Do You Miss Him Yet?

We see how well that's done against ISIS, which Obama created.

Beats boots on the ground
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.
Beats boots on the ground
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.

2/26/01: "Future Iraq Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III says: "The new administration seems to be paying no attention to the problem of terrorism."
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.

2/26/01: "Future Iraq Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III says: "The new administration seems to be paying no attention to the problem of terrorism."
They were asleep at the wheel/drunk w/ promises of taxpayer-financed def contractor giveaways in the lead up to their disastrous iraq fiasco said Bush II Sec O'Neill - O Neill Bush planned Iraq invasion before 9 11 - Jan. 14 2004
Do I miss W?

Why would I miss a guy who lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in SEVERAL attacks on SEVERAL diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, tortured prisoners, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, massively expanded the scope and power of the federal government, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression?

What person in their right mind would miss that guy? Serious question.

If I didn't think America was already in serious trouble under George W. Bush (and I did, by the way), what happened at Abu Ghraib with American soldiers being equated with Nazis in the minds of people all over the world was the final straw for me. Then that idiot. Bush, went on TV and with that silly smirk on his face flippantly said that America doesn't torture. I seriously doubt that anyone actually thought that even Bush believed what he was saying. Later on, when it was finally revealed to what extents the Bush administration had gone in order to change the definition of torture with John Yoo's memos etc.

By the way, two days after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order repudiating those memos as a legal justification for torture.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy and unfortunately part of Americas legacy now

And drone attacks are a part of the Obama legacy.
And the hundreds of terrorists killed by such attacks and the American soldiers not dead because we could strike from the sky.
"Put out of work..." You are a fucking moron. The 90 million number you idiots keep talking about is every person over the age of 16 who does not hold a full time job. It includes every single student in high school, college and beyond who is not working. It includes anyone who has retired. It includes Mitt Fucking Romney. Anyone taking a sabbatical; working under the table, in prison, disabled. etc. How do people as stupid as you function in normal society? Who tells you which shoe goes on which foot? Reminds you to wipe and flush?
It's a record number of people not working. If the workforce participation rate were the same as it was when Bush left office Obama's UE rate would be over 10% even today.
Have you bothered to try to find out why that number is up? Why do people leave the job market? Here, educate yourself. Declining Labor Participation Rates
Yeah is certainly my go-to.
Of course not. Facts do not matter to pricks like you. You got your opinions; who cares about facts.
You wouldnt know a fact from a fuck. Move on.
And yet you have posted none. Not a single, verifiable fact.
He was not a liar.

We found the weapons of mass destruction.


Not just 'some" weapons of mass destruction but "the" weapons of mass destruction. They never found them. While certainly one of his biggest lies it was not his only one.
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
Asking for evidence is like speaking Urdu to this crowd. They dont need evidence. They KNOW Bush stole the 2000 election, lied about IRaq to get Congressional approval, deregulated the banking industry, caused the recession, let bin Laden go, and allowed Dick Cheney to reap millions for Halliburton's middle east no bid contracts.
Never mind there is not one scintilla of evidence for any of that. They repeat it endlessly. Evidence just becomes proof they are right.
You get provided evidence, statistics reported on from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that explain the numbers you whine about, the same place you fucking go the number you complain about, and you reject it. Facts and evidence would never change your view. You prefer to have opinions ignorant of the relevant facts.
Yes,a known left wing outlet, is certainly reliable.
The truth is people are dropping out of the workforce and applying for disability in record numbers because they cannot find jobs.
Thanks, Obama!
A "fact" requires evidence. You have none. did nothing more than report the numbers from the BLS, the same place you got your 90 Million number. There is no evidence you can produce that establishes that people are leaving the job force because they cannot find jobs. The objective, provable evidence is that more people are moving into the work force. Why don't you go post somewhere where they appreciate fact deficient opinions.
"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
Gee I thought terrorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with Saddam's defiance of peace accords was responsible for two wars, which were both authorized by Congress.
Guess I'm right and you're wrong, as usual.
You thought wrong on both counts. And neither war was authorized by Congress. That would require a declaration of war.
LOL! I present facts and you present fiction.
Did the UN authorize the use of force to enforce "their peace accords"? Yes or no? Did congress explicitly authorize the invasion of Iraq, or grant the President the authority to do what he believed was needed? This is what was authorized:

SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. (a) AUTHORIZATION.—The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to— (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq was not necessary and appropriate to defend the national security of the US. The UN issued no resolution authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
Beats boots on the ground
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.
Bill Clinton was not told to expect an attack by AQ on American Soil and did nothing to stop it.
Beats boots on the ground
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.

Wasn't Bill Clinton reading "My Pet Goat"
"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
Gee I thought terrorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with Saddam's defiance of peace accords was responsible for two wars, which were both authorized by Congress.
Guess I'm right and you're wrong, as usual.
You thought wrong on both counts. And neither war was authorized by Congress. That would require a declaration of war.
LOL! I present facts and you present fiction.
Did the UN authorize the use of force to enforce "their peace accords"? Yes or no? Did congress explicitly authorize the invasion of Iraq, or grant the President the authority to do what he believed was needed? This is what was authorized:

SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. (a) AUTHORIZATION.—The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to— (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq was not necessary and appropriate to defend the national security of the US. The UN issued no resolution authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
If the president overtepped his bounds Congress could have cut off funding any time. BUt they funded the Iraq War every step of the way.
You are simply wrong on the facts.
You prefer losing?

