Do you notice now none of the republican candidates have explained why their tax plans...

Unfortunately, the government doesn't give us three dollars and raise our taxes to eight dollars. If it did, we would have a balanced budget.

Instead, it gives us three dollars, raises our taxes to seven dollars, and borrows a dollar.

That's how we got to where we are with the debt.
Right now the government is paying debt with more debt, that's how stupid this government is...

As long as we keep spending $1.2 trillion a year (and climbing) on tax expenditures, this will continue.

It's the most massive government gift program out there, and no one talks about it. They have the rubes completely distracted with bullshit to keep them from noticing they are being robbed blind.

It's sad to see the blind mice fight so hard to protect the thievery that is stealing from them.

"No, no, no! I want higher home prices and higher tax rates!"
Unfortunately, the government doesn't give us three dollars and raise our taxes to eight dollars. If it did, we would have a balanced budget.

Instead, it gives us three dollars, raises our taxes to seven dollars, and borrows a dollar.

That's how we got to where we are with the debt.
Right now the government is paying debt with more debt, that's how stupid this government is...

Not when the deficit is falling.
Our debt is still climbing, and will continue to climb until the deficit is zero. In the meantime, we are paying ever higher interest on that ever climbing debt.
...wouldn't wreck the deficit? It's because they are counting on their base being too stupid to know that all of their tax plans would.

Hmmmm, right, and all the promises Hillary has made wouldn't ad a cent to the deficit.

You're an idiot.

So you equate the GOP candidates to Hillary Clinton on tax policy, and you think you've pulled off a brilliant defense of them?

Very interesting.

I have no idea what that means.
...wouldn't wreck the deficit? It's because they are counting on their base being too stupid to know that all of their tax plans would.
Wow Im glad the world has Billy Triple Fail to point these things out.
Hey, Billy. Bernie Sanders wants to add $18t the debt and you havent said word one. Cruz's plan will reduce teh debt. You get that, right?
Unfortunately, the government doesn't give us three dollars and raise our taxes to eight dollars. If it did, we would have a balanced budget.

Instead, it gives us three dollars, raises our taxes to seven dollars, and borrows a dollar.

That's how we got to where we are with the debt.
Right now the government is paying debt with more debt, that's how stupid this government is...

As long as we keep spending $1.2 trillion a year (and climbing) on tax expenditures, this will continue.

It's the most massive government gift program out there, and no one talks about it. They have the rubes completely distracted with bullshit to keep them from noticing they are being robbed blind.

It's sad to see the blind mice fight so hard to protect the thievery that is stealing from them.

"No, no, no! I want higher home prices and higher tax rates!"

How many times do you have to be told, no one is swallowing the scam that a tax deduction is a government expense? That's the sleaziest kind of propaganda there is. Eliminating "tax expenditures" means a massive tax increase. I might be willing along with eliminating these deductions if the marginal rates were reduced to make them revenue neutral, but there is nothing to gain by sending more money to Washington. The federal government spends every new dollar it gets and then two more. Higher taxes have never cut the deficit, and they never will.

Talk about rubes who don't notice when they are being robbed blind.
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How many times do you have to be told, no one is swallowing the scam that a tax deduction it a government expense.

No one except economists, the government, and accountants. And Ronald Reagan. And Ted Cruz. And Rand Paul.

You know...experts.

They are called tax EXPENDITURES for a reason, blind mouse.

I might be willing along with eliminating these deductions of the marginal rates were reduced to make them revenue neutral,

Christ. I say it. Every. Single. Time. "We could lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

Goddam, you are one blind mouse.
How many times do you have to be told, no one is swallowing the scam that a tax deduction it a government expense.

No one except economists, the government, and accountants. And Ronald Reagan. And Ted Cruz. And Rand Paul.

You know...experts.

They are called tax EXPENDITURES for a reason, blind mouse.

Wrong. None of them say that. They are called "tax expenditures" so scumbag demagogues can pretend they are cutting government spending when they are actually just increasing taxes.

I might be willing along with eliminating these deductions of the marginal rates were reduced to make them revenue neutral,

Christ. I say it. Every. Single. Time. "We could lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

Goddam, you are one blind mouse.

Nope, you've just been saying we need to eliminate "tax expenditures." You even proposed it as a means to reduce the deficit, which means you expect it to bring in more revenue.
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How many times do you have to be told, no one is swallowing the scam that a tax deduction it a government expense.

No one except economists, the government, and accountants. And Ronald Reagan. And Ted Cruz. And Rand Paul.

You know...experts.

They are called tax EXPENDITURES for a reason, blind mouse.

I might be willing along with eliminating these deductions of the marginal rates were reduced to make them revenue neutral,

Christ. I say it. Every. Single. Time. "We could lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

Goddam, you are one blind mouse.

Nope, you've just been saying we need to eliminate "tax expenditures." You even proposed it as a means to reduce the deficit, which means you expect it to bring in more revenue.

And here's the fun part.

Just from this topic:

If I stopped giving you three dollars, I could lower your taxes to five dollars.

The government could then lower everyone's tax rates to five dollars and widgets would drop to 12 dollars.

Not only that, they are paid for by EVERYONE paying higher tax rates. Thus, your government gifts are coming at the expense of others.

And now some of my posts from just the past 30 days:

The budget could not only be balanced, but could run a giant surplus, very easily. With just one piece of legislation less than a single page long.

Ban all tax expenditures.

