Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

Why does it matter if they are jumping on the "He did it to me too!" train?
I respect the spirit of your position, and no, I do not like the way the establishment runs the country. However, if you read my previous reply carefully, you’ll discern that I am anti-establishment altogether - a voluntaryist - and that rather than hang your hat upon anyone, I would have you place it snugly upon your own head
If they are successful in over turning the last election by removing Trump from office and the economy goes back to 2010 levels where will you hang your hat then?
This is our last chance at getting rid of a mediocre future and a mediocre nation run by entrenched impossible to vote out scoundrels that hold no respect for the constitution...last chance....after what they do to Trump if they are successful no one from the outside will ever try and run for president again....we will lose...all of us...from Trump supporters to Bernie supporters to libertarians to "voluntarist"...

I do not agree that there is any hope to be found within the system. Should Ron Paul be elected president, I would not be satisfied; and you would be hard-pressed to find a more steadfast “freedom man” anywhere in Washington.

There are no “last chances” for those committed to true freedom. The anarchist’s hope resides in non-compliance, and this can never be stripped away. Should a significant minority come to understand their inherent self-ownership, and the fundamental invalidity and immorality of government, the simple act of turning toward new solutions and away from old ones would see “the establishment” starve unto oblivion through sheer lack of attention.
How do you feel about this guy?

I “feel” that he’s literally a psychopath.
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

No, that's an organized scheme to smear him.

And I laughed at the fans of Clinton crying after she lost......

Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly


So you don't like people because they were accused, but not proven?

Nope, not going there
if it was one or two girls i would give him the benefit of the doubt
but having what was it 17 different girls accusing him? the man is guilty!

You've never seen groupies then?

Okie Dokie then

My favorite of these "girls" is the porn star that is all pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Read that sentence again, she is pissed off because someone denied sleeping with her. Let that sink in a minute.

I've never hear that. Please link to credible source. No alternative facts sites. Thanks.

LMAO! Link please, and only links I agree with. That's pretty freakin funny!
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

If you are asking us to make a judgement based exclusively on moral character.... yeah, his constant screwing around, and replacing wife after wife, is obviously a complete and total fail.

The one difference though, is that Trump did all this garbage years ago, before being president. Bill Clinton, was screwing women while actually in office, and using the power of government to attack women that charged him with rape.

Why didn't we have worldwide poll condemning Clinton?

In fact, I would argue it was the lack of moral outrage at Clinton, that directly allowed Trump to be elected.

That's how we got to where we are. Because when you defend someone who has no morals whatsoever, you lose credibility when someone you don't like is equally immoral, and you start screaming about it.
Do we "like him?"

What kind of stupid childish chicken shit question is that?

Only from a fucking left winger. Do we like him, or do we "like," "like," him?

Liberals folks
I am not American. I like him. He talks openly unlike all the fake bastards before him (and in Europe).
He's not politically correct on obvious matters like the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Yeah Trumpy!
Do we "like him?"

What kind of stupid childish chicken shit question is that?

Only from a fucking left winger. Do we like him, or do we "like," "like," him?

Liberals folks

Compared to Hillary, I really like Trump...but that isn't saying much.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
no internal links to the poll, so I'm suspicious that you're a paid troll.

aside from that

yes, I like him.
he doesn't give a fuck about other countries
he cut taxes for most of us
he made china bow
he got out of that idiotic paris accord
he's doing to the epa what they have been doing to Americans for decades
the economy is growing, quickly
ue is down
jobs are up
and he pisses off millions of leftists just by waking up.
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