Do you realize why these events are happening?


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2013
Just sayin....

Let's see who thinks they know!
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And I'm not trying to make light of it in any way. It is very personal to me. But the substance laid upon this board following those horrific attacks, makes me think that many people here consider it fodder.
Palstinians think it was the "jews", but they blame the rain or their food burning on the "jews"
Just sayin....

Let's see who thinks they know!

I've always found it difficult to put myself into the head of madmen. If you're doing it for a cause against your enemy or oppressor I can understand that. But against non-combatants doesn't make sense. Oh yes, they're even more afraid now, but that is only making it worse for your cause. And that fear doesn't last very long. People will always channel fear into anger because fear only alerts you to a danger, but once alerted you wanna get rid of the threat and fear isn't useful then. So you become angry and retaliate. And whatever sympathy your cause may have had is now gone. You just turned potential sympathizers into new enemies.Terrorism is self-defeating.
I guess the main reason is the european liberty, which allows them to be so tolerant and think themselves could manage the problem of enemy's influence on their culture. Nowadays there are many people in France which don't consider french christian culture as their own. They are in opposition to christianity and for islam rules. For recent years France claimed that they are very tolerant and have no borders for all kind of thought. Now the world can see that not all kind of thoughts,races and religions are as good as french people are used to.
This is a good lesson for all mankind, that there isn't "common" modus vivendi, that not all religions are equal and that religion could affect very severely people's life. Now we see, that tolerance and absolute freedom for all can't stand against religious muslim fanatics. Freedom is good only in strong borders, not absolutely.
Just sayin....

Let's see who thinks they know!

This goes back a long way.

The British went into Afghanistan. The modern Jihad was born. It's simple really, the Afghans were never going to defeat the British with conventional troops, they didn't have the equipment. They found that giving people a fervor to fight helped their cause a lot more than military equipment. The British were kicked out, not once, but twice. This was the largest empire in the world, the most powerful army, and it lost to a bunch of Afghans who figured out how to defeat them.

Move forward in time and the Ottoman Empire was reduced to nothing, the French and British, the two big world players, took over. They carved up the Ottoman Empire.


Beyond this there were the Muslim countries that were interfered with by the British and French.

The British were in many Muslim countries, (to use the modern names) Egypt, Sudan, Kuwait, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria to name a few of those. Clearly the Muslims weren't too impressed at being taken over.

Iraq, for example, given a Saudi king by the British. Well Iraqi Nationalism took off after this. The consequences of this nationalism were the emergence of the Ba'ath Party and this was the launch pad for a certain Saddam Hussain.

Israel is another factor. The Muslims in the Middle East have never really gotten over this. It's sad as the Jews had and have so much to offer the region in terms of development, but it went the other way.

Then the US got in the game. Not only with supporting Israel, but also playing the oil game. Making sure it controlled oil. However the Cold War was more important.

Then came the end of the Cold War. US foreign policy was no long aligned with being against the "big evil", the USSR. It had gone, global dominance was there already. So foreign policy was about oil. Kuwait was invaded. The US and others had a lot of interest in getting the Iraqis out of Kuwait.

Interference by the US had gone in other Muslim countries for a while.

Then came Bush. Oh, and Hugo Chavez. Chavez wanted OPEC to be strong, why shouldn't it be?
Well the US helped a coup d'etat against him in 2002. It failed.
Then came the Iraq War.
Bush also wanted to take out Iran, but in fucking up Iraq so badly, this was never going to happen in his presidency.

But back to France. Why France? It's not hard to see why. The French had their empire and they ruled it in a manner which was not always that great, but they made Algeria and places a part of France, before they got their independence. So many moved to France. But never really managed to integrate into society that well, a fault of French domestic policy for sure.

So, you combine the world problems the west have caused Muslim countries, with domestic issues and bam, you have attacks in Paris occurring again and again.
Could it possibly be something very simple?

jus askin
The answer:

Wash, rinse and repeat...

What does that mean?

History repeats itself.

What does that mean?

From the days of colonial rule where the French Legions once help overthrow rulers in Muslim countries and propped dictatorships.

Why does that mean?

The French like many other Colonial Empires went into weaker countries to rape their society resources may it been humans, or raw materials while enslaving the mass population.

Final answer:

Removal of dictators from Iraq and Syria has open the Pandora Box and has allowed the fringe lunatics to run free. The lunatics once ruled under a iron fist are now able to access a internet and spew their hatred and recruit ignorant fools to do their bidding.

So the answer to why the attacks on Paris happen has many answers within it it, but the most simplistic answer is do not do regime changes in a region where lunatics live and once freed they will wreak havoc throughout the world.

May not be the answer you want but it is my answer to deal with the ignorant nonsense of the world!
We weren't defended by God today, i mean "Humanity" was not defended by God today.

So many innocent people lost their lives. Again.

Left unprotected... as always.

All this suffering, over someone who doesn't give a poop. Apparently, God told them to kill those people, and God allowed them to die.


