Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

The problem with Fast & Furious is that the people in charge of that program thought that flooding Mexico with weapons would make it easier for them to obtain the gun control legislation that they desired here in the US and they were willing to put innocent people's lives at risk in order to make that happen.

Credible link please...
Just a side note, if you aren't following the rules of English grammar you can't claim you are using English.

Um, yes you can. What is she writing in? Spanish...

Ever here of slang? You should look it up sometime.

Yep. So 'rarely', 'too', 'difficult' and 'follow' are now slang? You can make an excellent argument that she isn't using grammar in most of her posts. But not using English? Doesn't even pass the giggle test...
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition. In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

Since you mentioned "intentions", you forgot to mention the "intetntion" of F&F, which was to undermine the 2nd amendment.......

Sigh. Don't believe that hype.

Obama has made no move at all as President to limit our 2nd amendment rights. Regardless of what the "righties" on this forum say, Obama is smart enough to know that's a political loser.

I know this next statement will draw fire from many here, but...oh f'ing well.

I believe that Fast and Furious is more about illegal immigration and the threat those cartels pose to our border states. And while this operation was monumentally stupid, I am actually happy to see that they at least had the correct targets.
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

thanks for repeating the right wingnut conspiracy theory of the day.

and for proving my point.


You're Welcome. After all, Right Wing IS The Right Wing.
The intent of F&F was to create the illusion that assault weapons were flowing across the border at much higher rate than what was really happening. They could then use this information to further restrict our 2nd amendment rights and take assault weapons away from all of us. This is MUCH WORSE than Watergate.

That is just crap.
Nice try. You right wingers are trying to make people believe that, but we know it's not true.

Rinata, you're not rational - there, the cat is out of the bag.

You're a blind partisan who holds your shameful party above all else. There is NOTHING that would cause you criticize Obama - absolutely nothing.

So you blabbering that Obama is god and every good little boi and gurl loves him really means nothing at all.

The fact is that Obama was in a statistical dead heat with Romney before this blew up. This is June on the verge of July - it is not going to blow over. Even if only 5% are outraged by the contempt for the law and the constitution shown by Holder and Obama, the election is over, Obama is out.

Again, you don't grasp this because you're a mindless sycophant spouting worship of your little tin god - but reality is not kind to Obama. Further, I think under the Romney administration, Holder could very well face criminal prosecution. Holder, not Obama.

This whole post says nothing that comes even close to thoughtful criticism or logic. I know you think you are right on the money but you are so far in left field, you'll never find your way home. And you're tiresome!! Think what you want. I'd have better luck discussing algebra with a 1st grader.
Nice try. You right wingers are trying to make people believe that, but we know it's not true.

Rinata, you're not rational - there, the cat is out of the bag.

You're a blind partisan who holds your shameful party above all else. There is NOTHING that would cause you criticize Obama - absolutely nothing.

So you blabbering that Obama is god and every good little boi and gurl loves him really means nothing at all.

The fact is that Obama was in a statistical dead heat with Romney before this blew up. This is June on the verge of July - it is not going to blow over. Even if only 5% are outraged by the contempt for the law and the constitution shown by Holder and Obama, the election is over, Obama is out.

Again, you don't grasp this because you're a mindless sycophant spouting worship of your little tin god - but reality is not kind to Obama. Further, I think under the Romney administration, Holder could very well face criminal prosecution. Holder, not Obama.

I think youre putting far too much stock in this.

Holder will NOT face criminal prosecution no matter WHO wins the Novemeber election. If he does, then Mukasey would also have to face prosecution when he used the very same tactic in 2006 and lost 200 guns...and THAT is NOT going to happen.
Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Better question.. Has there EVER been a scandal on the scale of "The War On Drugs"?

The thread isnt about you wanting to smoke a bong dipshit.

Then along comes another Log Cabin Club creep, who hasn't heard Henry Ford used hemp, to make plastic and ethanol, but FDR made sure he had to use petroleum, so when the wrong nitriles are added to petro-plastic, it dissolves, in ethanol. When the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 was ruled unconstitutional, Nixon founded the DEA.

This drug war isn't about bongs, the-anus144. This would be about scams, including using prison industry, to first pass costs of 25% of the world's prison population, to 5% of the world's population, then to pass those costs, around the world, on the residual but fading strength, of the US economy, while blocking, for the world's petroleum industry.

