Do you notice now none of the republican candidates have explained why their tax plans...

This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.

You do understand that you are full of shit and that the uber wealthy do not pay 90% of taxes, right? You idiots continually discuss only federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes people pay. You never mention regressive sales taxes, excise taxes, and all the other taxes lower income earners pay. There can only be two reasons for this. Either you have an agenda you are trying to promote or you are just plain stupid. So which is it?


Yes, lower income earners pay less in taxes, and they should pay less in taxes. No, the wealthy are not being raked over the coals. They do pay more, but not an unreasonable amount considering they make so much more.
ANd the moron deflects. The tax proposals all deal with income tax for the most part. They do not deal with sales taxes. It is a fact that the highest 20% of income earners pay over 100% of income taxes.
How does one pay "over 100%"?
Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class?

It is a lie their plans increase taxes on the middle class. For example, Trump's plan would exempt everyone who earns below $50k.
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.

You're a fool. If I get to deduct my mortgage interest, I keep more of my money than if I didn't get to deduct it, all other things being equal.

You just assume other things won't be equal. However, it would be stupid to believe that the politicians would adjust things so the averaged out. They will simply find some other way to screw you.
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.

You're a fool. If I get to deduct my mortgage interest, I keep more of my money than if I didn't get to deduct it, all other things being equal.

How many times do I have to explain this to you? Jesus!

See posts 55 and 56.

Your MID is cancelled out by higher tax rates and by higher home prices!

The MID only benefits the people who profit from higher home prices.

Sucker. Seriously, you have been brainwashed with that "I keep more of my money" bullshit. It's a huge lie.
Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.

You're a fool. If I get to deduct my mortgage interest, I keep more of my money than if I didn't get to deduct it, all other things being equal.

How many times do I have to explain this to you? Jesus!

See posts 55 and 56.

Your MID is cancelled out by higher tax rates and by higher home prices!

The MID only benefits the people who profit from higher home prices.


A claim lacking any visible means of support. Why would home prices increase simply because I can deduct the interest I pay? What is the iron law between higher marginal rates and a tax deduction? None that I'm aware of. It's entirely discretionary on the part of politicians.
The biggest individual exemption is the employer sponsored health insurance exemption.

You pay for it by rising health care costs.

The employer sponsored health insurance exemption is one of the main drivers bending the health care cost curve upward. That's why you have heard me say many times that ObamaCare is a massive fraud because it more deeply embeds employer sponsor health insurance. That was the giant giveaway the Democrats had no intention of cutting costs and were actually serving special interests.

That exemption needs to go away.
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.

You're a fool. If I get to deduct my mortgage interest, I keep more of my money than if I didn't get to deduct it, all other things being equal.

How many times do I have to explain this to you? Jesus!

See posts 55 and 56.

Your MID is cancelled out by higher tax rates and by higher home prices!

The MID only benefits the people who profit from higher home prices.


A claim lacking any visible means of support. Why would home prices increase simply because I can deduct the interest I pay? What is the iron law between higher marginal rates and a tax deduction? None that I'm aware of. It's entirely discretionary on the part of politicians.
I told you to see posts 55 and 56. The claim is proven right there, blind mouse.

Goddam you are one willfully blind brainwashed fool.
Maybe blind mouse needs the large print version of posts:

One widely cited 1996 study by Dennis Capozza, Richard Green, and Patric Hendershott estimated that eliminating the mortgage interest and property tax deductions would reduce housing prices in the short term by an average of 13 percent nationwide, with regional changes ranging from 8 to 27 percent.
Got it now, blind mouse?

Your MID is cancelled out by higher tax rates and higher home prices. So where is that money really going?

Who benefits from higher home prices?

Bankers, real estate agents, brokers, home builders.
In addition to failing to increase rates of homeownership, the deduction has two major consequences: it raises interest rates on most mortgages, and it encourages excessive use of debt.

Using this data, Hanson further calculated that, by charging higher interest rates on loans eligible for the mortgage interest deduction (below $1 million), mortgage lenders were capturing 9-17 percent of the governmental tax benefits of the mortgage interest deduction.
There's that transfer of wealth of which I spoke.

Unfortunately, given that the deduction seems to have only made mortgages less costly for those who can already afford to purchase homes, and more expensive for everyone else, the deduction appears highly inefficient and poorly targeted.

Ultimately, the mortgage interest deduction is flawed. It increases housing costs through elevated interest rates, without actually improving homeownership rates.

Why We Should Eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction
Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class?

It is a lie their plans increase taxes on the middle class. For example, Trump's plan would exempt everyone who earns below $50k.

