do you support reparations for blacks?

There is no disputing that the labor of slaves was forced to built wealth for others and, thereby, for the nation.

Pretending that it didn't defies the reality of the struggle needed to overcome the dependence upon slavery.
Now there’s only dependence upon government.
Reparations in California have already been approved by the people who have been studying the issue. It's now just a matter of figuring out the amount of the checks. :thewave:

Reparations could mean the end of democracy​

Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

This quote is attributed to a variety of sources: “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”

This is precisely what we are witnessing right now with the California reparations task force—a group comprised mainly of blacks who have generously voted monetary payments for themselves. What a bloody farce! How can I get on such a committee so I can vote millions for myself?

There is no disputing that the labor of slaves was forced to built wealth for others and, thereby, for the nation.

Pretending that it didn't defies the reality of the struggle needed to overcome the dependence upon slavery.
im not its fact most cities were built and already her before blacks came. so both races built on cities. no need to twist it.
No thinker in America will turn over their money due to hurt feelings about what happened to people 4 generations and 150+ years ago
Mollify me is utter crap
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America was not built nor did it become the Wonderful power it is based on slavery. Slavery was a short term agrarian implementation specific to the 1800’s. It was also widely opposed and a war was fought due to it.
Liberals and blacks like to moan. They Dont Seek solutions but rather blame assignment for their woes. We spend Too Much Time trying to disprove and dissuade their feelings when really what they are seeking is perpetuation of it and payment for their self imposed bad Feelings

Reparations could mean the end of democracy​

I'm sorry the USA experiment is having difficulty at the moment. The Founding Fathers should have known this would happen somewhere down the line. The wise choice for them would have been not to use slaves to help build their wealth. After Bacon's Rebellion, they should have tried to negotiate with the poor Whites, Native Americans and Blacks toward a system of fair employment and wages.
But, no they didn't want to do that. They wanted a system that was easy and cheap for themselves (the wealthy, White males). So, they developed a system of White Supremacy and enslavement of Africans. So---hundreds of years later, it is time to pay the piper. The descendants of those enslaved people want to be compensated for their ancestors FREE LABOR.
Blame the Founding Fathers. :102:
I'm sorry the USA experiment is having difficulty at the moment. The Founding Fathers should have known this would happen somewhere down the line. The wise choice for them would have been not to use slaves to help build their wealth. After Bacon's Rebellion, they should have tried to negotiate with the poor Whites, Native Americans and Blacks toward a system of fair employment and wages.
But, no they didn't want to do that. They wanted a system that was easy and cheap for themselves (the wealthy, White males). So, they developed a system of White Supremacy and enslavement of Africans. So---hundreds of years later, it is time to pay the piper. The descendants of those enslaved people want to be compensated for their ancestors FREE LABOR.
Blame the Founding Fathers. :102:
America didnt do anything britian did we were coloney most of the time. white supremacy doesnt exsist only black supremacy.
I'm sorry the USA experiment is having difficulty at the moment. The Founding Fathers should have known this would happen somewhere down the line. The wise choice for them would have been not to use slaves to help build their wealth. After Bacon's Rebellion, they should have tried to negotiate with the poor Whites, Native Americans and Blacks toward a system of fair employment and wages.
But, no they didn't want to do that. They wanted a system that was easy and cheap for themselves (the wealthy, White males). So, they developed a system of White Supremacy and enslavement of Africans. So---hundreds of years later, it is time to pay the piper. The descendants of those enslaved people want to be compensated for their ancestors FREE LABOR.
Blame the Founding Fathers. :102:
Not 1863
America was built on industrialization and slavery just a passing agrarian necessity as bad as it is/was in our eyes from 2023 but in he early 1800’s an entirely different perspective. This is partially why liberals select to try and remove history and historical facts and precedent of the times.
Very unintelligent to try and impose todays far more enlightened social mores on 160+ years ago. Thinkers see through that but liberals cannot so they emote as IF slavery continues Today And it Is the Only Reason for America’s might and wealth
Maybe common sense and journalism is starting to come back:

No, California should not pay slavery reparations

Among those qualifying for compensation are the descendants of black slaves. This is curious because California itself was a “free state”. It was part of that great swathe of territory – the American South West – taken by the United States in the war with Mexico between 1846-48, and it entered the American Union in 1850 with a constitution that outlawed slavery in the state. It remained part of the Union – “the North” – during the Civil War. The only people held as slaves in California up to that time were the slaves of native American tribes in what became the north of the state.

So today’s tax-payers in California are being asked to pay for the historic wrongs committed by the slave-holding Southern states – Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and suchlike – even though their ancestors in California never held slaves. No wonder so few of them welcomed this report with glee.
I'm sorry the USA experiment is having difficulty at the moment. The Founding Fathers should have known this would happen somewhere down the line. The wise choice for them would have been not to use slaves to help build their wealth. After Bacon's Rebellion, they should have tried to negotiate with the poor Whites, Native Americans and Blacks toward a system of fair employment and wages.
But, no they didn't want to do that. They wanted a system that was easy and cheap for themselves (the wealthy, White males). So, they developed a system of White Supremacy and enslavement of Africans. So---hundreds of years later, it is time to pay the piper. The descendants of those enslaved people want to be compensated for their ancestors FREE LABOR.
Blame the Founding Fathers. :102:
stop making up stuff and actually read about them.
Maybe common sense and journalism is starting to come back:

No, California should not pay slavery reparations​

Among those qualifying for compensation are the descendants of black slaves. This is curious because California itself was a “free state”. It was part of that great swathe of territory – the American South West – taken by the United States in the war with Mexico between 1846-48, and it entered the American Union in 1850 with a constitution that outlawed slavery in the state. It remained part of the Union – “the North” – during the Civil War. The only people held as slaves in California up to that time were the slaves of native American tribes in what became the north of the state.

So today’s tax-payers in California are being asked to pay for the historic wrongs committed by the slave-holding Southern states – Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and suchlike – even though their ancestors in California never held slaves. No wonder so few of them welcomed this report with glee.
newsome turned it down. by by not happening/

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