Pull your little wingnut head, out of your fat, wingpunk asshole. Darrell Issa is the same wingpunk, who led recall, of former Cali Gov. Gray Davis, for allegedly taking 50K favors, which Issa led, right after Davis initiated corrupt, long-term power deals, 2001-2002. Issa let Davis cook the deals, by directing negotiations, right through the May-June 2002 refurbishing of both nuclear plants, in Cali, so 15% of the grid was down. Davis knew that, and so did the Republicans, but they only recalled Davis. Yes, Democrats also sucked.

Total Recall star Schwarzy got over, got a girl pregnant, and nobody re-regulated energy. What a complete boatload of buggers, all doing a drug war! F&F is chickenshit, compared to the drug war, energy scams, oil scams, and their related wars, the-anus144.

Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver were Holder-gen off-shoots, of the ATF's Project Gunrunner, initiated in 2005, under John Ashcroft.

Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for mostly Republican scams, F&F and its daddy, Project Gunrunner rate well behind GW's lies, to Congress, to justify invading Iraq.

Saddam was like UBL and the Shah, a former CIA asset, and GW Bush knew all that, since it was his lying Iraqi witness, from Operation Curveball, who claimed Saddam had WMD's, and it was GW's lying Veep Dick Cheney, claiming Saddam was connected to 9/11, and it was GW's daddy, GHW Bush, who headed the CIA, and the whole family should have known, what was up, like they know how the drug war screens for big oil, since look who's been CEO of an oil company.

GW was planning, to go to Afghanistan:

Bush Planned Afghan Invasion BEFORE 9/11, Condoleezza Rice Testimony - YouTube!

Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the Taliban the day before September 11' | World news | The Guardian

The day before the September 11 attacks, the Bush administration agreed on a plan to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan by force if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, according to a report by a bipartisan commission of inquiry.

The report pointed out that agreement on the plan, which involved a steady escalation of pressure over three years, had been repeatedly put off by the Clinton and Bush administrations, despite the repeated failure of attempts to use diplomatic and economic pressure.


"Repeated failure" to end costly, unproductive support for fascist, apartheid rulers of Israel seems to plague the US Government, with CIA support for guys, like the Shah, Saddam, and UBL, so stooges is, as stooges does.

Cheney lied, about Saddam being connected, to 9/11:

Declassified document contradicts Cheney’s claim of Iraqi connection to 9/11 | The Raw Story


Why don't Log Cabin Club creeps quit lying? Aren't your pants and your assholes on fire, already? You bitches are like the bath-house tricks, who shot speed and their liberal doses of HIV, all the way through AIDS, to die. Lie down and die, assholes and your daddies.

No it was not Wide receiver was stop in 2007 because it did not work and was run with the knowledge of the Mexican Government.
Fast and the Furious was the brain child of holder and started in 2009 without the knowledge or consent of the Mexican Government. and was not stopped until after the death of Brian Terry.
Q-bag, I think it's time you let your fellow freaks know, you don't just consider yourself queer, but "gay, and stupid." You need to be honest, when pandering to your fellow wingpunks. So go ahead and tell us all about intrigue, in the Navy, since you are so sassy.

You are out already. Most wingpunks aren't. They just lie, and lie, and lie, asses on fire.

What the fuck is your problem dick sucking bitch? Are you butt hurt because obama did not invite you to his gay bash at the white house?
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition. In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

Allowing the sales of firearms and allow them to cross into another country without the consent of that country is also criminal and the death of human life because of those weapons are criminal.
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition. In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

Allowing the sales of firearms and allow them to cross into another country without the consent of that country is also criminal and the death of human life because of those weapons are criminal.

INTENTIONS was in caps for a reason, Big Fella. ;)

ETA: Youre correct though. It is criminal. But I still see the power grab intentions of Watergate as worse than the Take down the Drug Cartels intentions.
Last edited:
The thread isnt about you wanting to smoke a bong dipshit.

Then along comes another Log Cabin Club creep, who hasn't heard Henry Ford used hemp, to make plastic and ethanol, but FDR made sure he had to use petroleum, so when the wrong nitriles are added to petro-plastic, it dissolves, in ethanol. When the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 was ruled unconstitutional, Nixon founded the DEA.

This drug war isn't about bongs, the-anus144. This would be about scams, including using prison industry, to first pass costs of 25% of the world's prison population, to 5% of the world's population, then to pass those costs, around the world, on the residual but fading strength, of the US economy, while blocking, for the world's petroleum industry.

