Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
This is the longest pointless argument I ever saw lol.

And yet here you are joining right in. Amazing isn't it?

Actually it isn't pointless because we are at the cusp of what we are going to be as a society. Do we value free enterprise and success and achievement? Or do we want to do away with that in the name of 'fairness' and 'equality' and sameness?

Is Walmart a feature of how our nation is evolving and therefore we should adapt? Or do we roll the clock back to the mom and pop store era as the only way things can be if society is good?

It has been fascinating watching some damn us who remember earlier eras fondly and all they can see is whatever negatives existed in those earlier times. And they can't see any negatives in what they prefer in these modern times. And now the same people want to reverse modern times in commerce and industry as evil and can see only good in the way things used to be.

Maybe it has always been that way?
I go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.
If Romney's investments were socked away in a Cayman Trust, he wouldn't be paying the large amount of taxes he is paying, so nice try Koios. I by comparison have extremely modest investments, but because of the nature of them, some are overseas and probably at least some small part is parked in the Caymans.

But evenso, I fail to understand what Romney's investments have to do with Walmart's success or lack thereof. Or the nature of the dollar. Or what produces economic strength and how Walmart does or does not contribute to that.

Somebody earlier correctly pointed out how the unions and government meddling have decimated America's manufacturing industries. And now they are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

That might explain why Zogby and one other major pollster, both of whom solicit my opinion from time to time, whatever the nature of the poll re politics or religion or social issues etc. will invariably include one question: "How often do you shop at Walmart?" I am guessing that question is likely being paid for by somebody who is gunning for Walmart.

The liberal class envy argument is a convoluted trash bag of conflicting points and emotional rants.
I go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.

Or see 40 year old women wearing stiletto heeled FMB's tripping over them while checking every reflective surface to confirm their make-up is in order.
Walmart stores can be quite a target rich environment for spotting weird people.
And now they[union thugs] are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

yes the union thugs drove 30 million manufacturing jobs offshore, and now they are going after industries that cant escape off shore so easily. They will turn them into zombie industries, like they did the public schools, to serve themselves only.

Only liberals are preventing us from making unions illegal again.
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This is the longest pointless argument I ever saw lol.

And yet here you are joining right in. Amazing isn't it?

Actually it isn't pointless because we are at the cusp of what we are going to be as a society. Do we value free enterprise and success and achievement? Or do we want to do away with that in the name of 'fairness' and 'equality' and sameness?

Is Walmart a feature of how our nation is evolving and therefore we should adapt? Or do we roll the clock back to the mom and pop store era as the only way things can be if society is good?

It has been fascinating watching some damn us who remember earlier eras fondly and all they can see is whatever negatives existed in those earlier times. And they can't see any negatives in what they prefer in these modern times. And now the same people want to reverse modern times in commerce and industry as evil and can see only good in the way things used to be.

Maybe it has always been that way?

Hmmm ...

rw's want us to be a bedroom community of China.

Libs, not so much.

Sadly, rw's are winning.

Don't think so?

How many rw's shopped at small businesses on "small business Saturday"? as opposed to going to WallyWorld just to make the point that, by gawd, ain't nobody gonna tell them they kint buy their Made In China Plastic Shit And IN-rich Dem Waltons Whut Live On Walton Muntin.

See what I mean?
And now they[union thugs] are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

yes the union thugs drove 30 million manufacturing jobs offshore, and now they are going after industries that cant escape off shore so easily. They will turn them into zombie industries, like they did the public schools, to serve themselves only.

Only liberals are preventing us from making unions illegal again.

Yeah, we'd all be a lot better off if only American workers would learn to work for cooley wages like their Chinese counterparts.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
And now they[union thugs] are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

yes the union thugs drove 30 million manufacturing jobs offshore, and now they are going after industries that cant escape off shore so easily. They will turn them into zombie industries, like they did the public schools, to serve themselves only.

Only liberals are preventing us from making unions illegal again.

Seeerius comment follows -

We went to a WallyWorld. Looked for a toy. Didn't find it but did talk to a little girl, "asss-oshit", preggers out to there who told us about a bunting, all pink and fluffy, for sale in the baby department.

Then, in a hushed voice, she said, "but its $twenty dollars".

Jeeeezus fucking krist.

We asked if she knew her baby's sex.

She said "gurl".

I slipped a twenty in her pocket and told her go buy the bunting.

She said, "they're watching" and tried to give it back.

I managed to get the money into her pocket but the point is, the "asss-oshits" have to be careful. Saw the same thing on a documentary - that they're watched, every minute. And, they don't dare talk to each other because WallyWorld plants spies.

What a foul and vile world we've made where we once valued freedom.
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And now they[union thugs] are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

yes the union thugs drove 30 million manufacturing jobs offshore, and now they are going after industries that cant escape off shore so easily. They will turn them into zombie industries, like they did the public schools, to serve themselves only.

Only liberals are preventing us from making unions illegal again.

Yeah, we'd all be a lot better off if only American workers would learn to work for cooley wages like their Chinese counterparts.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

The pubs are working on it and the dumbass rw's are helping in every way they can.

The good news is that Obama won.

That means that more than half of the voters are fighting against outsourcing and bowing down to the rich.

It also means there's hope.
Not many people know this, but luddly works at Walmart. He was promoted from aisle jockey to greeter because of his calm disposition and alluring hair.
They sell Ipads ...and tablets ....they sell everything at K-Mart (that's how is called here) much cheaper than all the other places.... people buy things where its cheaper.... it falls to reason!
I go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.

Or see 40 year old women wearing stiletto heeled FMB's tripping over them while checking every reflective surface to confirm their make-up is in order.
Walmart stores can be quite a target rich environment for spotting weird people.

Or seeing a tiny (barely 5'), 30-ish woman with short platinum-blond hair, a swimsuit-model figure, and a fondness for short skirts, seamed stockings, and heels...wait, that's just the assistant manager of the one I shop at. :)

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