Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
To date, K-Mart demise is tied directly to the expansion of Walmart.
What did Walmart do to cause the demise of K-Mart?
1. Walmart placed it's stores in higher income areas away from cities. most K-Mart stores were located in in close suburbs or in urban areas where income levels of local residents were lower.
2. Walmart cut distributors out of the buying process then went directly to the manufacturers to purchase products. K-Mart was still using distributors to acquire stock for it's stores which adds to the cost of goods.
3. Walmart stores for the most part are cleaner, have wider aisles and are in NEW buildings. K-mart stores were located in older existing buildings that required up fits and repairs.
4 Walmart dropped private brands and transitioned to national brand merchandise.


Sam Walton virtually invented supply chain management, and no one does it better than Walmart.
To date, K-Mart demise is tied directly to the expansion of Walmart.
What did Walmart do to cause the demise of K-Mart?
1. Walmart placed it's stores in higher income areas away from cities. most K-Mart stores were located in in close suburbs or in urban areas where income levels of local residents were lower.
2. Walmart cut distributors out of the buying process then went directly to the manufacturers to purchase products. K-Mart was still using distributors to acquire stock for it's stores which adds to the cost of goods.
3. Walmart stores for the most part are cleaner, have wider aisles and are in NEW buildings. K-mart stores were located in older existing buildings that required up fits and repairs.
4 Walmart dropped private brands and transitioned to national brand merchandise.


Sam Walton virtually invented supply chain management, and no one does it better than Walmart.

Well then, we should pass a liberal communist law so that the huge cost savings can't be passed on to the American people. We want the American people to be poorer- right??

In fact, we should be consistent, all businesses that find a better or newer way should be prevented from passing the savings on to the American people. In fact, we should just pass a law against all economic progress and for universal soviet poverty.
My pleasure.

Indeed government takes money, however, due to the progressive nature of our tax policy, most comes from stagnant money,

Ah yes, those swimming pools filled with gold coins that Scrooge McDuck wallows in...

In re: Wealthy people like Mitt Romney got rich by keeping capital stagnate. You leftists sure are smart...

and less from folks who are likely to spend all or most of it, which the government does, near instantaneously, and then some, vis a vis borrowing.

So taking monies that would "stagnate" in capital projects and venture capital to distribute to non-productive public sector "workers" and to entitlements is a brilliant means to economic growth then?

Yes, nothing grows wealth quite like expending capital on disposable consumer goods for the entitlement sector.


Such a slow child. I'm not convinced 8th grade will help you, son.

For the lurkers who don't simply regurgitate ThinkProgress idiocy;

{In its simplest form, a law setting a minimum
hourly wage is a statement to workers that unless they can find jobs at or above the
specified minimum they cannot work. It is simultaneously a statement to employers that
workers who would be employed at lower wages must be paid the minimum (plus legally
required fringe benefits) or they cannot be employed. Employment, per se, is not required;
instead, the law establishes the terms of whatever employment occurs.}

Dollars are pauns we want moving around the board (our economy), which will not happen organically.

That is about the most ignorant statement I've yet read. Dollars are neither pawns nor are they static. What you cannot grasp, partially because you are a child lack education, and are lacking in critical thinking skills, but dollars are not value. I tried to explain this to you yesterday, but you lack the capacity to grasp even simply economic concepts. There is not a big bucket of dollars to be split up among all the good little boys and girls. Before value, wealth, can be looted, it must be created.

Yes, I know in the cartoon world painted by the leftist hate sites that do your thinking for you, we just need to borrow more from China and all is good. We can add to that static pile of dollars and then split it up more fairly.

Of course you are again showing foolish ignorance. While obscene, China holds but $1.2 trillion of the $16 trillion federal debt. The vast majority of the federal debt is held in t-bills, notes and bonds. Most of the bonds are held by American corporations. In other words, we borrow from the very same people you want to loot.

The natural flow of capital is to the top, where it stagnates, to the detriment of the economic system, from which we all, poor, middle and rich, benefit ... nay, depend upon.


No offense, but you're a fucking moron - seriously.

Moron that I may be, I can clearly see that Romney having achieved great wealth from this economy, socked it away in a Cayman Trust. Tell me how that benefits our economy, and moves through it, here. Can you? Of course not.

If I'm a moron, does that make you a mere garden variety idiot, or complete fucking idiot? I'm guessing that latter.
If Romney's investments were socked away in a Cayman Trust, he wouldn't be paying the large amount of taxes he is paying, so nice try Koios. I by comparison have extremely modest investments, but because of the nature of them, some are overseas and probably at least some small part is parked in the Caymans.