Benefits of such a move:

1. We would immediately net an $800 billion budget surplus.

2. People earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

3. Your tax form would be half a page.

4. Tax rates for EVERYONE could be lowered.

5. Campaign cash donations would plummet.

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors and theater for the rubes to deflect from the biggest government gift program in the history of the Universe. No one even talks about it. Not a peep, even though it is costing us $1.2 trillion a year.

That's amazing, when you think about it. How is possible a $1.2 trillion annual boondoggle doesn't get even three seconds of air time ever?

Instead, we're pissing and moaning about peanuts. Rubes.

"Ban tax expenditures".

"$800 billion surplus".

"We could lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

"Serendipitous side effect of instant campaign finance reform".

Hello? Any of this ring a bell, rube?

I guess you missed my posts about banning tax expenditures, and lowering tax rates for EVERYONE and paying off the debt with the $1.2 trillion that would result from the ban.

I am one hundred percent for cutting spending. Which is why I have been calling for a total ban on tax expenditures for years.

So...presto! You just got handed $1.2 trillion! What will you do with it?

Me? I would lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid off, I'd lower tax rates for everyone even more.

Problem fricking solved.

Now, you all have heard me time and again talking about how we spend $1.2 trillion a year on tax expenditures, and that if we eliminated tax expenditures, we would have an $800 billion surplus, among other benefits.

You can put that $800 billion surplus toward lowering tax rates for EVERYONE. (I always say EVERYONE in all caps when I talk about this.)

You can also put some of the surplus toward paying down the debt, and once the debt is paid off, you can lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.
How could anyone have missed me saying banning tax expenditures would allow us to lower tax rates for EVERYONE after all this time?


I said it THREE TIMES just in this topic and the blind mouse STILL didn't see it.

This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates. Ted Cruz. Rand Paul. Marco Rubio. Even Donald Trump!

Even Reagan did it.

Go ahead, call them RINOs. Jesus H. Christ.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.
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Seriously, bripat. Read post 22. It's been right in front of your face this whole time.
...wouldn't wreck the deficit? It's because they are counting on their base being too stupid to know that all of their tax plans would.
Wow Im glad the world has Billy Triple Fail to point these things out.
Hey, Billy. Bernie Sanders wants to add $18t the debt and you havent said word one. Cruz's plan will reduce teh debt. You get that, right?
That 18 trillion bullshit came from one bullshit biased source. Actual independent experts point out that all of his policies are matched with tax plans. The wealthy would pay more through closing loopholes. A single payer system, while expensive to implement, would ultimately save money over time verses the crap system we have now.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
This is exactly the plan of at least four candidates. Eliminating tax expenditures and lowering tax rates.

REPUBLICAN candidates.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Honest people call them "deductions," not "tax expenditures."
No, they are tax expenditures. Deductions are a subset. Tax expenditures are deductions, credits, and exemptions. You just showed you are over your head, again.

Speaking of honesty, look at one of my earlier posts (post 22) where I said the candidates are calling them "loopholes". THAT is dishonest.

They all have the effect of reducing your total tax burden. You're splitting hairs.
...wouldn't wreck the deficit? It's because they are counting on their base being too stupid to know that all of their tax plans would.
Wow Im glad the world has Billy Triple Fail to point these things out.
Hey, Billy. Bernie Sanders wants to add $18t the debt and you havent said word one. Cruz's plan will reduce teh debt. You get that, right?
That 18 trillion bullshit came from one bullshit biased source. Actual independent experts point out that all of his policies are matched with tax plans. The wealthy would pay more through closing loopholes. A single payer system, while expensive to implement, would ultimately save money over time verses the crap system we have now.
Hey Billy. You understand that Obamacare was billed as saving us tons of money, right? And it actually was more expensive than anybody on the Dem side admitted. Why is it going to be different with single payer.
Please cite a source that says Sanders is not proposing 18T in new spending.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.

You do understand that you are full of shit and that the uber wealthy do not pay 90% of taxes, right? You idiots continually discuss only federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes people pay. You never mention regressive sales taxes, excise taxes, and all the other taxes lower income earners pay. There can only be two reasons for this. Either you have an agenda you are trying to promote or you are just plain stupid. So which is it?


Yes, lower income earners pay less in taxes, and they should pay less in taxes. No, the wealthy are not being raked over the coals. They do pay more, but not an unreasonable amount considering they make so much more.
I have not yet seen a Republican's tax plan that would not reduce revenues and increase our debt.
Look at Rubio's plan.

It's the best out there, except it gets rid of all capital gains taxes. That would be a windfall for the uber wealthy. Why is it every Republican tax plan is there to help the uber wealthy and increase taxes on the middle class? I just don't get it. I would take Reagan's original tax plan over anything being offered out there, along with a removal of the home mortgage deduction which really only helps those who purchase much bigger or expensive homes.
You understand that the "uber wealthy" (whoever that is) pay about 90% of the taxes, right? So of course any plan to reduce taxes will benefit them most. People who pay no taxes will see no benefit because they will continue to pay no taxes.

You do understand that you are full of shit and that the uber wealthy do not pay 90% of taxes, right? You idiots continually discuss only federal income taxes as if they are the only taxes people pay. You never mention regressive sales taxes, excise taxes, and all the other taxes lower income earners pay. There can only be two reasons for this. Either you have an agenda you are trying to promote or you are just plain stupid. So which is it?


Yes, lower income earners pay less in taxes, and they should pay less in taxes. No, the wealthy are not being raked over the coals. They do pay more, but not an unreasonable amount considering they make so much more.
ANd the moron deflects. The tax proposals all deal with income tax for the most part. They do not deal with sales taxes. It is a fact that the highest 20% of income earners pay over 100% of income taxes.

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