Pull your little wingnut head, out of your fat, wingpunk asshole. Darrell Issa is the same wingpunk, who led recall, of former Cali Gov. Gray Davis, for allegedly taking 50K favors, which Issa led, right after Davis initiated corrupt, long-term power deals, 2001-2002. Issa let Davis cook the deals, by directing negotiations, right through the May-June 2002 refurbishing of both nuclear plants, in Cali, so 15% of the grid was down. Davis knew that, and so did the Republicans, but they only recalled Davis. Yes, Democrats also sucked.

Total Recall star Schwarzy got over, got a girl pregnant, and nobody re-regulated energy. What a complete boatload of buggers, all doing a drug war! F&F is chickenshit, compared to the drug war, energy scams, oil scams, and their related wars, the-anus144.

Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver were Holder-gen off-shoots, of the ATF's Project Gunrunner, initiated in 2005, under John Ashcroft.

Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for mostly Republican scams, F&F and its daddy, Project Gunrunner rate well behind GW's lies, to Congress, to justify invading Iraq.

Saddam was like UBL and the Shah, a former CIA asset, and GW Bush knew all that, since it was his lying Iraqi witness, from Operation Curveball, who claimed Saddam had WMD's, and it was GW's lying Veep Dick Cheney, claiming Saddam was connected to 9/11, and it was GW's daddy, GHW Bush, who headed the CIA, and the whole family should have known, what was up, like they know how the drug war screens for big oil, since look who's been CEO of an oil company.

GW was planning, to go to Afghanistan:

Bush Planned Afghan Invasion BEFORE 9/11, Condoleezza Rice Testimony - YouTube!

Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the Taliban the day before September 11' | World news | The Guardian

The day before the September 11 attacks, the Bush administration agreed on a plan to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan by force if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, according to a report by a bipartisan commission of inquiry.

The report pointed out that agreement on the plan, which involved a steady escalation of pressure over three years, had been repeatedly put off by the Clinton and Bush administrations, despite the repeated failure of attempts to use diplomatic and economic pressure.


"Repeated failure" to end costly, unproductive support for fascist, apartheid rulers of Israel seems to plague the US Government, with CIA support for guys, like the Shah, Saddam, and UBL, so stooges is, as stooges does.

Cheney lied, about Saddam being connected, to 9/11:

Declassified document contradicts Cheney’s claim of Iraqi connection to 9/11 | The Raw Story


Why don't Log Cabin Club creeps quit lying? Aren't your pants and your assholes on fire, already? You bitches are like the bath-house tricks, who shot speed and their liberal doses of HIV, all the way through AIDS, to die. Lie down and die, assholes and your daddies.

No it was not Wide receiver was stop in 2007 because it did not work and was run with the knowledge of the Mexican Government.
Fast and the Furious was the brain child of holder and started in 2009 without the knowledge or consent of the Mexican Government. and was not stopped until after the death of Brian Terry.

Oct 6, 2007 to be exact.

F&F came to be a full two years later on Oct 26, 2009.

Two years is a very clear ending to a program.
Then along comes another Log Cabin Club creep, who hasn't heard Henry Ford used hemp, to make plastic and ethanol, but FDR made sure he had to use petroleum, so when the wrong nitriles are added to petro-plastic, it dissolves, in ethanol. When the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 was ruled unconstitutional, Nixon founded the DEA.

This drug war isn't about bongs, the-anus144. This would be about scams, including using prison industry, to first pass costs of 25% of the world's prison population, to 5% of the world's population, then to pass those costs, around the world, on the residual but fading strength, of the US economy, while blocking, for the world's petroleum industry.

Pull your little wingnut head, out of your fat, wingpunk asshole. Darrell Issa is the same wingpunk, who led recall, of former Cali Gov. Gray Davis, for allegedly taking 50K favors, which Issa led, right after Davis initiated corrupt, long-term power deals, 2001-2002. Issa let Davis cook the deals, by directing negotiations, right through the May-June 2002 refurbishing of both nuclear plants, in Cali, so 15% of the grid was down. Davis knew that, and so did the Republicans, but they only recalled Davis. Yes, Democrats also sucked.

