Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
About Michael Boldea Jr. This is Michael in his own words. As I stated before, he is not financially well to do. He does not own a house. He rents a modest apartment and lives there with his wife and daughter. He is storing up his treasure in heaven by ministering to the poor, the needy, caring for the elderly and the orphans and has given his life to supporting that ministry. He has a true servants heart. No television show, no million dollar mansion, no fancy car, no bank account with thousands of dollars in it, he lives by faith. The just shall live by faith. That is what the bible teaches us to do. Doesn't it?

Who I am

July 17, 2006

It would seem that once again, apparently through no direct fault of my own I have brought offense to one of our website visitors. After browsing our website, she found it offensive that although it appears that I am the public face of Hand of Help there are no pictures of me on the website, preferably something reminiscent of Rodin's 'thinker', chin resting on fist, contemplative eyes staring into the camera.

In order to put this matter to rest, and perhaps clarify who I am to some of our new visitors, I've decided to write this article and simply share my heart.

I am the grandson of a potato farmer, and the son of a glass blower. I came to this country at the age of nine, and began ministry at the age of twelve as my grandfather's interpreter. I find pretentiousness off-putting, and self-promotion in the house of God outright detestable.

I prefer to fade into the background, and let the message have center stage, and if men looked to me, I pray they would see Jesus and nothing more.

I claim no title, or mantle, having no aspirations for either, and am extremely content with being identified as just another servant of God.

I believe we are all equal in the eyes of God, and the only difference between one who is called to ministry, and one who is ministered to, is the level of accountability required of God, for to whom much is given much is also required.

I do not believe that my call to ministry, my heritage, or my sacrifice, entitle me to feeling entitled.

I believe we are living dangerous times, wherein the Word of God has been substituted in His own house with men's notions and ideas of what they thing God's Word should be.

I am intolerant of both deception, and men who would profit and make merchandise of God's word, and believe there is no place for entertainment in God's house.

I refuse to compromise truth under any circumstances, and will defend it vehemently until my dying breath, and prefer to starve rather than make business of God's word.

I believe in charity of heart, and helping the poor, and consider that caring for the widow, the orphan, and the forsaken of society, should be a priority for every ministry, and minister of God.

I believe in a sovereign, omnipotent, and omniscient God, whose love for the world was such, that He sent His only Son to die that we may have life, and absent of Christ and the cross there is no salvation, atonement, or redemption.

I believe a life of prayer, fasting, obedience and humility are essential for every true servant, and these two virtues marked the lives of all of God's great warriors.

I believe truth is precious, and greatly undervalued in our society.

I believe that pride and vainglory are the root cause of more spiritual men's downfall than anyone will ever know, and find hypocrisy among the children of God both indefensible and inexcusable.

I cry every time I hear George Frideric Handel's Messiah sung in my native tongue.

This is who I am, for better or worse, a blade of grass in an endless field, a drop in the ocean of eternity, yet loved, as you, by the Creator of all that is, confident in the knowledge that He comforts, He guides, and He strengthens.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.
note - I happen to know that Hand of Help ministries office does not use their air conditioning. They open their windows and have the fresh air blowing in, these are not people that waste the resources given them for orphans. They send the money exactly where it is needed. Of all the ministries I have known of - this ministry is more careful with how they use whatever is given and has never once shown a trace, not a hint of misusing funds or living beyond their means. The Boldea's are known for living a humble life and have proven they do not serve mammon. I wish to God all ministers could have such a pure and undefiled reputation.

Just out of curiosity I looked up a couple of this guy's videos. He's a typical apocalypticist. "Beware, beware the end is near!" Shit. His imagery is terrible. His "vision" of the eagle being killed by serpents.....come least get creative with the symbolism. Basically he is a nut.

You know what? He's poor and he has a heart after God and he is God's servant even as his grandfather (who also lived all of the days of his life with very little money) was and was imprisoned and beaten brutally for smuggling over 1 million bibles into restricted nations. When they tortured him repeatedly even to the point of death he refused to give up the name of a single Christian because he would rather die than to see one of his fellow brethren suffer what he suffered. He would not think to betray a confidence or to give up the name of any person that would lead to their harm. May God give you and I the grace to suffer like that when the time comes and to remain faithful even unto death. ( look up Amos 3:7)


Uh huh. He's also a nut. Sleep well.
I am Christian but I don't believe in the virgin birth. Am I a nut?

i don't know - what do you believe that isn't scientifically possible?

