Do You Miss Him Yet?

"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
Gee I thought terrorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with Saddam's defiance of peace accords was responsible for two wars, which were both authorized by Congress.
Guess I'm right and you're wrong, as usual.
You thought wrong on both counts. And neither war was authorized by Congress. That would require a declaration of war.

Prove they weren't authorized....

Text of Authorization for Use of Military Force
This resolution was enacted after being signed by the President on September 18, 2001. The text of the bill below is as of Sep 18, 2001 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill).
Text of S.J.Res. 23 107th Authorization for Use of Military Force Passed Congress Enrolled Bill version -

Iraqi War Resolution
SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES.(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--
  1. defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq ; and
  2. enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq .
Iraqi War Resolution Roll Call Vote Authorization of War in Iraq
"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
The military or what is left of it misses him. I know law enforcement misses him. They are both being destroyed by the current administration.
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

No, I don't miss him, not at all. He was a tax and spend liberal even when he had both chambers of Congress. He got us into Iraq, which wasn't our problem. Attacking Afghanistan who actually attacked us was right, but then he tried to nation build there which was a stupid idea as shown by the Russians and the British ... four times ...

After implementing stupid policies, he made it far worse by thinking he was Reaganesque, above the fray, by not responding to ridiculous Democrat attacks, when he actually looked clueless and uninformed. And that in turn greatly emboldened the Democratic party as undisputed lies in DC, no matter how ridiculous, become truth. He caused such a massive rout that he is why Democrats got the numbers they did to ram Obamacare down our throat.

He correctly said Clinton's policies to inflate the housing market by coercing banks into making subprime loans and funding them with free Fed money was a bad idea, then continued and expanded the program.

He never vetoed a spending bill and proposed budgets that grew the Federal government in every way (inflation, GDP, ...) BEFORE even starting to negotiate with the Democrats. He legalized many illegal aliens while getting nothing in return. Signed the so called transportation bill Christmas tree and the so called campaign finance reform bill that was blatantly Unconstitutional ... then signed it ...He also created the no Child gets ahead program to stifle quality education for our brightest kids. And let's not forget adding a prescription drug welfare program to Medicare.

The guy built his administration based on his fathers cronies who dragged him, willingly, into tax and spend liberalism and activist military policies for their own benefit, not the countries. He was worse than the Democrats because he got so much more than they ever would have dreamed of getting.

Miss W? No freaking way
Thanks for confirming narco-libertarians are actually leftists in drag. Exact same talking points as the Left.

You think my saying he implemented leftist tax and spend policies is the same talking point made by the left? I mean OK, it's still noon, but isn't it a little early to be be drunk off your ass?

BTW, like half a dozen liberals are calling me a Republican right now in various threads, LOL
Yes. How often do they throw up increasing deficits due to prescrption drug benefits and two unfunded wars?
Life is tough for a narco-libertarian. Neither fish nor fowl nor good red meat.
Not to make your head explode, but can you give us 3 examples?
Iraq, Recession, Cheney
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?
Iraq, Recession, Cheney
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats
Democrats voted for the war and gave Bush the victory in Congress he needed. They continued to fund the war, even though they had adequate votes to cut it off.
Yet Democrats still try to blame Bush.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Be serious

You can't defund a war once boots are on the ground
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats
Democrats voted for the war and gave Bush the victory in Congress he needed. They continued to fund the war, even though they had adequate votes to cut it off.
Yet Democrats still try to blame Bush.
Bush was "the decider"

It was Bush, and Bush alone, who ordered the invasion
Even after the UN urged him to wait
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

No, I don't miss him, not at all. He was a tax and spend liberal even when he had both chambers of Congress. He got us into Iraq, which wasn't our problem. Attacking Afghanistan who actually attacked us was right, but then he tried to nation build there which was a stupid idea as shown by the Russians and the British ... four times ...

After implementing stupid policies, he made it far worse by thinking he was Reaganesque, above the fray, by not responding to ridiculous Democrat attacks, when he actually looked clueless and uninformed. And that in turn greatly emboldened the Democratic party as undisputed lies in DC, no matter how ridiculous, become truth. He caused such a massive rout that he is why Democrats got the numbers they did to ram Obamacare down our throat.

He correctly said Clinton's policies to inflate the housing market by coercing banks into making subprime loans and funding them with free Fed money was a bad idea, then continued and expanded the program.

He never vetoed a spending bill and proposed budgets that grew the Federal government in every way (inflation, GDP, ...) BEFORE even starting to negotiate with the Democrats. He legalized many illegal aliens while getting nothing in return. Signed the so called transportation bill Christmas tree and the so called campaign finance reform bill that was blatantly Unconstitutional ... then signed it ...He also created the no Child gets ahead program to stifle quality education for our brightest kids. And let's not forget adding a prescription drug welfare program to Medicare.