But evenso, I fail to understand what Romney's investments have to do with Walmart's success or lack thereof. Or the nature of the dollar. Or what produces economic strength and how Walmart does or does not contribute to that.

Somebody earlier correctly pointed out how the unions and government meddling have decimated America's manufacturing industries. And now they are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

That might explain why Zogby and one other major pollster, both of whom solicit my opinion from time to time, whatever the nature of the poll re politics or religion or social issues etc. will invariably include one question: "How often do you shop at Walmart?" I am guessing that question is likely being paid for by somebody who is gunning for Walmart.
Moron that I may be, I can clearly see that Romney having achieved great wealth from this economy, socked it away in a Cayman Trust. Tell me how that benefits our economy, and moves through it, here. Can you? Of course not.

dear a trust is not a mattress!! A trust very very carefully invests money to make a huge profit if possible. Huge profits come from new companies!!!

Solyndra/soviet/ A123 Systems/bridge to no where, liberal bureaucrats don't grow the economy the merely waste our money.

When is the last time a poor person created a job or grew the economy??

Do you want more welfare entitlements for the poor so they can invent new products and grow the economy???

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??
If Romney's investments were socked away in a Cayman Trust, he wouldn't be paying the large amount of taxes he is paying, so nice try Koios. I by comparison have extremely modest investments, but because of the nature of them, some are overseas and probably at least some small part is parked in the Caymans.

But evenso, I fail to understand what Romney's investments have to do with Walmart's success or lack thereof. Or the nature of the dollar. Or what produces economic strength and how Walmart does or does not contribute to that.

Somebody earlier correctly pointed out how the unions and government meddling have decimated America's manufacturing industries. And now they are targeting retail and Walmart, being the biggest, is the No. 1 target.

That might explain why Zogby and one other major pollster, both of whom solicit my opinion from time to time, whatever the nature of the poll re politics or religion or social issues etc. will invariably include one question: "How often do you shop at Walmart?" I am guessing that question is likely being paid for by somebody who is gunning for Walmart.

They're almost certainly unrelated. But you brought up Romney, and I corrected you on your misconception. I had no idea you wished for some sort of Romney-Walmart connectivity, of which there is little if any, I'm guessing.

Does that help?

Edit: sorry; it was not you who brought Romney up; it was someone else who did, and you jumped in. My apology for not seeing that initially.
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Moron that I may be, I can clearly see that Romney having achieved great wealth from this economy, socked it away in a Cayman Trust. Tell me how that benefits our economy, and moves through it, here. Can you? Of course not.

dear a trust is not a mattress!! A trust very very carefully invests money to make a huge profit if possible. Huge profits come from new companies!!!

Solyndra/soviet/ A123 Systems/bridge to no where, liberal bureaucrats don't grow the economy the merely waste our money.

When is the last time a poor person created a job or grew the economy??

Do you want more welfare entitlements for the poor so they can invent new products and grow the economy???

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??

I'm not suffering fools as well today as yesterday, Ed. Let's save it for another thread, shall we?
Moron that I may be, I can clearly see that Romney having achieved great wealth from this economy, socked it away in a Cayman Trust. Tell me how that benefits our economy, and moves through it, here. Can you? Of course not.

dear a trust is not a mattress!! A trust very very carefully invests money to make a huge profit if possible. Huge profits come from new companies!!!

Solyndra/soviet/ A123 Systems/bridge to no where, liberal bureaucrats don't grow the economy the merely waste our money.

When is the last time a poor person created a job or grew the economy??

Do you want more welfare entitlements for the poor so they can invent new products and grow the economy???

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??

I'm not suffering fools as well today as yesterday, Ed. Let's save it for another thread, shall we?

translation: I'm a liberal, I'll get slaughtered if I engage, but like a true believer Nazi fascist I'll cling to my feelings even when I have no thoughts.
I'm not suffering fools as well today as yesterday, Ed. Let's save it for another thread, shall we?

You're not suffering fools at all, you're suffering from a severe ass beating.

I'm just sayin...

The guy was truely a liberal. He had no education whatsoever but whatever random thought popped into is head he was willing to go to war over.

This is similar to the great 20th century liberals,Hitler Stalin and Mao. They had idiotic liberal ideas based on pure gibberish but each was willing to kill millions because they were so sure of their gut feelings.

Someone once said the Nike Slogan, "Just Do it" was the most accurate description of liberalism. I think he was right; meanwhile conservatism is based on a carefully reasoned 2000 year old philosophy that is slowly refined as new wisdom emerges.
There are some old geezers who resist change, but in the scheme things they are irrelevant. They'll be dead in 20 years and the newer generation has no prejudice against computers.

