything "left" or "right" in there? Sure. See any consistency? Nnnnnnnnnnot so much.

Yes, but you and those like you hate him, and he doesn't threaten my rights, so all is good in the hood from my point of view. :D
but over here in America you are either Nic'H'olas [with an H] or Nick if you are a male 'euro' and 'Nicky' or 'Nic' if'n you are a girl my young Rookie !! [first decided in the 12th Century'

You are a very warped individual. Kvetching over a screen name spelling? Really? :banghead:

Wanna expound on, say, Karl Rove? Or Fred Christ Trump?
Maybe that's what it is ---- Rump literally thinks he's the Son o' God.
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Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

You've never seen groupies then?

Okie Dokie then

My favorite of these "girls" is the porn star that is all pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Read that sentence again, she is pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Let that sink in a minute.

Sure will. As soon as you link it.

Link what?

She is suing so that she can tell the world that.........................................

wait for it

wait for it


Chicks got severe mental issues

So you have no link --- which the whole world knew --- and now you want to pretend somebody else has "mental issues".

Find thee a mirror. And if what you see in there doesn't involve a straight jacket, you might wanna invest in one.
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Uh huh. I don't want to play the "do you like Donald Trump" game so you come back with Americans are stupid because enough of them voted for Trump that he is now POTUS. :71:
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Uh huh. I don't want to play the "do you like Donald Trump" game so you come back with Americans are stupid because enough of them voted for Trump that he is now POTUS. :71:

Well, he's not a well established honest politician, who cares about people like Pogo, so it's very bad. Very bad indeed.
More than I like the vast majority of leftists. I do like the fact that he makes liberals freak out. It's hilarious!

Considering that this country is founded on principles of Liberalism, that's revealing.

There is no "left" or "right" with Rump. He'll just tell anybody whatever they want to hear if it creates a cheer, then turn around and say the opposite somewhere else for the same reason. Imagining he occupies any fixed space on a political spectrum, or has any ideology at all, is absurd.

See anything "left" or "right" in there? Sure. See any consistency? Nnnnnnnnnnot so much.

Yes, but you and those like you hate him, and he doesn't threaten my rights, so all is good in the hood from my point of view. :D

Actually he threatens everybody's rights, if you believe in that pesky Constitution thing, the one he took an oath to preserve protect and defend. Of course when you're an inveterate liar "oaths" don't mean diddly. When you're self-delusional enough to contradict your own words and claim you never said them even when they're recorded, well then it's pretty much pointless to administer any kind of oath at all.

Ironically the only thing that protects us is that same wishy-washy failure to take a position. He's like the stock market -- way over here today, way over there tomorrow. So our best hope is that he contradicts and disavows his own attacks on, say, the First, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments.

You didn't address the point at all btw.
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Uh huh. I don't want to play the "do you like Donald Trump" game so you come back with Americans are stupid because enough of them voted for Trump that he is now POTUS. :71:

How 'bout the "render that post in Engish' game? That's always fun.
More than I like the vast majority of leftists. I do like the fact that he makes liberals freak out. It's hilarious!

Considering that this country is founded on principles of Liberalism, that's revealing.

There is no "left" or "right" with Rump. He'll just tell anybody whatever they want to hear if it creates a cheer, then turn around and say the opposite somewhere else for the same reason. Imagining he occupies any fixed space on a political spectrum, or has any ideology at all, is absurd.

See anything "left" or "right" in there? Sure. See any consistency? Nnnnnnnnnnot so much.

Yes, but you and those like you hate him, and he doesn't threaten my rights, so all is good in the hood from my point of view. :D

Actually he threatens everybody's rights, if you believe in that pesky Constitution thing, the one he took an oath to preserve protect and defend. Of course when you're an inveterate liar "oaths" don't mean diddly. When you're self-delusional enough to contradict your own words and claim you never said them even when they're recorded, well then it's pretty much pointless to administer any kind of oath at all.

Ironically the only thing that protects us is that same wishy-washy failure to take a position. He's like the stock market -- way over here today, way over there tomorrow. So our best hope is that he contradicts and disavows his own attacks on, say, the First, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments.

You didn't address the point at all btw.

He hasn't attacked any of my rights thankfully. I'm feeling pretty good about him actually. I completely agree with his platform of angering liberals and making them show their true hateful selves It's all good as far as I'm concerned.
I stopped measuring people by whether I liked them or not when I left grade school. Trump is POTUS. He works for the American people. My concern about him is limited to how he does that job.

I'd have to say my concern is far more being co-inhabitants of a country that would even entertain putting a con artist who's never held a job in his life into the most responsible job in the world. Seems like a bit of a leap there. But as the old truism goes, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Uh huh. I don't want to play the "do you like Donald Trump" game so you come back with Americans are stupid because enough of them voted for Trump that he is now POTUS. :71:

How 'bout the "render that post in Engish' game? That's always fun.
This is why you bore me. It's always the same shtick. You don't respond to what people say, all you offer is insults. I don't like you! LOLOLOL
The organizations that stand against him make him stand that much taller over them. Center for American Progress, Media Matters, Think Progress, Washington Post, New York Times, Slate, Salon, Mother Jones.

With these as enemies and the brainless fools that follow their smell, Trump is nothing short of God-Like.

So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

You've never seen groupies then?

Okie Dokie then

My favorite of these "girls" is the porn star that is all pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Read that sentence again, she is pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Let that sink in a minute.

Sure will. As soon as you link it.

Link what?

She is suing so that she can tell the world that.........................................

wait for it

wait for it


Chicks got severe mental issues

So you have no link --- which the whole world knew --- and now you want to pretend somebody else has "mental issues".

Find thee a mirror. And if what you see in there doesn't involve a straight jacket, you might wanna invest in one.

Ohhhhh, I get it, you didn't watch the 60 minutes interview cuz a youngin bought you a fancy new remote and you can't figure out how ta use it.

Very sorry bout dat.
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