Do You Support The Possible Coming Wars With Iran & Syria?

Do You Support The Possible Coming Wars With Iran & Syria?

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Where are we going to get the money from? How will this impact the economy? Is it worth it?
We tolerated Stalin having the bomb... we have to tolerate Iran and treat them as North Korea

We don't need boots on the ground in Iran. A couple bomber runs and no more nuclear sites. As far as comparing Iran to North Korea, well that's hilarious. North Korea wants to be accepted into the world communities. Iran wants to fulfill their twisted ideology. Huge difference.
if we attack Iran you can pretty much count on a dirty bomb going off in New york

That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...
It's a dumb question without providing the hypothetical reason we'd go to the hypothetical war.
If one is applying reason in search of justification to attack Iran or Syria there is none. But applying simple logic to that question one need only ask who benefits from the Iraq invasion and our ongoing aggression in Afghanistan.

The answer is so obvious, and so disturbing, that most tend to turn away from it. President Eisenhower warned us about it in his departure address, which apparently has been ignored. It's the Military Industrial Complex.

Can anyone offer a more logical, credible or obvious answer? Those who wish to know more about this insidious, increasingly parasitic drain on this Nation's resources can find some important answers here: Military Industrial Complex - United States Military Contracts and Defense Spending

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations are persons who may contribute as much money to our legislators as they wish to, without disclosure, we can expect those "contributions" (bribes) will ensure the demand for bullets and bombs will increase.

And there is only one way to do that.
if we attack Iran you can pretty much count on a dirty bomb going off in New york

That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.
if we attack Iran you can pretty much count on a dirty bomb going off in New york

That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen.

Somebody save us!

If we don't attack Iran immediately they will nuke New York

The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud
That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more
If you could make the economic argument that the status quo -- remaining 100% dependent upon OPEC petroleum fixed to the dollar as the only thing propping up our currency worldwide -- is sound, sustainable economic policy worth the perpetually escalating warfare and contracting US domestic productivity demanded of the policy, you'd then have to ask yourself whether igniting WWIII by invading Iran is a scenario that wouldn't end in nuclear holocaust. Because make no mistake; a US invasion of Iran will result in major military response from Russia and China. There's simply too much global economic hegemony at stake right now for it not to. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more

Like I said, your posts are moot at this point. I've never taken much of a position on the Iraq war other than it wasn't conducted properly. It doesn't surprise me that after the last fail of a post that you would attempt to change the subject.
No fucking way. We have no money. We ignored NK when they got nukes. NK is no more or less dangerous than Iran. In fact, Iran would be more responsive to El Presidente's sabre rattling such as, "Iran and/or Pakistan will be exterminated, every living thing within its borders, if any US ally gets nuked."
That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

Eots is a Wookie-suiter. That means he shares the Obama Administration ideology of blaming America. 9/11 was merely "blow back" and the chickens came home to roost (that was either Ron Paul or Jeremiah Wright. Not that there's a dime's worth of difference between them).
if we attack Iran you can pretty much count on a dirty bomb going off in New york

That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen.

Somebody save us!

If we don't attack Iran immediately they will nuke New York

The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud

I know that this is over-exaggeration by you all, but to be clear, (man that makes me feel oily to say that) a dirty bomb and a mushrrom cloud causing nuclear detonation are two different things. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more

Iraq not only had WMD, they used them. And they had extensive programs for further development. Fucktard.
I support getting as far away from the ME as we can and letting those savages have at it amongst themselves.

Afghanistan used to be a term for the furthest reaches of the known world. Now Afghanistan is a term for where terrorists go to train. No place is far away anymore. will happen in retaliation however..and rightfully so...

Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more

Oh jesus, wake the fuck up.

They already found what little there were. But I havent known a single democrat that could tell the truth.
That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen.

Somebody save us!

If we don't attack Iran immediately they will nuke New York

The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud

I know that this is over-exaggeration by you all, but to be clear, (man that makes me feel oily to say that) a dirty bomb and a mushrrom cloud causing nuclear detonation are two different things.

Maybe you should have explained that to the Bush administration
That will happen regardless. The question is are we going to allow Iran to deliver this weapon into the hands of a terrorist? If they get the technology to make it it will happen.

Somebody save us!

If we don't attack Iran immediately they will nuke New York

The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud

I know that this is over-exaggeration by you all, but to be clear, (man that makes me feel oily to say that) a dirty bomb and a mushrrom cloud causing nuclear detonation are two different things.

Over reaction?

He's just repeating the same talking points that were used to get us into Iraq.

I guess you fall into the "some of the people, all of the time" category.
Rightfully so? Really? REALLY!?

Bombing a nuclear military complex deserves the death of millions of innocent civilians?

Further posts from you are moot at this point.

having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more

Iraq not only had WMD, they used them. And they had extensive programs for further development. Fucktard.

link please...fucktard
having no weapons of mass destruction has already caused the deaths of hundred of thousands in Iraq but you are fine with that and in fact want more

Iraq not only had WMD, they used them. And they had extensive programs for further development. Fucktard.

link please...fucktard

Al-Anfal Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thousands of civilians were killed during the anti-insurgent campaigns stretching from the spring of 1987 through the fall of 1988. The attacks were part of a long-standing campaign that destroyed approximately 4,500 Kurdish village in areas of northern Iraq and displaced at least a million of the country's estimated 3.5 million Kurdish population. Independent sources estimate 1,100,000 to more than 2,150,000 deaths and as many as 860,000 widows and an even greater number of orphans. [5] Amnesty International collected the names of more than 17,000 people who had "disappeared" during 1988. [6] The campaign has been characterized as genocidal in nature. It is also characterized as gendercidal, because "battle-age" men were the primary targets, according to Human Rights Watch/Middle East. [7] According to the Iraqi prosecutors, as many as 182,000 people were killed. [8]

The Anfal campaign included the use of ground offensives, aerial bombing, systematic destruction of settlements, mass deportation, firing squads, and chemical warfare, which earned al-Majid the nickname of "Chemical Ali"
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If Paul gets the anti dumb fuck Neocon war position that we can't literally afford, then according to this poll that might be vastly in his favor.

Go Paul!

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