Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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the chick in the photo is better looking then the 'mariah' chick in my opinion , neither would get into 'nick' old yeller Vega station wagon though !! [imo]

I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.
the chick in the photo is better looking then the 'mariah' chick in my opinion , neither would get into 'nick' old yeller Vega station wagon though !! [imo]

I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.
shes actually 23

What you mean to say is that she is not actually your girlfriend nor is she anyone you know but a picture that you took from the internet of someone to claim that it is your girlfriend to try to impress other strangers on the internet. :D
the chick in the photo is better looking then the 'mariah' chick in my opinion , neither would get into 'nick' old yeller Vega station wagon though !! [imo]

I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:
Do I like Donald Trump? Not one bit. Did I vote for him last time? Yes. Will I vote for him again in 2020 assuming he runs? Yes, no matter who the democrat is. Why? Because his policies are so much better for the country than what the democrats want to do, and they are moving even further to the left all the time. Donald J. Trump is a God Damned jerk, but presidential elections are not a popularity contest. Now if it comes to light that he himself has actually committed a crime then that's another matter.
the chick in the photo is better looking then the 'mariah' chick in my opinion , neither would get into 'nick' old yeller Vega station wagon though !! [imo]

I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

the chick in the photo is better looking then the 'mariah' chick in my opinion , neither would get into 'nick' old yeller Vega station wagon though !! [imo]

I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.
I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon
I didn't see any "chicks" in the photo, only a girl who looks about 15 years old.

Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

Judging by Ivanka's demeanor around her father, he has not sexually molested and did not ever sexually molest her. Fling poo if that is all you have though. Like you were told MANY times in the past, those photo shoots are all set up when you arrive to shoot them. Those were professional photo shoots. The background and the poses are decided upon by the professional photographer who is doing the shoot.
Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

why you ask?

because he's a god damned traitor to the constitution of the united states.
Are we posting pics of Rump humping his daughter again?

For me it's not the fact that Rump sexually-objectified his own offspring when she was fifteen --- it's much more the psychological question of why the fuck anybody would want the whole world to think he's an incestuous pedophile. That's indicative of a severely fucked-up head. And I mean even without all the other indications.

Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

Judging by Ivanka's demeanor around her father, he has not sexually molested and did not ever sexually molest her. Fling poo if that is all you have though. Like you were told MANY times in the past, those photo shoots are all set up when you arrive to shoot them. Those were professional photo shoots. The background and the poses are decided upon by the professional photographer who is doing the shoot.

Ummm... nnnnnno, they're decided upon by the adult who ordered them. And obviously the ones he wanted splashed in the media were the incestuous-pedophiliac ones. We can only imagine which ones he nixed, but we can expect it was because they weren't sexually suggestive enough.

Again -- nobody but the two of them knows if molestation happened. What we do know is he wanted the world to think in those terms. In fact he made a point of spreading that image around to anyone who would listen.

And again, that's his attention-whoring, the trait of a narcissist who never matured and has to constantly puff himself up in every way he can think of, even if it involves an image of incest.

Go ahead and tell us why that's not fucked up, especially for the fifteen-year-old girl who was used as his tool.

And as far as her demeanor around him --- watch her pull away ...


She at least recognizes that they're on national TV and not going to get away with grab-ass.

Frankly she would have done us all a favor if she had just let him go. That is, if y'all Rumpbots who he correctly assessed would still vote for him after he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue, would not after he grabbed his own daughter's ass on national TV, the same setting where he talked about the size of his dick.

But then y'all probably would have ignored that too. Such is the self-delusionary power of partisan hackitude. The same partisan hackitude that has already impelled several posters right here to admit they "like" this freak on no deeper basis than because other people who they consider some inferior life form, do not. As will now be re-re-re-demonstrated in post 146.
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Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?
Oh, I know. The evidence is in that the POTUS had sex with his daughter. :D Lol.

Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

Judging by Ivanka's demeanor around her father, he has not sexually molested and did not ever sexually molest her. Fling poo if that is all you have though. Like you were told MANY times in the past, those photo shoots are all set up when you arrive to shoot them. Those were professional photo shoots. The background and the poses are decided upon by the professional photographer who is doing the shoot.

Ummm... nnnnnno, they're decided upon by the adult who ordered them. And obviously the ones he wanted splashed in the media were the incestuous-pedophiliac ones. We can only imagine which ones he nixed, but we can expect it was because they weren't sexually suggestive enough.

Again -- nobody but the two of them knows if molestation happened. What we do know is he wanted the world to think in those terms. In fact he made a point of spreading that image around to anyone who would listen.

And again, that's his attention-whoring, the trait of a narcissist who never matured and has to constantly puff himself up in every way he can think of, even if it involves an image of incest.

Go ahead and tell us why that's not fucked up, especially for the fifteen-year-old girl who was used as his tool.

Are you crazy? For realsies I ask because that is one messed up view of things you have there.
Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

So you are accusing this man of something, yet you don't know him, have never even spoken to him, have never spoken to his daughter and yet okay to make all of these assumptions over a couple of pictures? Why don't you just be honest and say you don't like him because he beat Hillary instead of making up piss poor reasons. Lol.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Yes absolutely. I admire the man for making himself a billionaire but not forgetting the working man,for taking time out of his life and business to run for the most thankless job in the world to save us from Hillary Clinton and her ilk,for destroying the cuckservative wing of the GOP and forcing the democrat party to show its true colors!
Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

Oh, so art work determines whether or not a person is a child molester? That's a pretty serious accusation.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Yes absolutely. I admire the man for making himself a billionaire but not forgetting the working man,for taking time out of his life and business to run for the most thankless job in the world to save us from Hillary Clinton and her ilk,for destroying the cuckservative wing of the GOP and forcing the democrat party to show its true colors!

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