CDZ Do You Support Gun Control?

That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
It cannot.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.

You are , of course, wrong on that point. Let's take 100 people and apply any law. Probably 80 of those people wouldn't break whichever law we're talking about whether it was legal to do whatever or not. For example, let's use the most extreme law. Murder.

80 out of 100 people wouldn't murder someone, even if it were legal, we just have something in us that says "no that isn't right" that leaves 20 people who might commit murder, of those 20 probably only about 5 commit murder regardless of the law

Thus , we throw out the murder laws because 5 out of every 100 persons are going to murder someone anyway?
The plain truth is that gun control laws make those writing and passing the laws feel that they’ve done something meaningful, never mind the fact that they don’t deter crime by firearm.

Fully agree.

For liberals, the gun control debate isn’t actually about guns. It’s about suppressing power. To be more specific, it’s about whether power should lie with the people or with the government. Liberals, of course, side with government.

Fully disagree.

Liberals don't do "gun control". Know that Second Amendment? We wrote it.

No, actual liberals wrote took the term "liberal" and use it to hide the fact that you are leftwing, big government statists..the exact opposite of a true "liberal."

Then obviously you remain ignorant of what "Liberal" actually means.

The plain truth is that gun control laws make those writing and passing the laws feel that they’ve done something meaningful, never mind the fact that they don’t deter crime by firearm.

Fully agree.

For liberals, the gun control debate isn’t actually about guns. It’s about suppressing power. To be more specific, it’s about whether power should lie with the people or with the government. Liberals, of course, side with government.

Fully disagree.

Liberals don't do "gun control". Know that Second Amendment? We wrote it.

No, liberals didn't write the 2nd Amendment, and it isn't even a liberal /conservative issue either.

It's a control issue. no different than those who wish to use the government to outlaw abortion, or gay marriage, or discrimination or what have you, It's all about some people want to use the power of government to force others to behave in a certain manner that is inconsistent with our founding principles. That being, if you aren't hurting someone else, the government will leave you alone.

Correct, it is indeed a control issue of using the power of gummint to enforce behaviour. That's exactly why it's not a "Liberal" approach.

The Founders though ---- blatant Liberals. That means yanking the reins of power from the authoritarian church/nobility class and turning it over to the People. Do we have kings ruling by Divine Right? No we do not. Thanks to those Liberals. The same ones who wrote the Second Amendment, indeed the entire Bill of Rights.
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Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
They sell 1000 guns to a "dealer" who sells the guns to 20 guys who sell the guns to 1000 guys and who knows where those guns are. No biggy, they'll just make more. Who has all these guns? We don't know. It's insane. Put GPS on every gun. LOL Lojack.
I assume she means illegal sales.
As you of course know, we disagree on a few aspects of gun control, but her claim that there is an unregulated flow of guns onto the street is just ludicrous. There are TONS of regulations.
Certainly -- that why I assumed she meant illegal sales.
then my question would be "how in the world would you POSSIBLY regulate illegal sales?"
That's more or less what I saked -- you admit you cannot prevent crime -- how can you prevent illegal sales?

Now, if I could just convince you that better for the law abiding gun owners , like the two of us, to take EVERY precaution to make sure those sales are legal. Including universal background checks.

Some of this other stuff though, let's say I have a gun and you buy it and then you give it to someone who shouldn't have had it, how can that POSSIBLY be stopped by any new laws?
The person you sold it to wouldn't give it to someone who shouldn't have a gun. That's how you stop it. Hold them responsible.
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
They sell 1000 guns to a "dealer" who sells the guns to 20 guys who sell the guns to 1000 guys and who knows where those guns are. No biggy, they'll just make more. Who has all these guns? We don't know. It's insane. Put GPS on every gun. LOL Lojack.
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
I see it like this:
if you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
It cannot.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.

Oh, i CLEARLY stated that the gun would have to be proven to have came directly from you to the person who committed the crime with it. But let me tell you , as someone who has interrogated criminals before, people who do such things, they tend to not cover for people. IOW they rat people out, especially if there is a nice little carrot on the end of the line if they do.

Let me tell you something else, guns are just about impossible to remove fingerprints from, so once a perp says "I got the gun from M14" it's usually a fairly routine matter to match your fingerprints to some found on the gun..
Oh, I don't believe anyone should be FORCED to run a background check.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
I just think that if a gun is used in a crime and it is proven that you sold/gave the gun to the person who committed the crime without running a background check that you should be charged with a crime.
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.