M-theorists believe in the multi-verse. Are they nuts? Quantum physicists believe in an Eigenstate. Are they nuts?

First off, they don't 'believe' it. They theorize based on models and equations. And it's science-based, not fairy tale-based.

Oh there are plenty of scientists who say it is fairy tale based. :lol: Who are you kidding?
I am Christian but I don't believe in the virgin birth. Am I a nut?

i don't know - what do you believe that isn't scientifically possible?

M-theorists believe in the multi-verse. Are they nuts? Quantum physicists believe in an Eigenstate. Are they nuts?

First off, they don't 'believe' it. They theorize based on models and equations. And it's science-based, not fairy tale-based.

Oh there are plenty of scientists who say it is fairy tale based. :lol: Who are you kidding?
Links? No, of course not.
I am Christian but I don't believe in the virgin birth. Am I a nut?

i don't know - what do you believe that isn't scientifically possible?

M-theorists believe in the multi-verse. Are they nuts? Quantum physicists believe in an Eigenstate. Are they nuts?

First off, they don't 'believe' it. They theorize based on models and equations. And it's science-based, not fairy tale-based.

Oh there are plenty of scientists who say it is fairy tale based. :lol: Who are you kidding?
Links? No, of course not.

"Many physicists loathe the multiverse hypothesis, deeming it a cop-out of infinite proportions. But as attempts to paint our universe as an inevitable, self-contained structure falter, the multiverse camp is growing."

“Our universe has a simple, natural structure,” he said in September. “The multiverse idea is baroque, unnatural, untestable and, in the end, dangerous to science and society.”

In a Multiverse, What Are the Odds? | Quanta Magazine

"So perhaps there is something, another universe, outside our horizon. "But the evidence is controversial," says Carr, "Not everyone accepts that interpretation."

The multiverse: Science or speculation? |

Or did you think that all scientists everywhere just accepted it? That would go against the very nature of science.
I am Christian but I don't believe in the virgin birth. Am I a nut?

i don't know - what do you believe that isn't scientifically possible?

M-theorists believe in the multi-verse. Are they nuts? Quantum physicists believe in an Eigenstate. Are they nuts?

First off, they don't 'believe' it. They theorize based on models and equations. And it's science-based, not fairy tale-based.

Oh there are plenty of scientists who say it is fairy tale based. :lol: Who are you kidding?
Links? No, of course not.

"Many physicists loathe the multiverse hypothesis, deeming it a cop-out of infinite proportions. But as attempts to paint our universe as an inevitable, self-contained structure falter, the multiverse camp is growing."

“Our universe has a simple, natural structure,” he said in September. “The multiverse idea is baroque, unnatural, untestable and, in the end, dangerous to science and society.”

In a Multiverse, What Are the Odds? | Quanta Magazine

"So perhaps there is something, another universe, outside our horizon. "But the evidence is controversial," says Carr, "Not everyone accepts that interpretation."

The multiverse: Science or speculation? |

Or did you think that all scientists everywhere just accepted it? That would go against the very nature of science.

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature."

~Dr. Albert Einstein~
(quoted from his obituary NY Times)
I am Christian but I don't believe in the virgin birth. Am I a nut?

i don't know - what do you believe that isn't scientifically possible?

M-theorists believe in the multi-verse. Are they nuts? Quantum physicists believe in an Eigenstate. Are they nuts?

First off, they don't 'believe' it. They theorize based on models and equations. And it's science-based, not fairy tale-based.

Oh there are plenty of scientists who say it is fairy tale based. :lol: Who are you kidding?
Links? No, of course not.

"Many physicists loathe the multiverse hypothesis, deeming it a cop-out of infinite proportions. But as attempts to paint our universe as an inevitable, self-contained structure falter, the multiverse camp is growing."

“Our universe has a simple, natural structure,” he said in September. “The multiverse idea is baroque, unnatural, untestable and, in the end, dangerous to science and society.”

In a Multiverse, What Are the Odds? | Quanta Magazine

"So perhaps there is something, another universe, outside our horizon. "But the evidence is controversial," says Carr, "Not everyone accepts that interpretation."

The multiverse: Science or speculation? |

Or did you think that all scientists everywhere just accepted it? That would go against the very nature of science.

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature."

