Do you support The Donald and his effort to protect Art. XII of COTUS

See his promise to protect this important article and efforts by the MSM to mock his pledge of allegiance in the link below:

Donald Trump Says He'll Protect Constitution's 'Article XII'

I'm sorry but there is no article 12 in the constitution.

I was taught in jr high school that there are 7 articles.

Not 12.

Where did trump and his supporters go to school?

The same school where Obama learned there were 57 states

OR they just made a mistake

You stupid twat.
See his promise to protect this important article and efforts by the MSM to mock his pledge of allegiance in the link below:

Donald Trump Says He'll Protect Constitution's 'Article XII'
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?

Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.

Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

"... it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in fifty .... seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it."

Once again a partisan hack takes the comment "57 states" and makes a mole hill into a mountain.
Barack Obama and 57 States

Here's some context:

"... it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in fifty .... seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it."

Emphasis added.

Was this a comment intended to mislead the public? Did he consciously hope to have the American public believe the US included 57 states? Only a fool thinks so, and only a partisan hack posts this comment out of context in the hope that the biddable believe he wanted Americans to believe we have 57 States.

Promising to defend a non existent Article of COTUS is abject ignorance and an attempt to mislead the people that a) HRC and the Democrats hate COTUS, b) and he is the defender of the faith.
See his promise to protect this important article and efforts by the MSM to mock his pledge of allegiance in the link below:

Donald Trump Says He'll Protect Constitution's 'Article XII'

I'm sorry but there is no article 12 in the constitution.

I was taught in jr high school that there are 7 articles.

Not 12.

Where did trump and his supporters go to school?

The same school where Obama learned there were 57 states

OR they just made a mistake

You stupid twat.

You don't need to be so rude. Do you kiss your children and spouse with your filthy mouth? If so they need to get some very good disinfectant.

At least Obama's mistake had some basis of fact and had something to do with what he was talking about. There are 50 states and 7 territories that vote at the Democratic convention.

No it wasn't a mistake. trump was asked a direct question about the first article of the constitution. He went into a tirade about loving the constitution, article 1, 9 and 12. There is no article 9 either.

His mistake is that he's a very bad liar and doesn't know what's in the constitution.

Your mistake is supporting and defending him.

In a few years you and others like you will be bad mouthing trump the same way you now bad mouth most republicans, mccain and romney.
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Calling someone a moron is not a rebuttal, it is a moronic response at best.

If you don't wish to be called a moron, the best remedy is to stop being a moron.

Your entire argument is "Trump makes mistakes, so don't vote for him"

Presumably you believe Clinton doesn't make mistakes LOL

You presumption is wrong, and mendacious. Above I posted, "we all make mistakes" My argument is not that Trump made a mistake, my argument is that he hopes to mislead the public, and it works; your comments are proof.
Trump is still a civilian. Why do lefties assume he was already elected? Freudian slip?
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?
Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.
Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.
These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

Obama's 57 states slip was evident on its face. Trump's art. XII isn't.

See? :cuckoo:

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.
Calling someone a moron is not a rebuttal, it is a moronic response at best.

If you don't wish to be called a moron, the best remedy is to stop being a moron.

Your entire argument is "Trump makes mistakes, so don't vote for him"

Presumably you believe Clinton doesn't make mistakes LOL

You presumption is wrong, and mendacious. Above I posted, "we all make mistakes" My argument is not that Trump made a mistake, my argument is that he hopes to mislead the public, and it works; your comments are proof.

Yes, I see, your assertion is that mentioning the non existent article 12 of the COTUS is intentionally misleading the pubic, whilst lying about a public server and everything associated with it is not intentionally trying to mislead the public.

You are a fool.
Shit! Hope Donald didn't loose the Marine Corpsemen vote with that one.
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?
Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.
Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.
These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

Obama's 57 states slip was evident on its face. Trump's art. XII isn't.

