Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.

For real?

You've posted some really nasty, vile racist crap. Are you really saying that suddenly changed.

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Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.
Depends on what you think rights are.

No it doesn't.

It does not matter what HE thinks rights are, doesn't matter what YOU think rights are, doesn't matter what I think rights are.

THATs the point.

"Rights"are the same, equal, for all. Period.

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Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?

Men have been selling sperm for a long long time but remember a few years ago, women started selling their eggs.

The fundies and others went bananas.

But, really, what's the difference?

Sperm, ova, zygotes -- none are human lives, none have "rights".

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Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love.
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.

Even worse. "I think I'll have the Special today!"

"Sorry my Negro, but your kind can only order from the regular menu"
So you support the right of the baker for not baking a wedding cake, because of his religion?

Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.

Even worse. "I think I'll have the Special today!"

"Sorry my Negro, but your kind can only order from the regular menu"
What does that have to do with a baker not wanting to cater to an event that is against his religion? So would you force a black man to cater a kkk meeting?
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Everyone but you Matthew. For you I support free protective headgear
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Everyone but you Matthew. For you I support free protective headgear
But not testical protection, don't want him to reproduce. Hopefully he fully transforms into Mattie before he does.
Sure, equal rights means that Christians can refuse to perform weddings for sodomites on religious grounds. Equal rights means that a state government can pass a law protecting women from having the ladies room invaded by confused men who assume that the right to power their noses is found somewhere in the Constitution. I notice that the rights of unborn humans aren't even included on the list.
We would have a better chance of leveling the playing field if we each take a step towards the middle.
Only black women have the right to be Miss black America
It would be racist to have a Miss White America.

That is because the vast majority of racists in this country are the blacks. Want to find a racist? Look for a person who sees every issue as a matter of race instead of economics, education or some other thing. When you see everything in terms of skin colour, congratulations, you're a racist.
Only black women have the right to be Miss black America
It would be racist to have a Miss White America.

That is because the vast majority of racists in this country are the blacks. Want to find a racist? Look for a person who sees every issue as a matter of race instead of economics, education or some other thing. When you see everything in terms of skin colour, congratulations, you're a racist.
Part depends on the area of the country one lives and their personal beliefs. Personally I go by what the person's character is like and do not consider all the rest of the garbage. Race never seemed like a big deal to Rod or me but it does for some others. I have also been discriminated against because I don't discriminate based on the things people seem to consider and worry themselves with. I can say in long travels across the country there were black truck drivers that stopped when I was broke down when others just passed on by without even getting in the other lanes or slowing down. Had a flat on a trailer down in MO on my way to Florida one year (had new tires put on before leaving town too but no extra rim for a spare figured new tires on the trailer I was in good enough shape to get to where I was headed). Had two dogs with me, it was late at night and the damn thing I was just coming over the rise headed toward St.Louis when it blew out. I decided to take the one dog with I knew wouldn't bolt and started to walk to the next exit knowing if I didn't a good possibility someone could come over the rise half awake hit those swells in the road and end up swerving into the vehicles or me and the dogs. Walking was kinda hairy there looking back seeing those vehicles hit those swells in the road and float all over the place towards us. It was a black truck driver that stopped after I had walked at least a half a mile. He was very courteous. He set his cell phone down on the lowest step on the passenger side of his semi for I wouldn't be afraid to use his phone to call triple A or call someone to help. There were at least a hundred vehicles that passed me without even a consideration of stopping. The other one was also a black semi driver that assisted another time about ten years previously and that time the dogs and I were headed through Nebraska. I was on my way west for a 1,400 mile trip.
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.
Depends on what you think rights are.

No it doesn't.

It does not matter what HE thinks rights are, doesn't matter what YOU think rights are, doesn't matter what I think rights are.

THATs the point.

"Rights"are the same, equal, for all. Period.

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Then you should have no trouble listing them. What are your legal rights protected by law?
Why don't you have "children in the womb" on your list, Mathew?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.

They do have to stick to become Human Beings. Just because they stick doesn't mean they automatically become Human Beings in the eyes of the law.

And. . . everybody knows the laws are completely infallible!

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