Do You Miss Him Yet?

Do I miss W?

Why would I miss a guy who lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in SEVERAL attacks on SEVERAL diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, tortured prisoners, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, massively expanded the scope and power of the federal government, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression?

What person in their right mind would miss that guy? Serious question.

If I didn't think America was already in serious trouble under George W. Bush (and I did, by the way), what happened at Abu Ghraib with American soldiers being equated with Nazis in the minds of people all over the world was the final straw for me. Then that idiot. Bush, went on TV and with that silly smirk on his face flippantly said that America doesn't torture. I seriously doubt that anyone actually thought that even Bush believed what he was saying. Later on, when it was finally revealed to what extents the Bush administration had gone in order to change the definition of torture with John Yoo's memos etc.

By the way, two days after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order repudiating those memos as a legal justification for torture.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy and unfortunately part of Americas legacy now

And drone attacks are a part of the Obama legacy.
I'm glad they are

Beats wide scale bombing and boots on the ground.
We see how well that's done against ISIS, which Obama created.
It would seem idiocy has no bounds, the Rabbi has the symbol of the destruction of the US as his avatar, a flag that represents the ownership of a person as property, and then praises a draft dodger who has caused more pain and suffering because of a stupid and on called for war that has created ISIL. If that is your hero you need therapy.
View attachment 46231

A reply like that would require a certain amount of shame. A POS who would put Nathan Bedford Forrest in his avatar doesn't have any.
Not to make your head explode, but can you give us 3 examples?
Iraq, Recession, Cheney
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
Asking for evidence is like speaking Urdu to this crowd. They dont need evidence. They KNOW Bush stole the 2000 election, lied about IRaq to get Congressional approval, deregulated the banking industry, caused the recession, let bin Laden go, and allowed Dick Cheney to reap millions for Halliburton's middle east no bid contracts.
Never mind there is not one scintilla of evidence for any of that. They repeat it endlessly. Evidence just becomes proof they are right.

You nailed it. If Bush did even half what they say he did it would be easy to reel off examples yet they can't produce even one. Watch how easy this is with Obama,

1. LIED about Obamacare, told the nation "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them period" Later e.g. after the election he admitted on national tv this was not true and took the blame.

Took me 3 seconds.
No. Nobody misses him. Maybe a few lunatics like yourself, who get off on seeing coffins coming home draped in American flags.
I miss him. I am so thankful he was the President during 9-11. Can you even imagine how Al Gore or Obama would have handled it. Al Gore is a fat girly man and I usually don't call people names, but really! Obama would have blamed it on America or at least the "White" part of it. Hillary would probably stopped the 1st responders from trying to rescue the victims of 9-11 like she did when she was sec. of State.
Neither Al Gore or Barack Obama would have invaded Iraq after 9-11

I can't think of any other president who would
Kerry would have as he voted for it. Hillary would have as she voted for it but then neither one of them was president.
They would've handled it better, as they couldn't possibly have handled it worse.
I felt he did well with it.

Thankfully, a lot more people disagree with you.
Iraq, Recession, Cheney
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
Asking for evidence is like speaking Urdu to this crowd. They dont need evidence. They KNOW Bush stole the 2000 election, lied about IRaq to get Congressional approval, deregulated the banking industry, caused the recession, let bin Laden go, and allowed Dick Cheney to reap millions for Halliburton's middle east no bid contracts.
Never mind there is not one scintilla of evidence for any of that. They repeat it endlessly. Evidence just becomes proof they are right.

You nailed it. If Bush did even half what they say he did it would be easy to reel off examples yet they can't produce even one. Watch how easy this is with Obama,

1. LIED about Obamacare, told the nation "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them period" Later e.g. after the election he admitted on national tv this was not true and took the blame.