I prefer not losing 7000 American lives in a senseless invasion
So you prefer terrorist attacks, hideous slaughter, and a radical Islamic state.
You're pathetic.

I prefer live Americans to senseless nation building in lands that despise us
Tell that to the live Americans in the Twin Towers on 9/11 who were victims of Bill Clinton's failed terrorism policy.

Wasn't Bill Clinton reading "My Pet Goat"
He was probably fucking someone's pet goat.
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

No, I don't miss him, not at all. He was a tax and spend liberal even when he had both chambers of Congress. He got us into Iraq, which wasn't our problem. Attacking Afghanistan who actually attacked us was right, but then he tried to nation build there which was a stupid idea as shown by the Russians and the British ... four times ...

After implementing stupid policies, he made it far worse by thinking he was Reaganesque, above the fray, by not responding to ridiculous Democrat attacks, when he actually looked clueless and uninformed. And that in turn greatly emboldened the Democratic party as undisputed lies in DC, no matter how ridiculous, become truth. He caused such a massive rout that he is why Democrats got the numbers they did to ram Obamacare down our throat.

He correctly said Clinton's policies to inflate the housing market by coercing banks into making subprime loans and funding them with free Fed money was a bad idea, then continued and expanded the program.

He never vetoed a spending bill and proposed budgets that grew the Federal government in every way (inflation, GDP, ...) BEFORE even starting to negotiate with the Democrats. He legalized many illegal aliens while getting nothing in return. Signed the so called transportation bill Christmas tree and the so called campaign finance reform bill that even he said was blatantly Unconstitutional ...before he signed it ... He also created the no Child gets ahead program to stifle quality education for our brightest kids. And let's not forget adding a prescription drug welfare program to Medicare.

The guy built his administration based on his fathers cronies who dragged him, willingly, into tax and spend liberalism and activist military policies for their own benefit, not the country's. He was worse than the Democrats because he got so much more than they ever would have dreamed of getting.

Miss W? No freaking way. And if Jeb is nominated, I will vote for the Democrat for that reason, they won't get everything that Jeb will get if he wins
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

No, I don't miss him, not at all. He was a tax and spend liberal even when he had both chambers of Congress. He got us into Iraq, which wasn't our problem. Attacking Afghanistan who actually attacked us was right, but then he tried to nation build there which was a stupid idea as shown by the Russians and the British ... four times ...

After implementing stupid policies, he made it far worse by thinking he was Reaganesque, above the fray, by not responding to ridiculous Democrat attacks, when he actually looked clueless and uninformed. And that in turn greatly emboldened the Democratic party as undisputed lies in DC, no matter how ridiculous, become truth. He caused such a massive rout that he is why Democrats got the numbers they did to ram Obamacare down our throat.

He correctly said Clinton's policies to inflate the housing market by coercing banks into making subprime loans and funding them with free Fed money was a bad idea, then continued and expanded the program.

He never vetoed a spending bill and proposed budgets that grew the Federal government in every way (inflation, GDP, ...) BEFORE even starting to negotiate with the Democrats. He legalized many illegal aliens while getting nothing in return. Signed the so called transportation bill Christmas tree and the so called campaign finance reform bill that was blatantly Unconstitutional ... then signed it ...He also created the no Child gets ahead program to stifle quality education for our brightest kids. And let's not forget adding a prescription drug welfare program to Medicare.

The guy built his administration based on his fathers cronies who dragged him, willingly, into tax and spend liberalism and activist military policies for their own benefit, not the countries. He was worse than the Democrats because he got so much more than they ever would have dreamed of getting.

Miss W? No freaking way
Thanks for confirming narco-libertarians are actually leftists in drag. Exact same talking points as the Left.
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

No, I don't miss him, not at all. He was a tax and spend liberal even when he had both chambers of Congress. He got us into Iraq, which wasn't our problem. Attacking Afghanistan who actually attacked us was right, but then he tried to nation build there which was a stupid idea as shown by the Russians and the British ... four times ...

After implementing stupid policies, he made it far worse by thinking he was Reaganesque, above the fray, by not responding to ridiculous Democrat attacks, when he actually looked clueless and uninformed. And that in turn greatly emboldened the Democratic party as undisputed lies in DC, no matter how ridiculous, become truth. He caused such a massive rout that he is why Democrats got the numbers they did to ram Obamacare down our throat.

He correctly said Clinton's policies to inflate the housing market by coercing banks into making subprime loans and funding them with free Fed money was a bad idea, then continued and expanded the program.

He never vetoed a spending bill and proposed budgets that grew the Federal government in every way (inflation, GDP, ...) BEFORE even starting to negotiate with the Democrats. He legalized many illegal aliens while getting nothing in return. Signed the so called transportation bill Christmas tree and the so called campaign finance reform bill that was blatantly Unconstitutional ... then signed it ...He also created the no Child gets ahead program to stifle quality education for our brightest kids. And let's not forget adding a prescription drug welfare program to Medicare.

The guy built his administration based on his fathers cronies who dragged him, willingly, into tax and spend liberalism and activist military policies for their own benefit, not the countries. He was worse than the Democrats because he got so much more than they ever would have dreamed of getting.

Miss W? No freaking way
Thanks for confirming narco-libertarians are actually leftists in drag. Exact same talking points as the Left.

You think my saying he implemented leftist tax and spend policies is the same talking point made by the left? I mean OK, it's still noon, but isn't it a little early to be be drunk off your ass?

BTW, like half a dozen liberals are calling me a Republican right now in various threads, LOL

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