Do you think Google is a treasonous company?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Google has taken the rather incredible step of refusing to work with the US military on ANY product, service or platform. At the same time, they are actively working with Chinese companies improving their technological surveillance techniques among other things. And anyone who knows anything about China knows what that means. Google is actively supporting the Chinese government in improving it's surveillance techniques on it's citizens and ultimately the US. The Chinese government controls everything within it's borders including the so-called 'private' tech companies. Google executives certainly know this.

So is Google a treasonous company or do you believe that Google is doing nothing wrong? I believe they are at a minimum in a very dangerous place right now. The power they wield is beyond what we have historically thought of a large company's "space". What they are doing branches into privacy rights and in the case of Chinese citizens, life and death. I'm not sure I would say treasonous, but when you have a choice and you choose to shut the door on the US government and military and instead work with China you are right on the edge.
Google is an American company doing very Un-American stuff. Scrambling their algorithms to aim against conservatives. Youtube taking down videos that they deem is against their TOS (when they know it isn't even true).

It isn't just China...I am sure Google is also actively supporting Iran and North Korea.
But Bill Gates and Larry Ellison and the Directora of IBM, AT&T are pure Yankee Doodle Dandy!
People throw the "T" word around a lot these days but it is a serious charge. Google has the right to not cooperate with the government or the Military unless ordered to do so and that ain't likely. The problem isn't with Google, it's about the media that is reluctant to tell the story (or be outraged) for fear it might impact Google's standing in the social arena and the economy.
Google has taken the rather incredible step of refusing to work with the US military on ANY product, service or platform. At the same time, they are actively working with Chinese companies improving their technological surveillance techniques among other things. And anyone who knows anything about China knows what that means. Google is actively supporting the Chinese government in improving it's surveillance techniques on it's citizens and ultimately the US. The Chinese government controls everything within it's borders including the so-called 'private' tech companies. Google executives certainly know this.

So is Google a treasonous company or do you believe that Google is doing nothing wrong? I believe they are at a minimum in a very dangerous place right now. The power they wield is beyond what we have historically thought of a large company's "space". What they are doing branches into privacy rights and in the case of Chinese citizens, life and death. I'm not sure I would say treasonous, but when you have a choice and you choose to shut the door on the US government and military and instead work with China you are right on the edge.

Google should have been throttled years ago, when they first cooperated with the Communists in repressing the Chinese people.
Google has taken the rather incredible step of refusing to work with the US military on ANY product, service or platform. At the same time, they are actively working with Chinese companies improving their technological surveillance techniques among other things. And anyone who knows anything about China knows what that means. Google is actively supporting the Chinese government in improving it's surveillance techniques on it's citizens and ultimately the US. The Chinese government controls everything within it's borders including the so-called 'private' tech companies. Google executives certainly know this.

So is Google a treasonous company or do you believe that Google is doing nothing wrong? I believe they are at a minimum in a very dangerous place right now. The power they wield is beyond what we have historically thought of a large company's "space". What they are doing branches into privacy rights and in the case of Chinese citizens, life and death. I'm not sure I would say treasonous, but when you have a choice and you choose to shut the door on the US government and military and instead work with China you are right on the edge.
People throw the "T" word around a lot these days but it is a serious charge. Google has the right to not cooperate with the government or the Military unless ordered to do so and that ain't likely. The problem isn't with Google, it's about the media that is reluctant to tell the story (or be outraged) for fear it might impact Google's standing in the social arena and the economy.

When G+ (Plus) was compromised because many accounts were hacked, Google took down their social site Google Plus. I am betting you China was behind it.
Facebook and Twitter experienced a similar hack last year.
My point? Yes the media should not stand by them. Just because, they (the media) use the sites. IMO
I agree that whitehall that the "T" word is tossed around a lot. That's a very damning charge to male. I would agreed they are walking a fine ine now as I see their behavior as very troubling. That said however, Google does have the freedom to work with, or not, anyone. I am not pleased that Google has chosen to work with China, which will only bring more oppression on the Chinese people. Unfortunately, with this particular action by the Chinese government there is no tank to stand in front of in protest.

As for the media, we well know how they choose stories. It is no longer a free press keeping the people informed. There is, in my opinion, extreme partisanship going on in today's MSM.
The media continues to focus on a debunked charge of collusion by the President while social media giants that the media depends on for (anti-American) propaganda are clearly influenced by agents of foreign governments. Go figure.

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