Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Yes absolutely. I admire the man for making himself a billionaire but not forgetting the working man,for taking time out of his life and business to run for the most thankless job in the world to save us from Hillary Clinton and her ilk,for destroying the cuckservative wing of the GOP and forcing the democrat party to show its true colors!

You laugh at my comment. I get to laugh for the next 7.5 years and really for the rest of my life knowing that evil haggard BITCH Clinton will NEVER be President of my country! MUAHAHHAHA!
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Yes absolutely. I admire the man for making himself a billionaire but not forgetting the working man,for taking time out of his life and business to run for the most thankless job in the world to save us from Hillary Clinton and her ilk,for destroying the cuckservative wing of the GOP and forcing the democrat party to show its true colors!

You laugh at my comment. I get to laugh for the next 7.5 years and really for the rest of my life knowing that evil haggard BITCH Clinton will NEVER be President of my country! MUAHAHHAHA!

i will be laughing when trumpco gets to wear a pair of handcuffs.

& me thinx hillary has started to pop the champagne....
He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

Oh, so art work determines whether or not a person is a child molester? That's a pretty serious accusation.

No idea what you're babbling incoherently about here. You tried to draw a comparison, and I shot it out of the sky. The word "KABLOOEY" comes to mind. In an onomatopoetic kinda way.

There is no issue of whether "a person is a child molester" unless that's what you're trying to imply about Joe Biden because you can't handle the question on the table so you change the subject. That question was, and remains, why would any man want to deliberately imply to the world that he IS not only a child molester but an incestuous one to boot?

I mean even Roy Moore didn't go that far. And he got beat by a Democrat in Alafrickinbama.

Why indeed.

Whelp, about time to change the subject again. Your move.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

Before I saw this thread my answer would probably have been no, however, I've reconsidered my position.

Why? Cuz he drives Progs insane and it is not even a tenth of what you deserve.

Killing the unborn with impunity, treating illegal immigrants better than US citizens, trying to legalize drugs when they kill far more people than those with guns, using the race card every chance you get, and all with an air of arrogance that you are better than those with differing opinions?

You are destroying the nation.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

What? The most hated man determined by a poll taken by people who hate him?

Didn't you just create a thread elsewhere where you start out saying you LIKE AND SUPPORT Trump?

Trump has never been proven to have assaulted anyone. 12-15 years ago a secret video was taken where they recorded Trump as admitting that as the owner of a beauty pageant, women contestants would willingly throw themselves at him and others inviting men to do anything they wanted in the hopes that it would win them favor in the contest! That says more about the women than it does for Trump. What red-blooded guy wouldn't be tempted to take advantage of a beautiful woman throwing herself at you offering you her body?

One thing becoming clear about you is that not only are you a hack, but your every thread ends up being about BASHING MEN.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

What? The most hated man determined by a poll taken by people who hate him?

Didn't you just create a thread elsewhere where you start out saying you LIKE AND SUPPORT Trump?

Trump has never been proven to have assaulted anyone. 12-15 years ago a secret video was taken where they recorded Trump as admitting that as the owner of a beauty pageant, women contestants would willingly throw themselves at him and others inviting men to do anything they wanted in the hopes that it would win them favor in the contest! That says more about the women than it does for Trump. What red-blooded guy wouldn't be tempted to take advantage of a beautiful woman throwing herself at you offering you her body?

One thing becoming clear about you is that not only are you a hack, but your every thread ends up being about BASHING MEN.
19 women have said Trump assaulted them in the very same way he described to Billy Bush the way he does assault women.
But you believe a confirmed pathological liar over each and every woman.
Says so much about YOU.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Unless you’re a white supremacist or a cult member it’s impossible to like this hateful, vile, incompetent man.
The bar has been set soooooo low, Trump only has to do 2 things to be the best President in the last half century.

1. Don't start a war
2. Improve the economy.

I know that is hurtful to you, but the truth hurts.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Unless you’re a white supremacist or a cult member it’s impossible to like this hateful, vile, incompetent man.
The bar has been set soooooo low, Trump only has to do 2 things to be the best President in the last half century.

1. Don't start a war
2. Improve the economy.

I know that is hurtful to you, but the truth hurts.

I like the President because he refuses to kowtow to certain interest groups beloved by the media and academia.

* Some people think undocumented immigrants should be welcomed with open arms. He says NO.
* Some people think that cops are always wrong. He says NO.
* Some people think that all the problems of this country are due to a certain group's "privilege." He says NO.
* Some people think that we should be a sugar daddy to the whole world. He says NO.
I like him a hellva lot more than I liked obozo, but that ain’t saying much
i liked and The Trump from the beginning and i knew i knew i did good work by voting for him when he slapped that 'dick'o markovik' of 'montenegro off to the side on some stage in 'europe' !! [get outa my way 'dick'o'] And The TRUMP even didn't say a word POGO !!
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Yes. I like him. And the more fierce he is against liberal loudmouths, the better I like him.

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