The guy built his administration based on his fathers cronies who dragged him, willingly, into tax and spend liberalism and activist military policies for their own benefit, not the countries. He was worse than the Democrats because he got so much more than they ever would have dreamed of getting.

Miss W? No freaking way
Thanks for confirming narco-libertarians are actually leftists in drag. Exact same talking points as the Left.

You think my saying he implemented leftist tax and spend policies is the same talking point made by the left? I mean OK, it's still noon, but isn't it a little early to be be drunk off your ass?

BTW, like half a dozen liberals are calling me a Republican right now in various threads, LOL
Yes. How often do they throw up increasing deficits due to prescrption drug benefits and two unfunded wars?
Life is tough for a narco-libertarian. Neither fish nor fowl nor good red meat.

I'm not sure what "narco-libertarian" means exactly, neither does Google. It sounds like the Kevin Kennedy sort who call themselves libertarian but are anarchists. Can you tell me what that means to you exactly? If that is what it means, you know I'm not an anarchist, right?

As for what I was talking about, it was whatever the discussion was. Liberals are stupid, that's for sure. They call me a Republican in threads where I am arguing with liberals and Republicans at the same time, LOL. Can't make it up
Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats
Democrats voted for the war and gave Bush the victory in Congress he needed. They continued to fund the war, even though they had adequate votes to cut it off.
Yet Democrats still try to blame Bush.
Bush was "the decider"

It was Bush, and Bush alone, who ordered the invasion
Even after the UN urged him to wait

So Democrats lying their asses off is OK as long as a Republican was deciding. Got it. Can I borrow a pencil to write this down?
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Defund a war that had American troops on the ground? Their well being is more important than politics. The damage was done by then and, unlike this congress, when the democrats were in power they put nation above party.
Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Defund a war that had American troops on the ground? Their well being is more important than politics. The damage was done by then and, unlike this congress, when the democrats were in power they put nation above party.
The Democrats could have pulled the plug on the war at any time. The Authorization passed with Democrat votes. Democrats consistently voted to fund the war, while they passed resolution after resolution condeming it.
Democrats have never put nation above party. To them America is the Democratic Party.
Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Be serious

You can't defund a war once boots are on the ground

Obama could have taken the boots off the ground though and didn't
I can't say i miss him, but i do think he was a good guy. He was genuine. You got the sense he really did love his country. I can't say that about the current President.

Barack Hussein Obama's clearly a Megalomaniac who doesn't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. He's given Americans very good reason to believe he is a Muslim Foreigner. He's ruled like an Anti-American Globalist. That's just the reality.
I can't say i miss him, but i do think he was a good guy. He was genuine. You got the sense he really did love his country. I can't say that about the current President.

Barack Hussein Obama's clearly a Megalomaniac who doesn't have American Citizens' best interests at heart. He's given Americans very good reason to believe he is a Muslim Foreigner. He's ruled like an Anti-American Globalist. That's just the reality.

I agree with that, W was a good guy and an honorable man. He was an awful President though
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Be serious

You can't defund a war once boots are on the ground

Obama could have taken the boots off the ground though and didn't
Of course he did. He followed the agreement reached by Bush with Iraq for the Status of Forces and removed our troops on that timetable.
Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Be serious

You can't defund a war once boots are on the ground

Obama could have taken the boots off the ground though and didn't
Of course he did. He followed the agreement reached by Bush with Iraq for the Status of Forces and removed our troops on that timetable.

Right he did nothing, he followed W's plan. After campaigning against W's policy, he came in and changed nothing. He didn't take the boots off the ground, W did.

As for all the troops that died from his taking office until we left, Obama made those deaths pointless. He could have pulled them out when he took office. Instead he let them die for a plan he planned to lose, they died for nothing because of him. I opposed W and the invasion, but at least it wasn't W's plan to lose
Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

Which policies specifically? Obama is a liar, do you overlook that? Have you consulted the Democratic party leadership in congress who voted to authorize the Iraq war?

Nearly every Republican voted for the war
Most Democrats voted against it
Bush pulled the trigger in spite of being urged not to

Yet, Republicans still try to blame the Democrats

You forgot to mention that quite a number of Democrats who originally voted no demanded a 2nd vote so they could change their vote to yes after voters yelled at them. Then after Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they had two years to defund the Iraq war and didn't.

Typical with libs you get half the story spun into a false narrative.
Defund a war that had American troops on the ground? Their well being is more important than politics. The damage was done by then and, unlike this congress, when the democrats were in power they put nation above party.

Why do you libs keep throwing out this lame ass excuse? The Dem's controlled congress and the purse strings, they could have provided funding to bring the troops home and cut off funding for the war ending it. But they didn't, I guess they didn't have the guts, they chose to sit on their hands bitching and complaining instead of doing their jobs, I guess Dem's need to grow a pair.

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