Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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Do you support equal rights for all?
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Voted no because I felt like being an asshole. Now give me a pallet of Twinkies and I'll vote yes!

But seriously though, I do support equal rights for all.

The question is, do you? For real?
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
Most of the Islamic Golden Age knowledge came from Greeks, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, and the Indus Valley.

They built upon it, as we did what went before us.

Stop being silly.

Judging by PISA scores, and IQ scores the Mediterranean race isn't very bright.

Even the more Mediterranean peoples of Europe clearly have lower levels of intellect, as a collective.

The Mediterranean race had a head-start over Northern Europeans.

While Mesolithic Europe nearly went extinct from the ice age, Mediterranean's could just fiddle around and create agriculture, to build up their societies, and population.

And yet in America the Jews took over the banks, and the Irish oil and politics. :laugh:

Jews are ambitious, but how smart are they when they so often support gun control like Nazis did against Jews, and so often support Liberalism which backfires on Jews as the non-Whites they prop up tend to hate on Jews more, and Jews in America tend to mix heavily with non-Jews due to the very Liberalism they promote.

Not to mention, all those Jews blaming Poland for the Holocaust, which is completely inaccurate.

Modern American Jews are the most part Democrats before they are Jews. They have little relation to the Sabra of Israel.

Just proof of Jews not being very bright, Republicans tend to be more pro-Israel, for tax cuts which benefit Jews, and more likey to be against Muslim refugees which benefit Jews.
So women are supposed to be drafted then?
Women clamored for the right to serve in the military, including in combat roles, and they got it, so yes.

Be careful of for what one asks. One may get it.

Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
So women are supposed to be drafted then?
Women clamored for the right to serve in the military, including in combat roles, and they got it, so yes.

Be careful of for what one asks. One may get it.

Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
Hard to believe but women's lib is now working on replacing women with tranny men. All those sports they wanted to be equal in they can be replaced. It's insane.
Would you support the right of a baker to not bake a wedding cake for an interracial couple because of his religion?
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.

Even worse. "I think I'll have the Special today!"

"Sorry my Negro, but your kind can only order from the regular menu"
What does that have to do with a baker not wanting to cater to an event that is against his religion? So would you force a black man to cater a kkk meeting?
If they are in it for the profit of lucre, they cannot be very moral.
I would support their freedom of choice. I bet you wouldn't say a thing of the baker was black. Also baking a cake for a wedding isn't a necessity.

Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.

Even worse. "I think I'll have the Special today!"

"Sorry my Negro, but your kind can only order from the regular menu"
What does that have to do with a baker not wanting to cater to an event that is against his religion? So would you force a black man to cater a kkk meeting?
If they are in it for the profit of lucre, they cannot be very moral.
Well that's their choice? Right?
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.

If you truly believe in freedom, then anyone who doesn't want to rent to, hire, or do business with a Black, Gay, Jew, Muslim, Asian, White, Woman, or Man etc. should have such a right, no?

No, that's a bad argument.

Equal rights doesn't mean everyone gets to do exactly what they want. You don't have the right to murder someone.

Also, equal rights when you run a business becomes something different, you sign a contract with the society about how to run that business. Everyone has the equal right to start a business, but you have to agree to those rules first.

Also, right are basically you can do anything as long as it doesn't hurt or harm others. By having a society where groups of people are denied their place as an equal member of society, ie, by preventing them going into shops to buy stuff, then you are going against the theory of rights.
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.

If you truly believe in freedom, then anyone who doesn't want to rent to, hire, or do business with a Black, Gay, Jew, Muslim, Asian, White, Woman, or Man etc. should have such a right, no?

No, that's a bad argument.

Equal rights doesn't mean everyone gets to do exactly what they want. You don't have the right to murder someone.

Also, equal rights when you run a business becomes something different, you sign a contract with the society about how to run that business. Everyone has the equal right to start a business, but you have to agree to those rules first.

Also, right are basically you can do anything as long as it doesn't hurt or harm others. By having a society where groups of people are denied their place as an equal member of society, ie, by preventing them going into shops to buy stuff, then you are going against the theory of rights.

But, he said freedom in that post.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


I support equal rights for ALL Americans. What I don't support is subdividing Americans down into smaller and smaller groups and then telling them they're oppressed by all the other groups just to gain cheap political points. That's not equal rights, that's identity politics.

Equal rights begins with all Americans acknowledging their status as Americans.
It's kinda scary to see all these people who think "land of the free," applies only to specific people in America.

If you legally live in the United States, then you deserve the same rights as everyone else living in the United States.
Neither is riding at the front of the bus. Or eating at the counter at the local dinner.
And the baker sold the gay couple everyday items and just didn't want to cater their wedding.

Even worse. "I think I'll have the Special today!"

"Sorry my Negro, but your kind can only order from the regular menu"
What does that have to do with a baker not wanting to cater to an event that is against his religion? So would you force a black man to cater a kkk meeting?
If they are in it for the profit of lucre, they cannot be very moral.
Well that's their choice? Right?
Moral forms of indignation require actual morals; otherwise, there is an existing Religious, technical term for that.
It's kinda scary to see all these people who think "land of the free," applies only to specific people in America.

If you legally live in the United States, then you deserve the same rights as everyone else living in the United States.

The question is where is the right to have your butt hurt be more important than someone else's butt hurt?

Because when government gets involved in adjudicating that, someone's rights are being trampled.
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.

If you truly believe in freedom, then anyone who doesn't want to rent to, hire, or do business with a Black, Gay, Jew, Muslim, Asian, White, Woman, or Man etc. should have such a right, no?

No, that's a bad argument.

Equal rights doesn't mean everyone gets to do exactly what they want. You don't have the right to murder someone.

Also, equal rights when you run a business becomes something different, you sign a contract with the society about how to run that business. Everyone has the equal right to start a business, but you have to agree to those rules first.

Also, right are basically you can do anything as long as it doesn't hurt or harm others. By having a society where groups of people are denied their place as an equal member of society, ie, by preventing them going into shops to buy stuff, then you are going against the theory of rights.

But, he said freedom in that post.

Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.

They do have to stick to become Human Beings. Just because they stick doesn't mean they automatically become Human Beings in the eyes of the law.

And. . . everybody knows the laws are completely infallible!


I guess that is a matter of opinion. What can be said for sure is that is the law right now in the USA. Right?
Why don't you classify every sperm as sacred, Chuz Life?
Two sperms hooking up can't create a life any more than an infertile egg can hook up with another infertile egg and bring forth life. Its a fairly simple common sense thought process if you can use your brain.

Even a fertilized egg has more challenges ahead before it can develop. A significant number of this undeveloped but potential humans are flushed out of the baby factory.
Yah' but the one's that stick are human beings in the process.

They do have to stick to become Human Beings. Just because they stick doesn't mean they automatically become Human Beings in the eyes of the law.

What exactly is the physiological difference between a the two human organisms who are both in their zygote stage of development and one implants into the uterine lining and the other one doesn't?

Be specific.

I think you need to refer that question to a molecular biologist. For me, one has a chance to develop further and the other has no chance and will be flushed out with the next cycle.

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