~Dr. Albert Einstein~
(quoted from his obituary NY Times)

What does Einstein's personal views have to do with the topic of the conversation? BTW...Einstein was not an atheist. He described himself as agnostic bordering on pantheist and it completely pissed him off when people tried to use what he said to support the idea that God doesn't exist.

In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who says there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views. "

~Dr. Albert Einstein~
The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University, page 214
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I am at a loss for words here. I guess the thing that confuses me, the death of innocent people. And prayer does nothing nothing. I understand the prayer thing well enough....

You clearly understand nothing. Some concepts are beyond some people.
I am at a loss for words here. I guess the thing that confuses me, the death of innocent people. And prayer does nothing nothing. I understand the prayer thing well enough....

You clearly understand nothing. Some concepts are beyond some people.
Being the alpha male and being hurtful is far more important than spirituality, isn't that right, kiddo?
I am at a loss for words here. I guess the thing that confuses me, the death of innocent people. And prayer does nothing nothing. I understand the prayer thing well enough....

You clearly understand nothing. Some concepts are beyond some people.
Being the alpha male and being hurtful is far more important than spirituality, isn't that right, kiddo?

Explain what you think you understand about spirituality, hypocrite.
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.
Jeri follows the writings of Man not the teachings of God.

Jake, you are the one following men such as Kenneth Copeland. Not me. I follow what the Bible teaches not man. I'm following Jesus Christ, not a man. You should do the same and give your money to the poor instead of people like Copeland who want a private jet. If you finance hirelings you'll be judged for it by God. We are going to be held accountable for how we spent our money and financing wolves in sheep's clothing so that they can keep on fleecing the sheep is not going to be rewarded.
You do not read what anyone writes on here do you? Talk about following your own way. Has Jake ever said anything about following Kenneth Copeland? NO. I am calling you out though on this thread. You had a thread awhile back praising the work of Reinhard Bonnke going on and on about how honorable he is and wonderful to do crusades in Africa. I have no issue with that and applaud him for it but when I informed YOU that KCM bank rolls his ministry you closed the thread. You looked pretty dang stupid now didn't you? And let's talk Phil Driscoll who you go on and on about everywhere you have a thread. I told you before and will tell you again...Phil is close friends of Kenneth Copeland and plays at his conventions and has for years. If you dislike KCM so strongly then why is it that you associate yourself with close personal partners of his who support Kenneth's Ministry? If you do not like him then fine but don't trash his name. You sure got your feathers up cackling like a wet hen when multiple people told you that your precious Michael Boldea is a con man. Reprimanding people scolding them to take back their words and they will pay for what they said. Who are you, Marie Levoux? You are the one off your rocker woman!!

I will tell you that through following teaching KCM has from the WORD...not some lost KJV bible they found somewhere and dusted off that I have no financial debt, had a child doctors said I could not have, bought a house that was furnished for a price that was so low even the realtor was shocked and many other blessings. I live blessed by standing on the word and did I have to send them money? NO but I sure have learned a lot from the way they live. Why would I take advice about finances from someone who is broke, or listen to someone who is constantly sick about healing?

Don't be a retard as far as Jesus was concerned either. He wasn't poor, sick, or broke either. That is a traditional thought. Would a man need a ministry treasurer if he was poor? How can one give to the poor when they are poor? Let the elevator go to the top woman, Judas was the treasurer. Do men cast lots for your clothes if they were not fantastic? No. Jesus had robes with no seams. For pretending to be so pious you sure are dumb. Why don't you get some spiritual understanding under you before running out like a baby Christian with your diapers on and a gun trying to shoot every adult mature Christian down? Learn to talk before speaking Jeremiah. Get out of the KJV and read the Amplified. Don't just cut and paste things, read it and study it.

And BTW...your cult leader doesn't run his business on gold dust from heaven, he gets donations and sells books. That is how preachers make their personal money is from their books not from the ministry. I would advise you to do some study on ministries before you condemn them, you will be held accountable for YOUR actions. Was your precious man of God on the scene when the disaster in Haiti happened? Did they have a plane that was there bringing medical supplies and food? Were they there when Katrina happened? Hmmmm...gee...let me see...NO! That fool you promote is from Romania. He isn't even from the USA and all the money you send him goes to "work" there. If the dude is homeless it isn't because he chooses to be. Good God!! You really should find some prosperity scriptures in the bible. I will give you a hint...they are through the whole thing so even YOU can find them.

