Do you really care about the children?

We already know you all are simply ''Waxed Cold'' critters....that's not really something to continue to brag about it! ;)
When Obama did the exact same thing, you didn't care. Why?
Democrats felt it would make Obama look like shit, so they waited till Trump was elected to start crying crocodile tears over it.

Forget the fact that they were the ones who created these policies in the first place. If they hadn't been in place Dummycraps would be screaming about Trump throwing children in jail with their parents.
Encouraging the children to make such a dangerous journey under scant hopes for success is not wise nor caring....encourage legal immigration but discourage in the harshest terms illegal immigration...
I can tell you would have made a lousy pioneer..
Care4all said:
waxed cold, means you have no sympathy or empathy only care for yourself, and could care less for others.....
Caring About Over 300 Million Of Our Fellow Americans
Is Hardly Caring Only For Myself
And Is Far More Caring Than Those That Place
The Welfare Of These Foreign Nationals Before Americans
Foreign Nationals That Are The Creators Of Their Own Current Hardship
You don't care for shit about my family.
Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

The Levite and the Priest, who ignored the 'left for dead' gravely injured man, and went around him, DID SO because they believed they were following THE LAW... (laws of cleanliness and laws about handling blood and working on the Sabbath)

I do not want open borders, I know no one on the left that wants open borders, I have never heard anyone but right wingers, talk about open borders...claiming the left wants them.

But BY LAW Refugees have a RIGHT to seek asylum in the USA.... and they have a right to a hearing, to see if they qualify.....whether they swim across the Rio Grande or walk across a customs entry point.

This president and his administration, CHOSE to treat refugees seeking asylum, as if they were illegal immigrants, as if they were drug dealers, as if they were MS13, and STOLE their children from them, with no plans of returning them, and arrested them and jailed them... while they are awaiting a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

INSTEAD of simply putting an ankle bracelet on them until their refugee asylum hearing, which has 100% compliance on them showing up to court for their hearings.

This admin announced they were going to hurt these refugees as much as they could, so to deter other refugees from seeking asylum, and said they would do so, by stealing these refugee's children from them and shipping them all over the country, with no means for regular contact and no contact ability at all, in some cases..... they did so by tricks, did not tell the parents so they could tell their children they would be separated for a while....and just took the kids while the parents were talking with border patrol or a lawyer or in the bathroom.... some of these refugees, WILL NEVER SEE THEIR CHILDREN AGAIN.....

Impeach the son of a bitch!
------------------------------------ we have Open Borders now . I;d hate to see what your plan would be Care4 .
i follow the golden rule, the one commandment that covers all commandments that Christ taught us.... Love God with mind, body, and soul, and love your neighbor, as yourself....

and they questioned Him, but who is my ''neighbor'', Lord?

And he proceeded to tell them The Good Samaritan parable....

Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

In the Old Testament, God (and therefore Jesus) made a distinction between his chosen people and the rest of the world he created. Those chosen were the Jews, the others were known as Gentiles. You seriously didn't think God let just anyone be part of the twelve tribes, do you? Ha. Apparently God doesn't employ the liberal open borders, open societies concept like you believe he does.

Don't misapply the scriptures. It's not a good look on you. Also, would it hurt for you to educate yourself on what the Bible says before you start bashing other people over the head with it?
There is a manner in which humanity can be a guide for all activities until you get that one bastard that makes you lose it and you have to come down hard on them as an example to the rest..But kids do not deserve to be punished for their parent's sins...
Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

The Levite and the Priest, who ignored the 'left for dead' gravely injured man, and went around him, DID SO because they believed they were following THE LAW... (laws of cleanliness and laws about handling blood and working on the Sabbath)

I do not want open borders, I know no one on the left that wants open borders, I have never heard anyone but right wingers, talk about open borders...claiming the left wants them.

But BY LAW Refugees have a RIGHT to seek asylum in the USA.... and they have a right to a hearing, to see if they qualify.....whether they swim across the Rio Grande or walk across a customs entry point.

This president and his administration, CHOSE to treat refugees seeking asylum, as if they were illegal immigrants, as if they were drug dealers, as if they were MS13, and STOLE their children from them, with no plans of returning them, and arrested them and jailed them... while they are awaiting a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

INSTEAD of simply putting an ankle bracelet on them until their refugee asylum hearing, which has 100% compliance on them showing up to court for their hearings.

This admin announced they were going to hurt these refugees as much as they could, so to deter other refugees from seeking asylum, and said they would do so, by stealing these refugee's children from them and shipping them all over the country, with no means for regular contact and no contact ability at all, in some cases..... they did so by tricks, did not tell the parents so they could tell their children they would be separated for a while....and just took the kids while the parents were talking with border patrol or a lawyer or in the bathroom.... some of these refugees, WILL NEVER SEE THEIR CHILDREN AGAIN.....

