Do you like Donald Trump? Simple yes or no

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i liked and The Trump from the beginning and i knew i knew i did good work by voting for him when he slapped that 'dick'o markovik' of 'montenegro off to the side on some stage in 'europe' !! [get outa my way 'dick'o'] And The TRUMP even didn't say a word POGO !!

That was a national embarrassment. One of many of course.

And you "like" your country looking like an asshole, do ya. Doesn't that speak volumes.
12-15 years ago a secret video was taken where they recorded Trump as admitting that as the owner of a beauty pageant, women contestants would willingly throw themselves at him and others inviting men to do anything they wanted in the hopes that it would win them favor in the contest! That says more about the women than it does for Trump.

Actually what says much is that you have no link or valid source for this claim.

What red-blooded guy wouldn't be tempted to take advantage of a beautiful woman throwing herself at you offering you her body?

What kind of freakman walks into teenage girls' dressing room while they're unclothed and thinks it's OK because he owns the pageant? Or watches a ten-year-old ascend the escalator after warning her he'd be "dating you in a few years"? Or sets up soft-porn pics with his own fifteen-year-old daughter? Hm?

Trump has never been proven to have assaulted anyone.

Then Rump is lying when he said "I just start kissing. I don't even wait" and would grab them by the Tic Tac?
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Yes absolutely. I admire the man for making himself a billionaire but not forgetting the working man,for taking time out of his life and business to run for the most thankless job in the world to save us from Hillary Clinton and her ilk,for destroying the cuckservative wing of the GOP and forcing the democrat party to show its true colors!

You laugh at my comment. I get to laugh for the next 7.5 years and really for the rest of my life knowing that evil haggard BITCH Clinton will NEVER be President of my country! MUAHAHHAHA!

i will be laughing when trumpco gets to wear a pair of handcuffs.

& me thinx hillary has started to pop the champagne....
And the opposite of that is a mass suicide of libtards right!? Please say yes! That would be beautiful! Because it ain't gonna happen just like it didn't happen to Nixon or Clinton.
12-15 years ago a secret video was taken where they recorded Trump as admitting that as the owner of a beauty pageant, women contestants would willingly throw themselves at him and others inviting men to do anything they wanted in the hopes that it would win them favor in the contest! That says more about the women than it does for Trump.

Actually what says much is that you have no link or valid source for this claim.

What red-blooded guy wouldn't be tempted to take advantage of a beautiful woman throwing herself at you offering you her body?

What kind of freakman walks into teenage girls' dressing room while they're unclothed and thinks it's OK because he owns the pageant? Or watches a ten-year-old ascend the escalator after warning her he'd be "dating you in a few years"? Or sets up soft-porn pics with his own fifteen-year-old daughter? Hm?

Trump has never been proven to have assaulted anyone.

Then Rump is lying when he said "I just start kissing. I don't even wait" and would grab them by the Tic Tac?
Liberal loonieness without him knowing it.
What must Pogo think of John Podesta given the artwork he displays? :eek: Much more disturbing stuff than a statue of two parrots mating, that is for sure!

How would Pogo know anything about "John Podesta's artwork"? What, do you think John Podesta invited me up to see his "etchings"? :cuckoo:
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Unless you’re a white supremacist or a cult member it’s impossible to like this hateful, vile, incompetent man.
Unless you are a faggot,a white hating racist,or a mentally ill freak you hate Hillary Clinton and the democratic party!
Yes I like him...he is the first president in my lifetime that is willing to go through hell fighting the establishment pro war globalist bastards in our government...For us...he is doing it for us not himself like the others do...Clinton Bush Obama all were out for themselves and really do not care about us or the nation....Trump is an outsider he is different and he is under assault because of it...
Is he a perfect man? No but he is pro business...and he is a fighter for freedom....