Let me be clear If you don't care if you are selling your gun to a criminal, I'm not that concerned with your rights. That's just the way it is.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.
Oh, i CLEARLY stated that the gun would have to be proven to have came directly from you to the person who committed the crime with it. But let me tell you , as someone who has interrogated criminals before, people who do such things, they tend to not cover for people. IOW they rat people out, especially if there is a nice little carrot on the end of the line if they do.
You telling the police that you bought a gun from me does not prove the sale, or my prior ownership.
Weren't you just proponnenting for UBCs?
What crime would that be?
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.
Let me be clear If you don't care if you are selling your gun to a criminal, I'm not that concerned with your rights. That's just the way it is.
OK... and?
Honest truth is nothing is going to prevent a but from shooting up a place. It's gonna happen occasionally.
But what we can do is stop the unregulated flow of guns onto our streets.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
They sell 1000 guns to a "dealer" who sells the guns to 20 guys who sell the guns to 1000 guys and who knows where those guns are. No biggy, they'll just make more. Who has all these guns? We don't know. It's insane. Put GPS on every gun. LOL Lojack.
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Like wild dogs the gun nuts will come out defending the status quo which they know is broken. And these guys are who the politicians are afraid of because they are stupid and they vote.
If we cannot prevent tee former crime, why do you think we can prevent the latter?
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
They sell 1000 guns to a "dealer" who sells the guns to 20 guys who sell the guns to 1000 guys and who knows where those guns are. No biggy, they'll just make more. Who has all these guns? We don't know. It's insane. Put GPS on every gun. LOL Lojack.
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Like wild dogs the gun nuts will come out defending the status quo which they know is broken. And these guys are who the politicians are afraid of because they are stupid and they vote.
None of this sounds like you have anything of substance to add to the conversation.
Think about that -- think real hard - and get back to us.
Accesory to whatever crime was committed with the weapon.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
Be reasonable and realistic.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.
Oh, i CLEARLY stated that the gun would have to be proven to have came directly from you to the person who committed the crime with it. But let me tell you , as someone who has interrogated criminals before, people who do such things, they tend to not cover for people. IOW they rat people out, especially if there is a nice little carrot on the end of the line if they do.
You telling the police that you bought a gun from me does not prove the sale, or my prior ownership.

LULZ you don't know much about forensic science if you don't think a gun can be traced to you once they have a name.

But, that is all fluff anyway. You, and others, outright refusal to budge on this, is going to lead to more of the same, liberals doing whatever they want without any input from conservatives.
Isn't the more important question "what unregulated flow are you talking about?"
I assume she means illegal sales.
They sell 1000 guns to a "dealer" who sells the guns to 20 guys who sell the guns to 1000 guys and who knows where those guns are. No biggy, they'll just make more. Who has all these guns? We don't know. It's insane. Put GPS on every gun. LOL Lojack.
You have no idea what you;re talking about.
Like wild dogs the gun nuts will come out defending the status quo which they know is broken. And these guys are who the politicians are afraid of because they are stupid and they vote.
None of this sounds like you have anything of substance to add to the conversation.
Think about that -- think real hard - and get back to us.
Denial is not a river in Africa.
Legally selling a gun to someone doesn't qualify as an accessory.
I am.
-If you want to make sure your sale is legal, you already have the capacity to run a check on the buyer.
-If you do not care, then you won't, regardless of the law.
Thus, there's no reason to force people to do so, and there's no reason to open the door for universal registration.
You are , of course, wrong on that point.
Let me be more clear: If you do not care if you are selling to a criminal, you are unlikely to burden yourself with the requirement to run a background check, especially in that it is impossible to prove that you even owned the gun in the first place.
Oh, i CLEARLY stated that the gun would have to be proven to have came directly from you to the person who committed the crime with it. But let me tell you , as someone who has interrogated criminals before, people who do such things, they tend to not cover for people. IOW they rat people out, especially if there is a nice little carrot on the end of the line if they do.
You telling the police that you bought a gun from me does not prove the sale, or my prior ownership.
LULZ you don't know much about forensic science if you don't think a gun can be traced to you once they have a name.
Fingerprints, if any, prove that I handled it.
Does that prove I sold it? That I ever owned it?
But, that is all fluff anyway. You, and others, outright refusal to budge on this, is going to lead to more of the same, liberals doing whatever they want without any input from conservatives.
So... conservatives should compromise?
Why? Liberals have nothing to offer us in return for us allowing them to further restrict our rights.

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