Impeach the son of a bitch!
------------------------------------ we have Open Borders now . I;d hate to see what your plan would be Care4 .
try walking across that open border and see what you get greeted with, go ahead just try it. There are sensors set up that can hear you fart while walking through that"open border"...
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.
Many families who legally asked border agents for asylum were separated and arrested.
Jesus was a failed neo-essene who hated white people. "Samaritans" were supposedly white. He hated other ethnic groups also. Yahweh, the father of Jesus, who was Jesus before he inseminated his mother Mary with his own sperm, also hated people, even the tribes he supposed chose. Please recall, in this day and age, if someone associates "god" (whatever created our reality) with the insane, racist and ridiculous debunkied Old and New Testaments are either ignorant and or superstitious.

As far as the illegal alien invasion of children, it is like thinking children from middle east, Islamic backgrounds have potential to be positive contributors to Western society. One in a million chance. DNA does not lie and takes many generations to evolve and one generation to devolve.
He's saying that his DNA has not evolved enough for him to make a contribution to our society.
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.

Do you care that American children whos parents committed crimes are separated from their parents? I don't not at all, so why should I care about foreigners stealing healthcare
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Encouraging the children to make such a dangerous journey under scant hopes for success is not wise nor caring....encourage legal immigration but discourage in the harshest terms illegal immigration...
I can tell you would have made a lousy pioneer..
-------------------------------- thats what this entire childrens deal is , its PIONEERS both young and old Recolonizing 'northern mexico' . [says - dora the explorer -] , Moonglow .
Moonglow said:
You don't care for shit about my family.
You Seem Depressed And Slightly Miserable
Maybe You Should Seek Someone To Talk To About That
course Softy American kids of the last generation or 2 or 3 couldn't do what the 'mexican kids' are doing . The 'American' kids would be scared as they said , but its unsafe . American kids Moms would be arranging SAFE play dates as they helicopter over and around their Softy American kids MoonGlow .
i follow the golden rule, the one commandment that covers all commandments that Christ taught us.... Love God with mind, body, and soul, and love your neighbor, as yourself....

and they questioned Him, but who is my ''neighbor'', Lord?

And he proceeded to tell them The Good Samaritan parable....

Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

In the Old Testament, God (and therefore Jesus) made a distinction between his chosen people and the rest of the world he created. Those chosen were the Jews, the others were known as Gentiles. You seriously didn't think God let just anyone be part of the twelve tribes, do you? Ha. Apparently God doesn't employ the liberal open borders, open societies concept like you believe he does.

Don't misapply the scriptures. It's not a good look on you. Also, would it hurt for you to educate yourself on what the Bible says before you start bashing other people over the head with it?
There is a manner in which humanity can be a guide for all activities until you get that one bastard that makes you lose it and you have to come down hard on them as an example to the rest..But kids do not deserve to be punished for their parent's sins...
--------------------- these mexican and 'otm' kids aren't being punished . they are simply being detained and maybe separated due to their parents lawbreaking MoonGlow . Happens all the time to American kids and their criminal parents Moonglow .
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Rosy said:
Answer Do you care that American children who'd parents committed crimes are separated from their parents?
How About
Selfish, Snotty, Spoiled Brattish Women
That Forcibly Rip Their Families Apart
Everyday Here In The United States ??

They've Been Led To Believe
They Can Do It All Without Any Man
And Our Penitentiaries Are Full Of Their Children

'Women Are More Compassionate And Feeling...'
What A Lying Farce
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.

Do you care that American children who'd parents committed crimes are separated from their parents? I don't not at all, so why should I care about foreigners stealing healthcare
When is a person with a child separated indefinitely in the US for a misdemeanor?
Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

The Levite and the Priest, who ignored the 'left for dead' gravely injured man, and went around him, DID SO because they believed they were following THE LAW... (laws of cleanliness and laws about handling blood and working on the Sabbath)

I do not want open borders, I know no one on the left that wants open borders, I have never heard anyone but right wingers, talk about open borders...claiming the left wants them.

But BY LAW Refugees have a RIGHT to seek asylum in the USA.... and they have a right to a hearing, to see if they qualify.....whether they swim across the Rio Grande or walk across a customs entry point.

This president and his administration, CHOSE to treat refugees seeking asylum, as if they were illegal immigrants, as if they were drug dealers, as if they were MS13, and STOLE their children from them, with no plans of returning them, and arrested them and jailed them... while they are awaiting a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

INSTEAD of simply putting an ankle bracelet on them until their refugee asylum hearing, which has 100% compliance on them showing up to court for their hearings.

This admin announced they were going to hurt these refugees as much as they could, so to deter other refugees from seeking asylum, and said they would do so, by stealing these refugee's children from them and shipping them all over the country, with no means for regular contact and no contact ability at all, in some cases..... they did so by tricks, did not tell the parents so they could tell their children they would be separated for a while....and just took the kids while the parents were talking with border patrol or a lawyer or in the bathroom.... some of these refugees, WILL NEVER SEE THEIR CHILDREN AGAIN.....

