Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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Men have no rights to play in the WNBA
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This conversation can't be had till we all know exactly what these rights entail, and who gets to establish them.
Yeah that fine line of right and the right to oppress another does seem to have been skewed into something it should have never been. The right to hang out one's privates or do their personal biz in a public place interferes with the rights of another who doesn't wanna see that obscene crap. So what is obscene has to be defined.
I support equal rights under the law, including the right to disassociate from those with whom you choose to disassociate.
I see the equal rights people are winning. They are the group who thinks that an illegal alien has the same rights to a drivers license, public education, housing and welfare as you do. They are the same people who think the unemployed have an equal right to vote as you do. (I know, they do, but if you are not paying taxes, then you shouldn't have the right to vote). You see, before you can lay down a blanket statement about rights, you have to set SOME limitations. Do you support ISIS members having equal rights to say how you worship, live and pay taxes to? Or live?
Only black women have the right to be Miss black America
I see the equal rights people are winning. They are the group who thinks that an illegal alien has the same rights to a drivers license, public education, housing and welfare as you do. They are the same people who think the unemployed have an equal right to vote as you do. (I know, they do, but if you are not paying taxes, then you shouldn't have the right to vote). You see, before you can lay down a blanket statement about rights, you have to set SOME limitations. Do you support ISIS members having equal rights to say how you worship, live and pay taxes to? Or live?
Some are over equal compared to those of us who have worked all of our lives and supported the government institutions to benefit our people.

Per Refugee Resettlement Fact Sheet

17. Welfare use is staggering among refugees. Welfare usage is never counted by officials as part of the cost of the program. Yet, when it is included, the total cost of the refugee program soars to at least 10-20 billion a year.

As some Americans are pushed off of time-limited welfare programs many refugees are going on to life-time cash assistance programs. For instance, 12.7% of refugees are on SSI – a lifetime entitlement to a monthly check / Medicaid for elderly or disabled. This rate of usage is at least 4 times higher than the rate of usage for SSI among the native-born population and is reportedly rising from these already very high levels.

Permanent and intergenerational welfare dependence has been allowed to take hold to a significant degree in some refugee groups.

Find latest welfare usage among refugees here (latest data available is from 2009):

Find table TABLE II-14: Public Assistance Utilization Among refugees who arrived during the 5 years previous to the survey 57.7% are on government medical assistance such as Medicaid, about 25% have no health insurance at all, 70.2% are receiving food stamps, 31.6% are in public housing (an additional percentage is on a public housing waiting list), and 38.3 % are getting cash assistance such as TANF or SSI.

The figure of 57.7% dependent upon government medical assistance is actually an undercount since it excludes children under 16.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Pedophile conveniently omitted himself from the list.
Why would criminals be on the list? Criminals know they are risking certain rights when they commit a crime.
Do you think minorities, homosexuals, and people of a certain faiths are equitable to criminals?
Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.

I've never felt that weight.
Maybe that says more about you than me.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?
Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?

Um, because biology.

That's why.

A sperm cell is just that, a "cell" and while some organisms ARE only one cell in size, and many organisms start out as only one cell. . . Sperm CELLS are not one of them.

Sperm cells are nothing more than haploid reproductive CELLS that one organism (the male) uses for the purpose of procreating.

If sperm CELLS were already complete organisms (children if you will) . . . then there would be no need for conception to take place, no biological need for an egg cell and it's dna from the female parent, etc.

Did you not pay attention to any of this in school? Or, are you maybe still in school?
He was to busy figuring which bathroom to use.
Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.

They do have to stick to become Human Beings. Just because they stick doesn't mean they automatically become Human Beings in the eyes of the law.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
Nope. I'm against equal rights when it's crossed the line into the ridiculous.

Qausi-chicks leading the girl scouts. NOPE

LGT leading congregations in contradiction of church belief system. NOPE

LGT equal rights of adoption. NOPE

Affirmative Action. NOPE, it's a contradiction.

Dudes getting married. NOPE, though they should be afforded mostly the same rights as a marriage.

Reverse segregation & opportunity. NOPE, it's a contradiction. Where's the white-boy college fund anyway? Oh shit, can't have that.

Other than that, I don't see any issues. Today's equal rights rhetoric is just sounding off by a pampered people. We all have equal rights.

No we don't, but we should.

Period, no exceptions.

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