See? :cuckoo:

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

The simple fact of the matter is that EVERY position the Democratic party and its followers currently holds is so preposterous that it can only be defended with lies. Was "I've been to all 57 states" a big deal? Nope and Democrats of course say that, but "I love the 12th Article " is a big deal? Come on, who cares. Yet these dummies not only act if it disqualifies Trump for President, but SOMEHOW it's worse than the dishonest way Hillary referred to her email situation . LOL
HRC will bring experience to the White House, but not only her experience, the experience of others versed in government and governance, diplomacy and defense.


Now now he said experience, he didn't say integrity, honesty, trust worthiness, or the ability to do the job.

Your comments suggest integrity and honesty are not part of your makeup, you simply echo those whose practice is to assassinate the character of others. You have zero facts to support an allegation of corruption; yet, Trump has admitted using his largess to get his way. Is he not corrupt or are his admitted actions fine since his name is not Clinton?

What part of " I am not a Trump supporter " do you not understand? I feel no obligation to defend someone who I don't support.

I will defend honesty in discussion though. Something you obviously know nothing about.

Really, so who do you support, and please post any comment I have made which was dishonest (or STFU).

Did I offend you with this comment,

"Your comments suggest integrity and honesty are not part of your makeup, you simply echo those whose practice is to assassinate the character of others. You have zero facts to support an allegation of corruption; yet, Trump has admitted using his largess to get his way. Is he not corrupt or are his admitted actions fine since his name is not Clinton?"

which does not state you support Trump! The final phrase is my honest assessment of Trump and how his behaviors are excused by Trumpsters and Clinton is still attacked even when ten congressional witch hunts failed to find any corruption.
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Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?
Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.
Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.
These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

Obama's 57 states slip was evident on its face. Trump's art. XII isn't.

See? :cuckoo:

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

The simple fact of the matter is that EVERY position the Democratic party and its followers currently holds is so preposterous that it can only be defended with lies. Was "I've been to all 57 states" a big deal? Nope and Democrats of course say that, but "I love the 12th Article " is a big deal? Come on, who cares. Yet these dummies not only act if it disqualifies Trump for President, but SOMEHOW it's worse than the dishonest way Hillary referred to her email situation . LOL
ah yes, the infamous "57 states" line. Yes, I am sure with this hack, it is somehow different. Even though neither one are big deals. Fun to make fun of, but getting serious about it? Give me a fuckin break
HRC will bring experience to the White House, but not only her experience, the experience of others versed in government and governance, diplomacy and defense.


Now now he said experience, he didn't say integrity, honesty, trust worthiness, or the ability to do the job.

Your comments suggest integrity and honesty are not part of your makeup, you simply echo those whose practice is to assassinate the character of others. You have zero facts to support an allegation of corruption; yet, Trump has admitted using his largess to get his way. Is he not corrupt or are his admitted actions fine since his name is not Clinton?

What part of " I am not a Trump supporter " do you not understand? I feel no obligation to defend someone who I don't support.

I will defend honesty in discussion though. Something you obviously know nothing about.

Really, so who do you support, and please post any comment I have made which was dishonest (or STFU).

Unfortunately for me, and the country, there is not going to be a Presidential candidate I can support. Oh there may be one I vote for, but support? No.

Of course that is something you can't understand because you just dumbly support the person with (D) behind their name and pretend like they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, or maybe it's worse than that and you actually THINK they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?
Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.
Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.
These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.

Obama's 57 states slip was evident on its face. Trump's art. XII isn't.

See? :cuckoo:

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people. explanation? Good times.
Anyone notice wry said they didn't find any "corruption" but failed to mention comey blamed it on stupidity?
And he think she is "qualified"? Give me a fuckin break.
Trump " I love Article 12 of the COTUS"

Liberals " OMG Trump is trying to deceive the people"

Clinton " I never sent any classified emails whilst I was Sec State"

Liberals "Hillary is the most trust worthy, most qualified candidate EVAH"


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