Consider it carefully... Does any man seek the seat of highest power in the nation from a position of selflessness? No less a man who's built a life around money, boobs, and "winning"? Does any man who wishes to have dominion over others do so for the sake of those others? And do you believe that those with the wealth and power to influence which candidates rise to the highest positions simply sit back and wait for voters to make a fair choice, or do they use their influence to tip the odds in their favor by assuring that only "team players" or those easily manipulated make their way to the front of the line, regardless of which party they associate with?

Outsiders don't make it to the presidency and remain outsiders. If they do, they catch a bullet like Regan and quickly fall in line; or they get it in the head like Kennedy and the march toward world domination continues in their absence. The whole thing is a sham, run by gangsters. The president can't do anything to save "the people". Trump is "under assault" the same way a pro wrestler is under assault. Politics is a dog-and-pony show: the "marks" debate all day long about the drama, while the "promoters" are laughing all the way to the Federal Reserve Bank.

And if you really think about it, it's foolish to expect that it would be any other way.
Consider it carefully... Does any man seek the seat of highest power in the nation from a position of selflessness? No less a man who's built a life around money, boobs, and "winning"? Does any man who wishes to have dominion over others do so for the sake of those others? And do you believe that those with the wealth and power to influence which candidates rise to the highest positions simply sit back and wait for voters to make a fair choice, or do they use their influence to tip the odds in their favor by assuring that only "team players" or those easily manipulated make their way to the front of the line, regardless of which party they associate with?

Outsiders don't make it to the presidency and remain outsiders. If they do, they catch a bullet like Regan and quickly fall in line; or they get it in the head like Kennedy and the march toward world domination continues in their absence. The whole thing is a sham, run by gangsters. The president can't do anything to save "the people". Trump is "under assault" the same way a pro wrestler is under assault. Politics is a dog-and-pony show: the "marks" debate all day long about the drama, while the "promoters" are laughing all the way to the Federal Reserve Bank.

And if you really think about it, it's foolish to expect that it would be any other way.
If you like the way the establishment runs the country then you will never agree with me...Trump is a welcome departure from business as usual in DC...that is why the DNC and the GOP want him can't be because he will ruin the economy the economy is kicking ass....
It can't be because he will start WW3 because the people that crave that are already in the house and senate and want Trump you have to think very you enjoy the status quo where we go to war to depose a leader and rebuild the nation we just blew to hell? you like 1% growth and 6% unemployment? do you like high taxes with nothing to show for it but wealthier politicians?
No thank you...I will hang my hat on the outsider...the man all of the insiders hate and fear....
Who cares, even I don't care whether I like him. I know however that he is the last remaining thread between civilization and destruction.
Is it. Well sorry but that's irrelevant unless your name is Ivanka.

But the fact that he wants the world to think that, now that's fucked up.
Go ahead and try to make the case that it isn't. Oughta be hilarious.

He wants the world to think that? Is that what he told you? You two must be pretty close friends to be having such discussions. :113:

He told the whole world that by deliberately posing himself in softcore erotica with fucking parrots (no, I mean literally-fucking parrots) and in bed, again literally in bed, with his 15-year-old daughter.

But go ahead and speculate on wtf he was thinking in doing that. And put yourself in Ivanka's place.

This is where we started really --- manipulative con artist constantly acting as his own fluff girl. Doesn't matter who gets used in the process, the only thing that matters is wanking Numero Uno.

You realize what a sick pervert you appear to be?

You seriously think that every parent who poses for a photo with their child while sitting on a bed is acting out some sexual fetish?

Get help, and soon

But Joe Biden who actually does put his old man hands all over young girls who are not even his daughter is just a "friendly fellow." Bwa ha ha! :D

When you come up with such a picture posed in front of parrots fucking or in a bed with the girl in a foreplay pose, you be sure to let us know. K?

Foreplay pose? While on the phone?

You pretty much nailed that you are the perv Pogo. Yep, nearly everyone performs foreplay on a phone.
i liked and The Trump from the beginning and i knew i knew i did good work by voting for him when he slapped that 'dick'o markovik' of 'montenegro off to the side on some stage in 'europe' !! [get outa my way 'dick'o'] And The TRUMP even didn't say a word POGO !!

That was a national embarrassment. One of many of course.