Get off your tired soap box and get in the WORD Jeremiah, the only person who listens to you is YOU.

You sound like a very sad, discontented and unhappy person. I believe if you will get into a bible believing church that preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and attend faithfully giving your entire self to following Jesus and obeying Him. you'll find true joy and peace for your soul. I wish you God's best and will keep you in my prayers.
I am at a loss for words here. I guess the thing that confuses me, the death of innocent people. And prayer does nothing nothing. I understand the prayer thing well enough, so I don't see a well meaning loving GOD, just a random set of meaningless events. As for prayer, I might as well not, because it seems pointless.

Death in this life is not death eternally if they knew Christ, Mary. You see by receiving Jesus Christ into our hearts we receive eternal life and that is true life. Eternal life is worth dying for even in this life, Mary. Many Christians have died for their faith knowing a great reward awaits them in heaven. Now on the matter of people dying, before the turn of the twentieth century most people died young because there was no such thing as penicillin until the 1920's (I believe that was when it was discovered) and then we see a drastic change in the population and how many people live much longer now. It isn't the length of our life but the quality of our life and how we have lived it that counts. Granted God does bless His people with long lives, Abraham lived a long and blessed life but even He would agree that a day in God's courts is better than a thousand and to be a door keeper for a day at the house of the LORD would be more desirable than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.

For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10
Jeri follows the writings of Man not the teachings of God.

Jake, you are the one following men such as Kenneth Copeland. Not me. I follow what the Bible teaches not man. I'm following Jesus Christ, not a man. You should do the same and give your money to the poor instead of people like Copeland who want a private jet. If you finance hirelings you'll be judged for it by God. We are going to be held accountable for how we spent our money and financing wolves in sheep's clothing so that they can keep on fleecing the sheep is not going to be rewarded.
You do not read what anyone writes on here do you? Talk about following your own way. Has Jake ever said anything about following Kenneth Copeland? NO. I am calling you out though on this thread. You had a thread awhile back praising the work of Reinhard Bonnke going on and on about how honorable he is and wonderful to do crusades in Africa. I have no issue with that and applaud him for it but when I informed YOU that KCM bank rolls his ministry you closed the thread. You looked pretty dang stupid now didn't you? And let's talk Phil Driscoll who you go on and on about everywhere you have a thread. I told you before and will tell you again...Phil is close friends of Kenneth Copeland and plays at his conventions and has for years. If you dislike KCM so strongly then why is it that you associate yourself with close personal partners of his who support Kenneth's Ministry? If you do not like him then fine but don't trash his name. You sure got your feathers up cackling like a wet hen when multiple people told you that your precious Michael Boldea is a con man. Reprimanding people scolding them to take back their words and they will pay for what they said. Who are you, Marie Levoux? You are the one off your rocker woman!!

I will tell you that through following teaching KCM has from the WORD...not some lost KJV bible they found somewhere and dusted off that I have no financial debt, had a child doctors said I could not have, bought a house that was furnished for a price that was so low even the realtor was shocked and many other blessings. I live blessed by standing on the word and did I have to send them money? NO but I sure have learned a lot from the way they live. Why would I take advice about finances from someone who is broke, or listen to someone who is constantly sick about healing?

Don't be a retard as far as Jesus was concerned either. He wasn't poor, sick, or broke either. That is a traditional thought. Would a man need a ministry treasurer if he was poor? How can one give to the poor when they are poor? Let the elevator go to the top woman, Judas was the treasurer. Do men cast lots for your clothes if they were not fantastic? No. Jesus had robes with no seams. For pretending to be so pious you sure are dumb. Why don't you get some spiritual understanding under you before running out like a baby Christian with your diapers on and a gun trying to shoot every adult mature Christian down? Learn to talk before speaking Jeremiah. Get out of the KJV and read the Amplified. Don't just cut and paste things, read it and study it.

And BTW...your cult leader doesn't run his business on gold dust from heaven, he gets donations and sells books. That is how preachers make their personal money is from their books not from the ministry. I would advise you to do some study on ministries before you condemn them, you will be held accountable for YOUR actions. Was your precious man of God on the scene when the disaster in Haiti happened? Did they have a plane that was there bringing medical supplies and food? Were they there when Katrina happened? Hmmmm...gee...let me see...NO! That fool you promote is from Romania. He isn't even from the USA and all the money you send him goes to "work" there. If the dude is homeless it isn't because he chooses to be. Good God!! You really should find some prosperity scriptures in the bible. I will give you a hint...they are through the whole thing so even YOU can find them.