Total Recall star Schwarzy got over, got a girl pregnant, and nobody re-regulated energy. What a complete boatload of buggers, all doing a drug war! F&F is chickenshit, compared to the drug war, energy scams, oil scams, and their related wars, the-anus144.

Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver were Holder-gen off-shoots, of the ATF's Project Gunrunner, initiated in 2005, under John Ashcroft.

Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for mostly Republican scams, F&F and its daddy, Project Gunrunner rate well behind GW's lies, to Congress, to justify invading Iraq.

Saddam was like UBL and the Shah, a former CIA asset, and GW Bush knew all that, since it was his lying Iraqi witness, from Operation Curveball, who claimed Saddam had WMD's, and it was GW's lying Veep Dick Cheney, claiming Saddam was connected to 9/11, and it was GW's daddy, GHW Bush, who headed the CIA, and the whole family should have known, what was up, like they know how the drug war screens for big oil, since look who's been CEO of an oil company.

GW was planning, to go to Afghanistan:

Bush Planned Afghan Invasion BEFORE 9/11, Condoleezza Rice Testimony - YouTube!

Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the Taliban the day before September 11' | World news | The Guardian

The day before the September 11 attacks, the Bush administration agreed on a plan to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan by force if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, according to a report by a bipartisan commission of inquiry.

The report pointed out that agreement on the plan, which involved a steady escalation of pressure over three years, had been repeatedly put off by the Clinton and Bush administrations, despite the repeated failure of attempts to use diplomatic and economic pressure.


"Repeated failure" to end costly, unproductive support for fascist, apartheid rulers of Israel seems to plague the US Government, with CIA support for guys, like the Shah, Saddam, and UBL, so stooges is, as stooges does.

Cheney lied, about Saddam being connected, to 9/11:

Declassified document contradicts Cheney’s claim of Iraqi connection to 9/11 | The Raw Story


Why don't Log Cabin Club creeps quit lying? Aren't your pants and your assholes on fire, already? You bitches are like the bath-house tricks, who shot speed and their liberal doses of HIV, all the way through AIDS, to die. Lie down and die, assholes and your daddies.

No it was not Wide receiver was stop in 2007 because it did not work and was run with the knowledge of the Mexican Government.
Fast and the Furious was the brain child of holder and started in 2009 without the knowledge or consent of the Mexican Government. and was not stopped until after the death of Brian Terry.

Oct 6, 2007 to be exact.

F&F came to be a full two years later on Oct 26, 2009.

Two years is a very clear ending to a program.

Yes fast and the furious is holders and obamas.
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition. In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

Allowing the sales of firearms and allow them to cross into another country without the consent of that country is also criminal and the death of human life because of those weapons are criminal.

INTENTIONS was in caps for a reason, Big Fella. ;)

ETA: Youre correct though. It is criminal. But I still see the power grab intentions of Watergate as worse than the Take down the Drug Cartels intentions.

Holder and obama allowed firearms into another country without that countries consent or knowledge.
And it is also a crime against the American people to misuse a program to push an anti gun agenda.
Allowing the sales of firearms and allow them to cross into another country without the consent of that country is also criminal and the death of human life because of those weapons are criminal.

INTENTIONS was in caps for a reason, Big Fella. ;)

ETA: Youre correct though. It is criminal. But I still see the power grab intentions of Watergate as worse than the Take down the Drug Cartels intentions.

Holder and obama allowed firearms into another country without that countries consent or knowledge.
And it is also a crime against the American people to misuse a program to push an anti gun agenda.

Youve got a good point on the first part but Im not buying the anti gun propaganda.
INTENTIONS was in caps for a reason, Big Fella. ;)

ETA: Youre correct though. It is criminal. But I still see the power grab intentions of Watergate as worse than the Take down the Drug Cartels intentions.

Holder and obama allowed firearms into another country without that countries consent or knowledge.
And it is also a crime against the American people to misuse a program to push an anti gun agenda.

Youve got a good point on the first part but Im not buying the anti gun propaganda.

It's a combination of many thing that if you pay attention to it fast and the furious was all about gun control.,
Remember by in 2009 when holder and Clinton were talking about America was part of Mexico's problem. They would talk about guns going into mexico from America. That's one
Next we find out obama tell's Sarah Brady that he was working under the radar for gun control
Next we know all three obama clinton Holder are anti gun advocates.
And now we have this cover up.
A pig is still a pig doesn't matter if you move him into the white house. the pig will always be a pig you can't change that.

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