do you support reparations for blacks?

Us white folks, showing the supremacy of our morality, have paid enough reparations in the form of set-asides, tax credits, free education, direct and indirect race-based subsides, hiring and admissions quotas, etc... In fact, a compelling argument can be made that we OVERPAID the descendants of slaves. Maybe instead of reparations we ought to be talking about the blacks acknowledging said overpayment by assimilating into American culture (instead of attacking American culture as "implicitly biased).
Us white folks, showing the supremacy of our morality, have paid enough reparations in the form of set-asides, tax credits, free education, direct and indirect race-based subsides, hiring and admissions quotas, etc... In fact, a compelling argument can be made that we OVERPAID the descendants of slaves. Maybe instead of reparations we ought to be talking about the blacks acknowledging said overpayment by assimilating into American culture (instead of attacking American culture as "implicitly biased).
so true./ but white supremacy dosent exist. just black supremacy now.
By the way, they've been collecting reparations for decades now, it's called Affirmative Action, it's called free scholarships, it's called government handouts.
Agreed. And I think any class action lawsuit that presumes to calculate the damages of slavery needs to take that into account (as a down payment on compensation). As well as eliminating such perpetual compensation going forward.
Reparations from white people, for being white.
only people who need to be taken better care of is the mentally, physically and learning disabled in this country., we are bullied and prejudiced against . most of us end up homeless including are vets.
Here's your reparations:

Air Conditioning
Clean water
Modern electronic communications

Shall I go on?
You are so right. Before the white man came to America and civilized the savage natives, it was common for injuns to have sex with young girls. That's some real sick shit.
You mean like the White slave masters used to have sex with their young female slaves? Did you know Sally Hemmings was only 14 years old when she first became pregnant by Thomas Jefferson?

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