Do you support The Donald and his effort to protect Art. XII of COTUS

That is why Trump would be the "Best Constitutional President....ever"

He will add five articles to our Constitution and defend Article XXII to the death. Article XXII expels all Muslims
Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.
I really wish someone would just explain what the hell he was talking about. Did he just misspeak and accidentally use the wrong word? Shit like that happens all the time. Well enough, ya know? But I want to know what he actually meant to say.
Really folks, The Donald may have some skills, but anyone who votes for him to be POTUS is a fool.
who are you voting for?

He's voting for unindicted Crooked Hillary
And you're voting for accused rapist Donald Trump.

Unindicted Crooked Hillarys hubby took at least 30 trips to minister to those 16 year old sex slaves on his BFF Epsteins Lolita Island
I really wish someone would just explain what the hell he was talking about. Did he just misspeak and accidentally use the wrong word? Shit like that happens all the time. Well enough, ya know? But I want to know what he actually meant to say.
considering its trump, it makes you wonder. But I doubt he was using a teleprompter. I would imagine I would make mistakes too..
Really folks, The Donald may have some skills, but anyone who votes for him to be POTUS is a fool.
who are you voting for?

He's voting for unindicted Crooked Hillary
And you're voting for accused rapist Donald Trump.

Unindicted Crooked Hillarys hubby took at least 30 trips to minister to those 16 year old sex slaves on his BFF Epsteins Lolita Island

That doesn't have anything to do with this thread or the stupidity of the OP's complaint.
See his promise to protect this important article and efforts by the MSM to mock his pledge of allegiance in the link below:

Donald Trump Says He'll Protect Constitution's 'Article XII'

omg, the guy is an idiot. :rofl:
IKR? Wry is a fuckin LWNJ :rofl:

you wish. pity you've become a nasty nutter.

What makes me a nutter?

Disagreeing with Jillian on any given topic makes you a nutter. She's called me one several times when it is quite obvious that I am FAR FAR more center and FAR FAR FAR less partisan than she herself is.
Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?
Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?

I swear liberals are as literate as they are honest. Meaning not very.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP , so why do you keep asking me to defend him?

I specifically don't support him b/c he says stupid things. It's just in THIS particular instance I think the complaint is dumber than what he said.

Again, I understand , you can't possibly comprehend a person who doesn't fully support a candidate from a given party, because that is what you do, but there it is.
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?
Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.
Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.
These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.
omg, the guy is an idiot. :rofl:

Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?

I swear liberals are as literate as they are honest. Meaning not very.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP , so why do you keep asking me to defend him?

I specifically don't support him b/c he says stupid things. It's just in THIS particular instance I think the complaint is dumber than what he said.

Again, I understand , you can't possibly comprehend a person who doesn't fully support a candidate from a given party, because that is what you do, but there it is.

When Obama said 57 States he was mocked for years
Trump deserves the mocking he receives

When you speak in superlatives and claim to be the best better have your act together
Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?

I swear liberals are as literate as they are honest. Meaning not very.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP , so why do you keep asking me to defend him?

I specifically don't support him b/c he says stupid things. It's just in THIS particular instance I think the complaint is dumber than what he said.

Again, I understand , you can't possibly comprehend a person who doesn't fully support a candidate from a given party, because that is what you do, but there it is.

When Obama said 57 States he was mocked for years
Trump deserves the mocking he receives

When you speak in superlatives and claim to be the best better have your act together
2 wrongs make a right. Excellent logic there dum dum
so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?

I swear liberals are as literate as they are honest. Meaning not very.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP , so why do you keep asking me to defend him?

I specifically don't support him b/c he says stupid things. It's just in THIS particular instance I think the complaint is dumber than what he said.

Again, I understand , you can't possibly comprehend a person who doesn't fully support a candidate from a given party, because that is what you do, but there it is.

When Obama said 57 States he was mocked for years
Trump deserves the mocking he receives

When you speak in superlatives and claim to be the best better have your act together
2 wrongs make a right. Excellent logic there dum dum

In Trumps case, we are still looking for a right

When you lecture Congress about what a great Constitutionalist you had better have your act together
Goddamn, this thread has Kit Kat written all over it :lol:

so the Donald didn't say there was an Article XII?


who cares Jillian? A Dem Congressmen once said in session that he was afraid that putting too many people on Guam would cause the island to tip over. People say stupid things, even smart people.

Dishonest is saying shit like "We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work" and then trying to pretend like it was taken out of context when called out for it.

How is mistakenly saying you've been to 57 states or that you love article 12 an attempt to deceive anyone? Was someone deceived into thinking there actually are 57 states when Obama said that? No of course not, and likewise with Article12. It's much ado about NOTHING.

Did he claim to be the "Best Constitutional President ever"?

Note to Trump: Are you going to be a better Constitutional President than James Madison who wrote the freak'n thing?

I swear liberals are as literate as they are honest. Meaning not very.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP , so why do you keep asking me to defend him?

I specifically don't support him b/c he says stupid things. It's just in THIS particular instance I think the complaint is dumber than what he said.

Again, I understand , you can't possibly comprehend a person who doesn't fully support a candidate from a given party, because that is what you do, but there it is.

When Obama said 57 States he was mocked for years
Trump deserves the mocking he receives

When you speak in superlatives and claim to be the best better have your act together

Mock away, I don't care. But make statement like "this proves he is unqualified to be President" and i'll make fun of you for being the partisan dumb fuck that you are.

Simple as that.
See his promise to protect this important article and efforts by the MSM to mock his pledge of allegiance in the link below:

Donald Trump Says He'll Protect Constitution's 'Article XII'
Remember when the liberals wrote off Obama's mention of the 57 states in the U.S. to his being tired, not a sign at all of stupidity or incompetence?

Those same liberals are now screaming bloody murder over Trump's mention of "Article 12". It proves he's stupid and incompetent, they screech.

Clearly these liberals don't care why he actually said it. It's merely a reason for them to continue their agenda of destroying him.

These leftist fanatics are so accustomed to pushing their agenda through lies and deceit, that they can no longer tell the difference between their rhetoric and the truth. They are one and the same to these people.
As your post points out, this tactic is used on both sides.

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