Do you notice that Biden has not had to reprimand his supporters for any violent behavior?

Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

So Joe Biden has yet to condemn antifa and BLM.

Yes I noticed.
Lol there is no reason to.

So when those fine folks get done protesting, rioting, looting, burning, and assaulting people, they're going to the polls Tuesday to pull the lever for Donald Trump, eh?

Right. :cuckoo:

They most likely do not vote and if they do who is the Green Candidate this year?
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. ....
Sure. They are Lefties who want to protest for social justice and get their Christmas shopping done at the same time.

Biden knows that the rioters and looters are part of his base.


NBC News: Biden is leading Trump in 2020 polls. But expect Election Day to be a repeat of 2016. Biden and his campaign are making mistakes that will ensure little of this matters. And the polls are almost certainly wrong again.

The economy is roaring, playing to Trump’s strength. The president has made significant outreach to minorities, and a relative handful of Black voters switching from Democrat to Republican could help him secure states like Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina. Not to mention that Trump — unlike Biden — is actually campaigning for the job.

Biden is only now belatedly hitting the trail — a little. This is a risky experiment. Every modern presidential candidate has traveled as much as humanly possible — and then traveled some more. Meeting and speaking to voters — responsibly — is key.

Campaigning does not just reach voters. It imparts a sense of vigor, industriousness and sociability that people want in a leader. His rallies suggest that better days are ahead — the theme of most winning presidential campaigns.

Not only is Biden staying home, his army of volunteers and canvassers have been cooped up as well, doing outreach on their parents’ Wi-Fi instead of out seeing voters. The Biden campaign only recently emerged from the basement — with the exception of its leader — after Trump’s operatives had already spent months contacting voters on their doorsteps. Refusing to mobilize voters by showing up in their neighborhoods early and often is another likely ill-fated Biden experiment in ignoring modern campaign practice.

You also should not underestimate the vast amount of damage created by Biden’s second debate suggestion that he would eventually eliminate the oil industry.

Expect Trump to far outpace his showing among Black voters in 2016, particularly Black men. Prior to the pandemic, Black unemployment had declined to record low levels. Trump has also signed and promoted major criminal justice reform legislation, resulting in the release of thousands of prisoners, including many African Americans.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

Actually, all of the rioting and looting is coming from BLM and Antifa.....

And Biden is cool with that!!!!
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality.

Now I know why you have had to repeat it 100 times, because... it's wrong. That's a false statement.

They all liberals. Liberals support criminals, which is why when police hurt criminals, they call it "police brutality".

Conservatives don't do that. When I see white guy, run a red light, lead police on a high speed chase next to a school, and then the police beat him to an inch of his life..... you don't see any conservatives anywhere, screaming about police brutality.

Why? Because why should any good and decent person, defend a criminal? Conservatives do not defend criminals. We support the police, because the police stop criminals.

So, yes they are left-wingers. All of them are left-wingers. You show me the conservative Republicans that are engaged in riots? Where are they?

We've had people go with cameras and talk to people during the riots. None of them said anything remotely conservative.

Some idiots say "Well some are white supremacists", maybe, but Conservatives are not defending those people either. You show me a white supremacist that is rioting, and I'll support the police shooting him dead with the rest of them. Haven't heard a single conservative defending those people.

There is no organization behind the riots.

Well again... facts disprove your claim.

This video is one of numerous clips, showing that they are clearly organized, and planned out attacks. The brought changes of clothing. They used the banner to conceal (or thought they concealed themselves) so they could change into all black clothing. They pulled the banner apart to use the sharp metal rods to attack police with.

Other videos show them getting masks and gear from a rental van that was already parked at where they knew they police would be.

Other videos show people dispersing projectiles to throw at police.

Yes..... it is organized. You are just flat out, wrong. Period, you... are... wrong. End of story.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right.


View attachment 409957

Lol an anecdotal video that proves nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I noticed you dodged my question as to why liberals didn’t start rioting after Trump won. Floyd died and then the rioting began. Oh gee I wonder why that rioting started!