And just carpet bomb the entire Middle East, wipe them all out of existence, turn our reliance on fossil fuels into alternative fuels like H so we don't care about their oil, and then split the oil profits among the 5 families.

The people in the ME have a very heavy belief in God and the afterlife. Maybe the afterlife is where they belong! Because they definitely DO NOT BELONG HERE ON EARTH!
So, you combine the world problems the west have caused Muslim countries, with domestic issues and bam, you have attacks in Paris occurring again and again.
Every country on Earth has had its' fair share of problems. Blaming modern day problems on events long ago makes no sense. It also ignores the real problem, the militant Muslims are widespread and incredibly intolerant. They kill each other and did so before any European country stepped in.

There's nothing stopping them from living peacefully in the Middle East if they want it that way. But what they want is to conquer Western civilization, that's why they're on the move. Fools like you live in a sea of moral relativity and will get your throat cut while you are making excuses for them.
So, you combine the world problems the west have caused Muslim countries, with domestic issues and bam, you have attacks in Paris occurring again and again.
Every country on Earth has had its' fair share of problems. Blaming modern day problems on events long ago makes no sense. It also ignores the real problem, the militant Muslims are widespread and incredibly intolerant. They kill each other and did so before any European country stepped in.

There's nothing stopping them from living peacefully in the Middle East if they want it that way. But what they want is to conquer Western civilization, that's why they're on the move. Fools like you live in a sea of moral relativity and will get your throat cut while you are making excuses for them.

Why does it make no sense to understand why problems are problems?

People aren't born into a vacuum. History plays a massive part in who people are.

The US celebrates 4th July. Why? It's about identity. Every nation, every group of people, has their history which will shape how people see things.
You want to hide from all of that because..... because it's not convenient for your view?

I'm sorry, you don't get rid of reality, you can choose to ignore it, you can make reasons why we should ignore it, but it's still there.

Yes, militant Muslims are intolerant. So too are many Americans. So what? That doesn't explain why Islamic Muslims are more likely to commit terrorism. It also ignores the fact that MOST Americans supported the invasion of Iraq, where MORE people died.

You're talking about how bad these Muslims are for going to western countries and killing a few people. But you're not talking how bad western countries are for going to Muslim countries and invading, destabilising etc.

What we did in Iraq is FAR WORSE than 9/11, 7/7 in London, Madrid Bombings and the two Paris attacks, I mean they're all insignificant in comparison with Iraq's invasion and massive post war incompetence balls up.

There's nothing stopping them living peacefully. There's nothing stopping the US from pulling troops out of foreign countries that don't want them there and not invading other countries either. BUT THEY DON'T STOP.
Could it possibly be something very simple?

jus askin

No. It's not simple. It's extremely complicated.

Some people want it simple, because they don't like complicated things, and simple things are often easy to fit into a very warped view of the world.
We weren't defended by God today, i mean "Humanity" was not defended by God today.

So many innocent people lost their lives. Again.

Left unprotected... as always.

All this suffering, over someone who doesn't give a poop. Apparently, God told them to kill those people, and God allowed them to die.


And just carpet bomb the entire Middle East, wipe them all out of existence, turn our reliance on fossil fuels into alternative fuels like H so we don't care about their oil, and then split the oil profits among the 5 families.

The people in the ME have a very heavy belief in God and the afterlife. Maybe the afterlife is where they belong! Because they definitely DO NOT BELONG HERE ON EARTH!

And what about Bush? I mean, Bush is responsible for more deaths than anyone else. Where does he belong?
I don't understand your question. Bush is a politician and billionaire. He's not the one out there doing stupid stuff in the name of a religion. If you don't like Bush, you should have revolted and left the country. But that's stupid too... bc the president does not have anything to do with our politics.

People kill people in events such as on Friday, because they think there is glory in the killing and in their death. It's not an isolated psychopathic loner, it was planned events among multiple people. Just like 9/11.

People are only willing to kill themselves if it means a profit on the other side. These people believe that in killing for their god, they will have a better life on the other side.

That thought process needs to change. But it's been with us for about 6000 years. And it's hard to teach an old dog, new tricks.

As long as people are fervently devoted to a Santa Claus religion, we are going to have these problems. Rulers take advantage of these brainwashed-from-birth people, and use them as their army. Somehow... we need a wake-up call regarding religion.

Because religion is why this stuff is happening. Not because of the religion itself, but because of the rulers who are using the religious loyalty of its followers, to do harm and to increase their wealth.
They are angry powerless young men. As with young humans everywhere putting a gun in your hand makes you feel powerful. Using it more powerful. Forcing others to do what you want them to do more powerful. Raping females at your whim more powerful. Having the power of life and death over everyone else, the ultimate power for a human.

They are a larger angrier version of criminal gangs you see in every society. And they USE religion to justify what they do and recruit more angry powerless young men with the promise of holding sway over all the rest of humanity.

And we have to kill them.

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