CDZ Do You Support Gun Control?

Anyone who says no clearly wants guns in the hands of criminals at all times. Er....... I'm trying to think of something to say that doesn't involve "stupid" "fucking" or "insane"
do libs understand that criminals (who do 99% of killing)- will get guns no matter what? Or are they just that stupid?

Depends what you mean by a criminal.

First, if a criminal is someone who breaks a law, then most people are criminals.
Second, if a criminal is someone who has been convicted of a crime already, then no, 99% of crimes aren't committed by criminals.
Why? When was the last a time a crime was committed with a legal machine gun?
Why have a machine gun? What's the purpose?

Does there need to be a purpose? Because I want one isn't good enough?
I guess. I just don't understand why one is needed. But I read the thread ass backwards so now I know that its fun for some to have one. Ok. Personally, I'll pass. But I would love to have those two guns Ernie just got! I like older pistols instead of those squared off things with clips.

fair enough :)
do libs understand that criminals (who do 99% of killing)- will get guns no matter what? Or are they just that stupid?

Depends what you mean by a criminal.

First, if a criminal is someone who breaks a law, then most people are criminals.
Second, if a criminal is someone who has been convicted of a crime already, then no, 99% of crimes aren't committed by criminals.
First, if a criminal is someone who breaks a law, then most people are criminals

And this is the truth. Lefties and anti gunners see all people as essentially violent sociopaths barely in control of their violence. That is why when you hear discussions of guns, especially in the early days of the concealed and open carry movements, their first argument was……every fender bender will turn into a blood bath….and their follow up…every domestic dispute will turn into a gun murder.

They truly believe that all people are criminals, they just a haven't had the trigger event that let's them murder other people. What they don't care to understand is that 92% of the population are normal….studies of actual crime show about 8% of the population are sociopaths and will commit crime…..and when you look at gun crime….90% of the shooters and killers, have a history of anti social behavior, and at least one prior criminal conviction…

So based on 8% of the population, they see the entire population as dangerous sociopaths who need a strong, strict central government to control them and they absolutely have to be disarmed. Also, because they see most of the people as sociopaths…it becomes easier and easier for them to sanction more violent solutions to "incorrect" behavior by the population…..
Until the gun manufacturers are forced to bear some responsibility I seen no change, and who protects the gun manufacturers?
There is no sound argument for holding the manufacturer liable in this, and virtually every other, case of violent crime committed with a gun.

Of course there is no sound argument for holding gun manufacturers liable for bad things being done with their products.

In some cases, I could see dealers being held liable, but a manufacturer?
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?

Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.

As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.

then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?

Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.

Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.

Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check. I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.

In other words, if I sold you a pistol and you put it in your gun safe and it stayed there for the next hundred years without hurting anyone , then no one would even know whether I performed a background check before selling it to you or not.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?

Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.

Be reasonable and realistic. I can get on FaceBook right now and buy a gun from someone who doesn't know me from Adam, just show up with cash, my choice of guns in fact. That is not a responsible way to deal with gun sales

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