Took me 3 seconds.
Yeah, well Bush lied about WMD.
See? That is exactly the response you'll get.
It would seem idiocy has no bounds, the Rabbi has the symbol of the destruction of the US as his avatar, a flag that represents the ownership of a person as property, and then praises a draft dodger who has caused more pain and suffering because of a stupid and on called for war that has created ISIL. If that is your hero you need therapy.
^ that

OP is a known rw hack FAILTroll


Fuck it, the toothpaste is out of the tube at this point. Rabbi makes himself such an easy target, after all.
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube

President Bush has displayed tremendous qualities as an ex-President.

I don't miss him as President at all- but I think he has been a very good ex-President.

You mean because we've hardly seen him at all?
Do I miss W?

Why would I miss a guy who lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in SEVERAL attacks on SEVERAL diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, tortured prisoners, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, massively expanded the scope and power of the federal government, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression?

What person in their right mind would miss that guy? Serious question.

If I didn't think America was already in serious trouble under George W. Bush (and I did, by the way), what happened at Abu Ghraib with American soldiers being equated with Nazis in the minds of people all over the world was the final straw for me. Then that idiot. Bush, went on TV and with that silly smirk on his face flippantly said that America doesn't torture. I seriously doubt that anyone actually thought that even Bush believed what he was saying. Later on, when it was finally revealed to what extents the Bush administration had gone in order to change the definition of torture with John Yoo's memos etc.

By the way, two days after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order repudiating those memos as a legal justification for torture.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy and unfortunately part of Americas legacy now

And drone attacks are a part of the Obama legacy.
I'm glad they are

Beats wide scale bombing and boots on the ground.
We see how well that's done against ISIS, which Obama created.

Nonsense. These are Sunnis who felt persecuted by Bush's new Shia-dominated (and Iran-controlled, I should add) Iraqi gov't. They've also managed to thrive in the Syrian civil war which most Americans did not want any part of. These forces were all put in play by the brilliant political/military strategies of George W. Bush who saw himself as a modern day Winston Churchill.
"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
If I didn't think America was already in serious trouble under George W. Bush (and I did, by the way), what happened at Abu Ghraib with American soldiers being equated with Nazis in the minds of people all over the world was the final straw for me. Then that idiot. Bush, went on TV and with that silly smirk on his face flippantly said that America doesn't torture. I seriously doubt that anyone actually thought that even Bush believed what he was saying. Later on, when it was finally revealed to what extents the Bush administration had gone in order to change the definition of torture with John Yoo's memos etc.

By the way, two days after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order repudiating those memos as a legal justification for torture.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy and unfortunately part of Americas legacy now

And drone attacks are a part of the Obama legacy.
I'm glad they are

Beats wide scale bombing and boots on the ground.
We see how well that's done against ISIS, which Obama created.

Nonsense. These are Sunnis who felt persecuted by Bush's new Shia-dominated (and Iran-controlled, I should add) Iraqi gov't. They've also managed to thrive in the Syrian civil war which most Americans did not want any part of. These forces were all put in play by the brilliant political/military strategies of George W. Bush who saw himself as a modern day Winston Churchill.
No. They were created by the Vatican with input from the Illuminati and the Skull and Bones society. Everyone knows that.
"The kindness and humility of Bush."

The 'kindness' and 'humility' that was responsible for two failed, illegal wars resulting in the death of thousands and the maiming of thousands more.

No, no one is 'missing' Bush.
Gee I thought terrorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with Saddam's defiance of peace accords was responsible for two wars, which were both authorized by Congress.
Guess I'm right and you're wrong, as usual.
The kindness and humility of Bush. It is just refreshing to be reminded of a time when a president was a decent human being who cared about people and wasnt full of himself.
President Bush s Opening Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9-11 High Quality - YouTube
Checked twice to make sure this wasn't in 'Political Satire.'

It's not.

Consequently the OP is clearly insane, and a blind partisan hack.
Did not watch the video. Tyoical of partisan hacks.
Do I miss W?