And you "like" your country looking like an asshole, do ya. Doesn't that speak volumes.
------------------------------------ to WHO , I'm an American and the USA is the best and i'm thinking that it'll be that way at least for my lifetime . 'dick'o markovic' is only a well coiffed 'anus' Pogo , same as the rest of those 'eurotypes' on stage .
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Consider it carefully... Does any man seek the seat of highest power in the nation from a position of selflessness? No less a man who's built a life around money, boobs, and "winning"? Does any man who wishes to have dominion over others do so for the sake of those others? And do you believe that those with the wealth and power to influence which candidates rise to the highest positions simply sit back and wait for voters to make a fair choice, or do they use their influence to tip the odds in their favor by assuring that only "team players" or those easily manipulated make their way to the front of the line, regardless of which party they associate with?

Outsiders don't make it to the presidency and remain outsiders. If they do, they catch a bullet like Regan and quickly fall in line; or they get it in the head like Kennedy and the march toward world domination continues in their absence. The whole thing is a sham, run by gangsters. The president can't do anything to save "the people". Trump is "under assault" the same way a pro wrestler is under assault. Politics is a dog-and-pony show: the "marks" debate all day long about the drama, while the "promoters" are laughing all the way to the Federal Reserve Bank.

And if you really think about it, it's foolish to expect that it would be any other way.
If you like the way the establishment runs the country then you will never agree with me...Trump is a welcome departure from business as usual in DC...that is why the DNC and the GOP want him can't be because he will ruin the economy the economy is kicking ass....
It can't be because he will start WW3 because the people that crave that are already in the house and senate and want Trump you have to think very you enjoy the status quo where we go to war to depose a leader and rebuild the nation we just blew to hell? you like 1% growth and 6% unemployment? do you like high taxes with nothing to show for it but wealthier politicians?
No thank you...I will hang my hat on the outsider...the man all of the insiders hate and fear....

I respect the spirit of your position, and no, I do not like the way the establishment runs the country. However, if you read my previous reply carefully, you’ll discern that I am anti-establishment altogether - a voluntaryist - and that rather than hang your hat upon anyone, I would have you place it snugly upon your own head.
Donald Trump is the most hated man in the world, according to worldwide poll
Do you like Donald Trump? Yes or no, and also explain why if you want to

My answer, no. Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly
Emotions don't belong in politics. This isn't a school popularity contest.
The only proper metric to measure by is job approval & or success with his agenda.

On that I would give him about a B.
The GOP a D
And the Dems an F
Utterly self-absorbed arrogant manipulative pathologically lying hypocritical narcissistic elitist asswipe who's never taken an iota of responsibility for a damn thing in his pathetic apology for a life, was not only born on third base thinking he hit a triple but thinks he actually invented the triple, simply by virtue of being born, and what's more it was the greatest triple in the history of God, believe me, who then melts down into a petulant six-year-old throughout the night firing off whiny tweets to anyone gullible enough to read them, should anybody question whether he did a damn thing to hit that triple and spends all the time he's not masturbating his own image in selling snake oil con jobs about 'selling feelings' to any rube dullwitted enough to be impressed by it.

What's not to like? Oh wait ---- everything.
I respect the spirit of your position, and no, I do not like the way the establishment runs the country. However, if you read my previous reply carefully, you’ll discern that I am anti-establishment altogether - a voluntaryist - and that rather than hang your hat upon anyone, I would have you place it snugly upon your own head
If they are successful in over turning the last election by removing Trump from office and the economy goes back to 2010 levels where will you hang your hat then?
This is our last chance at getting rid of a mediocre future and a mediocre nation run by entrenched impossible to vote out scoundrels that hold no respect for the constitution...last chance....after what they do to Trump if they are successful no one from the outside will ever try and run for president again....we will lose...all of us...from Trump supporters to Bernie supporters to libertarians to "voluntarist"...
Dont like him at all, due to his sexual assault allegations mainly

You don't like someone because of something someone else alleges?

How do you feel about this guy?
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