Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.


How dare the states ban discrimination above and beyond the federal government law.

There is nothing equal about government taking sides in a butt hurt fight. It's tyranny pure and simple.

I hate Rush.

It's just music. The weirdest concert I ever went to was Rush and The Grateful Dead. Same night. Equal billing.

How dare the states ban discrimination above and beyond the federal government law.

There is nothing equal about government taking sides in a butt hurt fight. It's tyranny pure and simple.

I hate Rush.

It's just music. The weirdest concert I ever went to was Rush and The Grateful Dead. Same night. Equal billing.

It's music I don't like, right up there with the Bee Gees.
Do you support equal rights for all?
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There should be an application process for the right to reproduce.
Further, here's something to make you want to roll up in the fetal position....HUMANS ARE NOT ALL EQUAL...SOME ARE BARELY HUMAN! No trivia, no semantics, no BULLSHIT!
So women are supposed to be drafted then?
Women clamored for the right to serve in the military, including in combat roles, and they got it, so yes.

Be careful of for what one asks. One may get it.

Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
It appears you may live in a fantasy land if you think all women were happier prior to getting some equal rights, like the ability to support their families. Women in my grandmothers day stayed with abusive men because people like yourself told them that is what they should do. Females were treated like property, even today some are still.
Do you support equal rights for all?
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Everyone but polygamists. That's just yucky.

Isn't' that right Progs?

Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.
I support freedom and liberty no matter what! Equal rights for all.

Rapists, murderers, terrorists, arsonists, pedophiles don't deserve equal rights. They don't deserve rights at all.
It's a given that criminals give up some rights, but they are still covered by the Constitution. Examples:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
So women are supposed to be drafted then?
Women clamored for the right to serve in the military, including in combat roles, and they got it, so yes.

Be careful of for what one asks. One may get it.

Equality for Women just made it worse for them, anyways.

Women were actually happier before Women's Liberation.

It's not surprising, they once could be a stay at home mom, now many are working single mothers, who have to work like a man.

Now that Women have more power, Men either become more aggressive, or more submissive accordingly, Men often aren't as polite towards Women as before Women's liberation.

The whole thing stinks, it made everyone's lives more miserable.
It appears you may live in a fantasy land if you think all women were happier prior to getting some equal rights, like the ability to support their families. Women in my grandmothers day stayed with abusive men because people like yourself told them that is what they should do. Females were treated like property, even today some are still.

Women being less happy is a fact.

What's Happening To Women's Happiness? | HuffPost

First, since 1972, women’s overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.)
Coming around to supporting equal rights and personal freedom is one of best choice of my life. I no longer have to hate every second of every day and I smile a lot more....

It is like taking 10 tons off my chest. That is the benefit of accepting all people are deserving of equal rights and love. you, a member of the left wing are the source of almost all of the hate and racism in this is nice to see that one of you is finally becoming normal.......

but first...define equal rights....
I support your right to wear a dress and carry a purse, Matthew.

Speaking of purses... would you mind helping me ID the brand of purse in this video? I think my GF would like it.

Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.

So sorry to say, but Democracy works better in Poland, than in America today.

Poles didn't want Muslim refugees so they didn't get them.

Americans didn't want Muslims refugees so they did get them.

America might be officially low on corruption, but it's a dysfunctional society none the less.

America killed 100's of thousands in Iraq in a war, while doing next to nothing about millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border, and gauging the system.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!

Specify what you think are "rights". We know who "everyone" is....we don't know what your list of rights consists of.
Do you support equal rights for all?
on down the list!


Equality is a fantasy, and has no barring in the real World.

There's always going to be disparities because we're all different.

We're not equal robots, and therefor equality is stupid.

If you support equal treatment, there will still be inequality among the outcomes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then that's still inequality.

If you support balancing the scale to create equality of outcomes, as we have been doing, then there's still going to be little changes as some Humans are superior over others.... Then you still don't have equality of treatment.

I swear that Humans obsessed with equality have Asperger's or OCD or something, they too like to put things into equal little boxes.
It shouldn't be surprising that Second and Third Worlders don't understand the concept of a Constitutional government that isn't riddled with corruption and actually does seek to protect the rights of its citizens.

There's a difference between legislating that a government treat all of its citizens equally and legislating that all citizens treat each other equally. The former is workable, the latter is an exercise in futility.

The problem we're running into in the US is the effort by bleeding-hearts to right past wrongs by creating "protected classes" of people. To borrow from Animal Farm; "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". This, of course, is wrong and weakens the entire system.

So sorry to say, but Democracy works better in Poland, than in America today.

Poles didn't want Muslim refugees so they didn't get them.

Americans didn't want Muslims refugees so they did get them.

America might be officially low on corruption, but it's a dysfunctional society none the less.

America killed 100's of thousands in Iraq in a war, while doing next to nothing about millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border, and gauging the system.
LOL. Nice spin. Is that why you were ruled first by the Nazis then by the Soviets for 50 years?

Interesting that you claim your nation is a democracy then turn around and prove it's a virulently racist and anti-Muslim nation.

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