Why would I miss a guy who lost guns in Mexico, had several Americans killed in SEVERAL attacks on SEVERAL diplomatic missions, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, tortured prisoners, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, helped double the national debt, started three wars, treated the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvented Congress, imprisoned American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harassed and spied on reporters, had several corruption scandals in his Administration, took a bunch of vacations, created a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, massively expanded the scope and power of the federal government, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression?

What person in their right mind would miss that guy? Serious question.

If I didn't think America was already in serious trouble under George W. Bush (and I did, by the way), what happened at Abu Ghraib with American soldiers being equated with Nazis in the minds of people all over the world was the final straw for me. Then that idiot. Bush, went on TV and with that silly smirk on his face flippantly said that America doesn't torture. I seriously doubt that anyone actually thought that even Bush believed what he was saying. Later on, when it was finally revealed to what extents the Bush administration had gone in order to change the definition of torture with John Yoo's memos etc.

By the way, two days after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order repudiating those memos as a legal justification for torture.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy and unfortunately part of Americas legacy now

And drone attacks are a part of the Obama legacy.
I'm glad they are

Beats wide scale bombing and boots on the ground.
We see how well that's done against ISIS, which Obama created.

Beats boots on the ground
Personally, I always liked GW and believe he is a good person. Unfortunately he was an awful president and made many very bad decisions. I do not wish to go back to seeing 750,000 Americans being put out of work again.
What do you think you've seen with Obama? Oh yeah, over 90M Americans put out of work.
"Put out of work..." You are a fucking moron. The 90 million number you idiots keep talking about is every person over the age of 16 who does not hold a full time job. It includes every single student in high school, college and beyond who is not working. It includes anyone who has retired. It includes Mitt Fucking Romney. Anyone taking a sabbatical; working under the table, in prison, disabled. etc. How do people as stupid as you function in normal society? Who tells you which shoe goes on which foot? Reminds you to wipe and flush?
It's a record number of people not working. If the workforce participation rate were the same as it was when Bush left office Obama's UE rate would be over 10% even today.
Have you bothered to try to find out why that number is up? Why do people leave the job market? Here, educate yourself. Declining Labor Participation Rates
Yeah is certainly my go-to.
Of course not. Facts do not matter to pricks like you. You got your opinions; who cares about facts.
President Bush literally did so much sh** that if a Democrat did them, you'd be crying in your milk. Anyone that misses Bush is as idiotic as an Obama supporter.

Not to make your head explode, but can you give us 3 examples?
Iraq, Recession, Cheney
Cheney? Seriously? Dick Cheney was probably one of the best VPs we've ever had in terms of helping his president. Anyone who cites "Cheney" just has mush for brains.
Helping his President to start illegal, unnecessary wars; to shred the constitution; to bring about the worst economic disaster in 75 years. Yeah, he did help with all of those.

Do you have one shred of evidence to back up your crazy claims? So the Iraq war was "illegal" and "unnecessary" lets hear you back up those claims. Any actual examples of Bush shredding the constitution or are you just blowing smoke? What specifically did Bush do to bring about the economic disaster?

I have found most of the dimwit libs out there foaming at the mouth with hatred of Bush but can't provide a substantiated example of what they accuse him of doing. They were told to hate Bush and complied like a mindless drone.
I never hated Bush. I hated his policies but, unlike the morons who hate the current, good man serving in the Whitehouse, I can disagree vehemently with a person and not hate them. And, the Iraq war was not necessary. Wars are necessary when a nation is attacked or threatened with attack. Iraq neither attacked us nor posed a threat. And the result is a hugely destabilized region. As for the legality, the claim was that the attack on Iraq was to enforce UN sanctions but the UN never authorized the use of force. The Patriot Act shredded the constitution. GITMO violates the constitution. And Bush was not alone in getting the blame for the recession. That blame goes all around and across party lines. But, he was at the helm when the ship crashed so he is responsible.

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