There is abundant evidence the riots have been planned and organized. You ask why liberals didn't riot after TRUMP won, and claim the rioting only started when Floyd is irrelevant.
Liberals started the protesting TRUMP the day after he won election in 2016. Libs had the pussy hat protests which was supposed to go on for months but ended after infighting within the leaders. Followed by ANTIFA involved protests at college campuses shutting down republican/conservative events.
We had the "if you see a TRUMP supporter get in their face" intimidation that started with attacking members of the TRUMP administration and other. Funny how I don't recall the MSM having the same concern when people like McConnell and Hucabee Sanders were harassed in public while trying to have dinner.
And I recall liberals and the MSM justifying rioters engaging with law enforcement and trying to breach fencing surrounding the Whitehouse.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

Actually, all of the rioting and looting is coming from BLM and Antifa.....

And Biden is cool with that!!!!
Laughing Lunatic Harris seemed rather giddy about it.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

You can it for the 100,000th time if you want. You're still a bald faced liar.
How much violence can the 6 of them commit?
Democrats have declared riots, looting and destruction politically acceptable. They view it as the first step of their Reparations Plan for Black people.
That’s just you making shit up on the spot.

Dude. The mayor of portland sided with the rioters and order his police to NOT protect federal buildings with federal agents inside.

Your denial of these facts is just you being stupid.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

The people doing the rioting are liberals and suppporters of Biden / Harris

He should have reprimanded them but choose not to
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

You can it for the 100,000th time if you want. You're still a bald faced liar.
Democrat cities aren’t being boarded up because they think conservatives are going to riot. They know this is all going to come from their own home team.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

Hahahahahahahaha Bizarro World liberal propaganda at its finest.
Now, I know the immediate response I will get from this from republicans will be a rant about the Floyd protests. Let me say this for the 100th time and maybe it’ll stick: the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s the ONLY issue that unites them. ANITFA nor BLM for that matter tells people to go riot. There is no organization behind the riots. If this was leftwing extremism, why didn’t liberals start rioting after Trump won? None of you can answer that question.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right. On a small scale, leftwingers have done very little disruption. The small scale violence, again, is coming from the rightwing like when the Trumpsters tied to force the Biden bus off the road. Oh, and by the way, the FBI is now investigating that.

the people doing the rioting are not liberals. They are people upset about police brutality.

Now I know why you have had to repeat it 100 times, because... it's wrong. That's a false statement.

They all liberals. Liberals support criminals, which is why when police hurt criminals, they call it "police brutality".

Conservatives don't do that. When I see white guy, run a red light, lead police on a high speed chase next to a school, and then the police beat him to an inch of his life..... you don't see any conservatives anywhere, screaming about police brutality.

Why? Because why should any good and decent person, defend a criminal? Conservatives do not defend criminals. We support the police, because the police stop criminals.

So, yes they are left-wingers. All of them are left-wingers. You show me the conservative Republicans that are engaged in riots? Where are they?

We've had people go with cameras and talk to people during the riots. None of them said anything remotely conservative.

Some idiots say "Well some are white supremacists", maybe, but Conservatives are not defending those people either. You show me a white supremacist that is rioting, and I'll support the police shooting him dead with the rest of them. Haven't heard a single conservative defending those people.

There is no organization behind the riots.

Well again... facts disprove your claim.

This video is one of numerous clips, showing that they are clearly organized, and planned out attacks. The brought changes of clothing. They used the banner to conceal (or thought they concealed themselves) so they could change into all black clothing. They pulled the banner apart to use the sharp metal rods to attack police with.

Other videos show them getting masks and gear from a rental van that was already parked at where they knew they police would be.

Other videos show people dispersing projectiles to throw at police.

Yes..... it is organized. You are just flat out, wrong. Period, you... are... wrong. End of story.

All of the major political violence and domestic terrorism is coming from the right.


View attachment 409957

Lol an anecdotal video that proves nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I noticed you dodged my question as to why liberals didn’t start rioting after Trump won. Floyd died and then the rioting began. Oh gee I wonder why that rioting started!

I wonder that myself....why would you riot because a criminal got killed?
And yes he did address that issue.

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