Impeach the son of a bitch!
------------------------------------ we have Open Borders now . I;d hate to see what your plan would be Care4 .
try walking across that open border and see what you get greeted with, go ahead just try it. There are sensors set up that can hear you fart while walking through that"open border"...
---------------------------------- it ain't working , the USA is being invaded on a minute by minute basis everyday Moonglow .
Care4all said:
waxed cold, means you have no sympathy or empathy only care for yourself, and could care less for others.....
Caring About Over 300 Million Of Our Fellow Americans
Is Hardly Caring Only For Myself
And Is Far More Caring Than Those That Place
The Welfare Of These Foreign Nationals Before Americans
Foreign Nationals That Are The Creators Of Their Own Current Hardship
you don't care for your fellow Americans either...

If you think your fellow Americans care about you then you're delusional
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.

Do you care that American children who'd parents committed crimes are separated from their parents? I don't not at all, so why should I care about foreigners stealing healthcare
When is a person with a child separated indefinitely in the US for a misdemeanor?
----------------------------------- hopefully SOON MoonGlow !!
i follow the golden rule, the one commandment that covers all commandments that Christ taught us.... Love God with mind, body, and soul, and love your neighbor, as yourself....

and they questioned Him, but who is my ''neighbor'', Lord?

And he proceeded to tell them The Good Samaritan parable....

Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

In the Old Testament, God (and therefore Jesus) made a distinction between his chosen people and the rest of the world he created. Those chosen were the Jews, the others were known as Gentiles. You seriously didn't think God let just anyone be part of the twelve tribes, do you? Ha. Apparently God doesn't employ the liberal open borders, open societies concept like you believe he does.

Don't misapply the scriptures. It's not a good look on you. Also, would it hurt for you to educate yourself on what the Bible says before you start bashing other people over the head with it?
There is a manner in which humanity can be a guide for all activities until you get that one bastard that makes you lose it and you have to come down hard on them as an example to the rest..But kids do not deserve to be punished for their parent's sins...
--------------------- these mexican and 'otm' kids aren't being punished . they are simply being detained and maybe separated due to their parents lawbreaking MoonGlow . Happens all the time to American k8ds and their criminal parents Moonglow .
Many people get misdemeanors every damn day and never go to jail dumbass...Asking for asylum is not a crime dipshit. There is no need to separate unless they have a definite problem with identification..The best situation is for the family to be a unit until processing has been completed.
We are talking about kids being flown hundreds if not thousands of miles apart..Who is funding this mismanagement? The taxpayer, and what does the taxpayer say in the largest group? They don't want it done. The boss has spoken.
Did Jesus really want us to willingly (and in some cases forcefully) violate the rules and precepts of other cultures and societies simply so we could be their neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan doesn't mean you have to break the law. If we can't follow the laws our government puts down, we show our inability to heed the Ten Commandments.

The Levite and the Priest, who ignored the 'left for dead' gravely injured man, and went around him, DID SO because they believed they were following THE LAW... (laws of cleanliness and laws about handling blood and working on the Sabbath)

I do not want open borders, I know no one on the left that wants open borders, I have never heard anyone but right wingers, talk about open borders...claiming the left wants them.

But BY LAW Refugees have a RIGHT to seek asylum in the USA.... and they have a right to a hearing, to see if they qualify.....whether they swim across the Rio Grande or walk across a customs entry point.

This president and his administration, CHOSE to treat refugees seeking asylum, as if they were illegal immigrants, as if they were drug dealers, as if they were MS13, and STOLE their children from them, with no plans of returning them, and arrested them and jailed them... while they are awaiting a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

INSTEAD of simply putting an ankle bracelet on them until their refugee asylum hearing, which has 100% compliance on them showing up to court for their hearings.

This admin announced they were going to hurt these refugees as much as they could, so to deter other refugees from seeking asylum, and said they would do so, by stealing these refugee's children from them and shipping them all over the country, with no means for regular contact and no contact ability at all, in some cases..... they did so by tricks, did not tell the parents so they could tell their children they would be separated for a while....and just took the kids while the parents were talking with border patrol or a lawyer or in the bathroom.... some of these refugees, WILL NEVER SEE THEIR CHILDREN AGAIN.....

Impeach the son of a bitch!
------------------------------------ we have Open Borders now . I;d hate to see what your plan would be Care4 .
try walking across that open border and see what you get greeted with, go ahead just try it. There are sensors set up that can hear you fart while walking through that"open border"...
---------------------------------- it ain't working , the USA is being invaded on a minute by minute basis everyday Moonglow .
Yeah, it was also in 1776 by a bunch of white European assholes.

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