Look, we can't cut taxes for everyone, cut the corporate tax rate in half, and eliminate capital gains taxes, and then think revenues will stay the same or increase. That is the kind of thinking that has led to our $18 trillion debt.
Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class?

It is a lie their plans increase taxes on the middle class. For example, Trump's plan would exempt everyone who earns below $50k.

Look, we can't cut taxes for everyone, cut the corporate tax rate in half, and eliminate capital gains taxes, and then think revenues will stay the same or increase. That is the kind of thinking that has led to our $18 trillion debt.
We can lower taxes for EVERYONE if we ban all tax expenditures.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.

You do understand that you are full of shit and that the uber wealthy do not pay 90% of taxes, right? You idiots continually discuss only federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes people pay. You never mention regressive sales taxes, excise taxes, and all the other taxes lower income earners pay. There can only be two reasons for this. Either you have an agenda you are trying to promote or you are just plain stupid. So which is it?


Yes, lower income earners pay less in taxes, and they should pay less in taxes. No, the wealthy are not being raked over the coals. They do pay more, but not an unreasonable amount considering they make so much more.
ANd the moron deflects. The tax proposals all deal with income tax for the most part. They do not deal with sales taxes. It is a fact that the highest 20% of income earners pay over 100% of income taxes.

You really are that stupid. You only want to discuss federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes paid by anyone. I guess we should have a separate discussion as to why the wealthy pay the least in state taxes and lower income earners pay a much larger percentage. Unfortunately you just aren't bright enough to grasp the fact that federal income taxes are not the only taxes people pay.

Go sit in the corner. http:// http://

It's funny really. The government puts a few dollars in your pocket, and then sucks even more out, and the rubes are like, "I am getting to keep more of my money!" They have been very deliberately blinded to the other side of the equation.

This is why I say if the rubes ever catch on to just how badly they are being robbed, they will burn Washington DC to the ground.
Fox's economy expert Neil Cavuto said it best. "If you confiscate every dime the so-called super-rich earn you couldn't run a single federal program on it for more than six months". In other words only a robust economy can fund government programs or can make giveaway programs obsolete. It's been proven time and time again that you can't cure a problem by throwing confiscated taxpayer money at it and punishing the people who make the economy work is an exercise in idiocy. The IRS has become a gigantic bureaucracy with redundant regulations which are longer and more scary than a Stephen King novel. The IRS has also been shown to be a tool of ruthless administrations that use it to punish political enemies. It's ironic that the hippie kids who once chanted inane slogans against "big brother" are all grown up and trust "big brother" to solve all their problems.
...wouldn't wreck the deficit? It's because they are counting on their base being too stupid to know that all of their tax plans would.
Wow Im glad the world has Billy Triple Fail to point these things out.
Hey, Billy. Bernie Sanders wants to add $18t the debt and you havent said word one. Cruz's plan will reduce teh debt. You get that, right?
That 18 trillion bullshit came from one bullshit biased source. Actual independent experts point out that all of his policies are matched with tax plans. The wealthy would pay more through closing loopholes. A single payer system, while expensive to implement, would ultimately save money over time verses the crap system we have now.
Hey Billy. You understand that Obamacare was billed as saving us tons of money, right? And it actually was more expensive than anybody on the Dem side admitted. Why is it going to be different with single payer.
Please cite a source that says Sanders is not proposing 18T in new spending.
Top Economist Says Bernie's Plan Will SAVE the US $5 Trillion

God you're lazy.
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
You are falling for the "I get to keep more of my own money" tax expenditure scam. I explained to you why that is a lie.

A trillion dollar lie.

You are being robbed, and being kept in the dark so you don't figure it out. You are completely brainwashed, which is why I am not getting through.
Or else you are a raving conspiracy minded lunatic retailing internet hearsay.
I know where my money is.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.

You do understand that you are full of shit and that the uber wealthy do not pay 90% of taxes, right? You idiots continually discuss only federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes people pay. You never mention regressive sales taxes, excise taxes, and all the other taxes lower income earners pay. There can only be two reasons for this. Either you have an agenda you are trying to promote or you are just plain stupid. So which is it?


Yes, lower income earners pay less in taxes, and they should pay less in taxes. No, the wealthy are not being raked over the coals. They do pay more, but not an unreasonable amount considering they make so much more.
ANd the moron deflects. The tax proposals all deal with income tax for the most part. They do not deal with sales taxes. It is a fact that the highest 20% of income earners pay over 100% of income taxes.
How does one pay "over 100%"?
With earned income credits lower income people get back more than they pay in. Someone has to pay for that. Ergo the higher than 100% figure.

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