Small showrooms will always be around. I find voice chat with customer care on sites to be quite pleasant. The market, not law, drives these changes.
Agree. For now though, the brick and mortar presence will still be necessary.

To a certain extent, brick-and-mortar will be necessary until shippers figure out a way to provide instant gratification. Sometimes things simply can't be ordered online, because you can't wait for them. Or because you don't want to. Smart retailers are adjusting to that, and tailoring their instore service to cater to the desire for NOW.

Some things just have to be seen to be bought. Offhand, I have NEVER been able to buy shoes that fit without trying them on!
Agree. For now though, the brick and mortar presence will still be necessary.

To a certain extent, brick-and-mortar will be necessary until shippers figure out a way to provide instant gratification. Sometimes things simply can't be ordered online, because you can't wait for them. Or because you don't want to. Smart retailers are adjusting to that, and tailoring their instore service to cater to the desire for NOW.

Some things just have to be seen to be bought. Offhand, I have NEVER been able to buy shoes that fit without trying them on!

Quite true. I can buy clothes all day long online, and only rarely have to return something that doesn't fit correctly. My husband and oldest son, on the other hand, HAVE to try their pants on before buying, because every single pair seems to fit them differently, and I'd never get anything done but returning them if I bought online.

And I would NEVER buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first, unless I was planning to never stand up in them.

I also just love being able to run out and get something on impulse, just because I decided I wanted it right now. Online shopping will never be able to give me that, unless and until retailers figure out a way to teleport purchases directly into the home.
Agreed. I have the world's hardest to fit feet and shoes don't come in my size. I have to try on everything and get as close as I can. I always figured if I ever won the lottery, I could then have shoes custom made for my feet. :)

But I agree, there is nothing like shopping at the store when you need something fast or when you don't know for sure what you want and just want to review all the options. And sometimes you really want to look close to examine quality, color, texture, etc. and you can't always judge all that on line.

In fact I finished up my Christmas shopping yesterday at Walmart. I needed some filler gifts and had no idea what I was going to buy until I saw the items walking through the aisles and just looking at everything. No way I could have found those last few items on line at the price I paid for them.
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:) Mostly I like going to the store to see what products are there and often try out a new shampoo or body wash or some other product that I wouldn't have known existed if I hadn't walked through that department at the store. That's the primary drawback of shopping on line. You can't see ALL the products offered and if you don't know that something exists, you won't search for it on line.

I did want to mention the Salvation Army bellringer who was working outside Walmart on Friday. I was feeling rather down at the time and was pretty unenthusiastic about everything in general. But he was singing Christmas carols, badly but happily, and greeting everybody and I found myself smiling, even laughing. And it was difficult pushing a few bills through the slot of the 'kettle' because it was so full. Warmed my heart.
Walmart pays the same as Target, yet Walmart is always the big bad wolf. Why is that? And since Target's prices are almost always higher, why aren't they paying better wages overall?

I agree. Walmart is a smart option when the household budget requires watching every penny. Costco may pay their employees more but their service is just as bad as other big box retailers (worse in fact because you have to pay for membership).

I use Costco for bulk purchases and the $50 a year membership to Costco pays the annual fee for my American Express card. I also buy my gas there since it is usually at least 10 cents a gallon cheaper and I get a 3% discount as well.

When I need one can of soup, or one loaf of bread, I go to Kroger's, Publix or Walmart.
:) Mostly I like going to the store to see what products are there and often try out a new shampoo or body wash or some other product that I wouldn't have known existed if I hadn't walked through that department at the store. That's the primary drawback of shopping on line. You can't see ALL the products offered and if you don't know that something exists, you won't search for it on line.

I did want to mention the Salvation Army bellringer who was working outside Walmart on Friday. I was feeling rather down at the time and was pretty unenthusiastic about everything in general. But he was singing Christmas carols, badly but happily, and greeting everybody and I found myself smiling, even laughing. And it was difficult pushing a few bills through the slot of the 'kettle' because it was so full. Warmed my heart.

I can't pass up a Salvation Army bell ringer without dropping a few bucks in the pot. And it seems Walmart is the only store that allows these Christians to solicit at their store. One more reason to shop there.
I can't pass up a Salvation Army bell ringer without dropping a few bucks in the pot. And it seems Walmart is the only store that allows these Christians to solicit at their store. One more reason to shop there.

Liberals would have us shop at higher priced stores to make us poorer!! They are truly the enemies of the people.

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