Get off your tired soap box and get in the WORD Jeremiah, the only person who listens to you is YOU.

You sound like a very sad, discontented and unhappy person. I believe if you will get into a bible believing church that preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and attend faithfully giving your entire self to following Jesus and obeying Him. you'll find true joy and peace for your soul. I wish you God's best and will keep you in my prayers.

Well that's a problem though isn't it? I mean according to you the only true Gospel of Jesus is the one you preach so she would have to accept you as her spiritual leader for you to be satisfied. Let me were voted "most likely to be a cult leader" in high school weren't you?
I preach from the King James Version bible only. I am quoting Scripture and as you have a problem with that Phantom, your trouble is with the Written Word of God. Not me. You see, you deny that there is a hell, you deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ taught on hell quite often in the New Testament yet you deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ and attempt to deceive others into believing you are a Believer. You're practicing witchcraft. You will answer to the LORD for that and for denying His Word. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father. If you deny His Word (Jesus is the Word), you are still denying him before men and He is going to deny you before the Father. I do not perceive in my spirit that you know him. You must be born again. Without being born again you cannot understand the things of God. You need Jesus Christ and you need to find a good bible believing church where you can learn the truth of the Bible and attend Bible studies.
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I preach from the King James Version bible only. I am quoting Scripture and as you have a problem with that Phantom, your trouble is with the Written Word of God. Not me. You see, you deny that there is a hell, you deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ taught on hell quite often in the New Testament yet you deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ and attempt to deceive others into believing you are a Believer. You're practicing witchcraft. You will answer to the LORD for that and for denying His Word. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father. If you deny His Word (Jesus is the Word), you are still denying him before men and He is going to deny you before the Father. I do not perceive in my spirit that you know him. You must be born again. Without being born again you cannot understand the things of God. You need Jesus Christ and you need to find a good bible believing church where you can learn the truth of the Bible and attend Bible studies.

I am practicing witchcraft?!?!?!? :lmao: I was about to engage you point by point until I saw that comment. OMG you are a total lunatic! xxxxxxxxxxxxx :rofl: You and David Koresh have a lot in common.
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I preach from the King James Version bible only. I am quoting Scripture and as you have a problem with that Phantom, your trouble is with the Written Word of God. Not me. You see, you deny that there is a hell, you deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ taught on hell quite often in the New Testament yet you deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ and attempt to deceive others into believing you are a Believer. You're practicing witchcraft. You will answer to the LORD for that and for denying His Word. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father. If you deny His Word (Jesus is the Word), you are still denying him before men and He is going to deny you before the Father. I do not perceive in my spirit that you know him. You must be born again. Without being born again you cannot understand the things of God. You need Jesus Christ and you need to find a good bible believing church where you can learn the truth of the Bible and attend Bible studies.
You perceive something in your spirit?? You need to stand before walking lady. You couldn't see a lit candle through a paper bag spiritually. Michael Boldea will have you walking off a cliff ahead of him pretty soon. You are in so deep that you can't even think rationally. First you say everyone who is a prostitute, liar and thief won't enter heaven then you say everyone else is uninvited except them. It isn't hard to get you confused when you are spiritually unsound. Go to the word...not the KJV...I recommend the amplified for good reason and stay off these boards til you have some firm understanding...oh...and lay off KCM til you actually know something because you like and support many people they bank roll yet you find nothing wrong with what those YOU like are doing.
Hey time I make you Chicken Renee remind me to take the chicken foot, a clove of garlic, a sprig of rosemary, and a blood soaked feather...tie them off in butcher's twine and swing it over my head while I jump back and forth over a broom. Apparently I practice witchcraft so we had better figure out what powers I have. :lmao: What an incredible tool. :rofl:
I am practicing witchcraft?!?!?!? :lmao: I was about to engage you point by point until I saw that comment. OMG you are a total lunatic! xxxxxxxxxxxxx :rofl: You and David Koresh have a lot in common.

Come on Blue you know Jeremiah cannot be questioned ! Jeremiah has been informed numerous times that the KJV bible is erroneous in its translations concerning hell, but she will not relent. Her whole premise on preaching is brought into question, so her only recourse once exposed is to launch unwarranted personal attacks.
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