Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

you've just muddled words up. Jillian did not...

no. i didn't. but i suppose if one has nothing to say, one would focus on something like whether or not i use caps.

ah well..

I have presented more facts to support my side than you have to support yours, and you have ignored them all. I even used Holders own words to prove that your claims that this started under Bush were wrong, and you ignored all of them

Personally, I don't care if you use capitalization or not, but I am willing to bet your professors in law school, your peers, the judges you file motions with, and your English teachers throughout all your years of school all agree with me that not using it prohibits you from claiming you are using English. That is what I object to, not your posting style.

Why don't you prove me wrong by filing a motion without using the shift key sometime?

They bring nothing to the table yet call us liars :dunno:
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition. In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

Since you mentioned "intentions", you forgot to mention the "intetntion" of F&F, which was to undermine the 2nd amendment.......

Sigh. Don't believe that hype.

Obama has made no move at all as President to limit our 2nd amendment rights. Regardless of what the "righties" on this forum say, Obama is smart enough to know that's a political loser.

I know this next statement will draw fire from many here, but...oh f'ing well.

I believe that Fast and Furious is more about illegal immigration and the threat those cartels pose to our border states. And while this operation was monumentally stupid, I am actually happy to see that they at least had the correct targets.

You've totally lost me with your contention that Fast & Furious was about illegal immigration and the threat that cartels pose to our border States, Vidi. Operation Wide Receiver was about the threat that cartels pose...that was why that plan put tracking devices on the sold weapons in an attempt to trace them to the cartels themselves and make arrests there rather than simply arresting the "straw buyers". Operation Fast & Furious didn't do that. They didn't even make an attempt to trace the weapons and forbade ATF agents from making arrests of the people who were smuggling the weapons.

Let's look at this logically. If you're not tracking the weapons...and you're not letting agents arrest those who are smuggling the weapons...what is your goal? It's obvious, even without the DOJ e-mails that confirm it, that the DOJ's goal was to show a huge problem with US guns being bought here and sold there and then call for stricter gun control legislation to stop that from happening. I'm sorry but that's the ONLY logical conclusion that you can come to if you examine the facts. People in this Administration made a calculated decision that giving AK47's to violent drug cartels was a risk they were willing to take to get the tougher gun control legislation they desired and I've got a SERIOUS problem with that! As I said would be like law enforcement giving crack to drug dealers that they knew sold to school kids because they wanted tougher laws enacted for drug dealers selling to kids at schools. Who was the asshole who approved this fiasco and why isn't he or she being punished for it? So far the people who WERE in charge have been transferred to better jobs in the DOJ. What does THAT tell you about the attitude of Holder and the powers that be? What does it tell you about the people running the DOJ that Operation Fast & Furious was still running 6 weeks after Brian Terry was killed and guns linked to F&F were found at the crime scene? It wasn't until the ATF agents went to Chuck Grassley and blew the whistle on the program and it went viral on the internet that the DOJ cancelled Fast & Furious. Would they have kept ON running it just the way it was if the whistle blowers hadn't done what they did? It certainly appears that way.
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Q-bag, I think it's time you let your fellow freaks know, you don't just consider yourself queer, but "gay, and stupid." You need to be honest, when pandering to your fellow wingpunks. So go ahead and tell us all about intrigue, in the Navy, since you are so sassy.

You are out already. Most wingpunks aren't. They just lie, and lie, and lie, asses on fire.

What the fuck is your problem dick sucking bitch? Are you butt hurt because obama did not invite you to his gay bash at the white house?

No means no, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey:

Obama doesn't do shit, for me because I am a non-partisan independent, and I'm not a queer, like YOU, or gay, like Q-bag. So spit the bag out, fuck yourself, and eat some shit, since you don't respond, to issues, excluding your irrational, homosexual funk.

Sit on your barrel and blast, with your Navy buddy watching, DD. You'll both get off.

Obama went for same-sex marriage when the Washington Post leaked the Bullygate story, so Obama isn't any hurry, to have your Log Cabin Club over to the White House. Vote for Meat, if you think that'll get'r'done, for you pinky-punk, missing-calinkey rebs.

Eat shit and die, since you like the prison industry so much, and head for the hills, when the sea level rises, on you redstate queers, who can't count, think, or talk. So fuck writing, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.
Since you mentioned "intentions", you forgot to mention the "intetntion" of F&F, which was to undermine the 2nd amendment.......

Sigh. Don't believe that hype.

Obama has made no move at all as President to limit our 2nd amendment rights. Regardless of what the "righties" on this forum say, Obama is smart enough to know that's a political loser.

I know this next statement will draw fire from many here, but...oh f'ing well.

I believe that Fast and Furious is more about illegal immigration and the threat those cartels pose to our border states. And while this operation was monumentally stupid, I am actually happy to see that they at least had the correct targets.

You've totally lost me with your contention that Fast & Furious was about illegal immigration and the threat that cartels pose to our border States, Vidi. Operation Wide Receiver was about the threat that cartels pose...that was why that plan put tracking devices on the sold weapons in an attempt to trace them to the cartels themselves and make arrests there rather than simply arresting the "straw buyers". Operation Fast & Furious didn't do that. They didn't even make an attempt to trace the weapons and forbade ATF agents from making arrests of the people who were smuggling the weapons.

Let's look at this logically. If you're not tracking the weapons...and you're not letting agents arrest those who are smuggling the weapons...what is your goal? It's obvious, even without the DOJ e-mails that confirm it, that the DOJ's goal was to show a huge problem with US guns being bought here and sold there and then call for stricter gun control legislation to stop that from happening. I'm sorry but that's the ONLY logical conclusion that you can come to if you examine the facts. People in this Administration made a calculated decision that giving AK47's to violent drug cartels was a risk they were willing to take to get the tougher gun control legislation they desired and I've got a SERIOUS problem with that! As I said would be like law enforcement giving crack to drug dealers that they knew sold to school kids because they wanted tougher laws enacted for drug dealers selling to kids at schools. Who was the asshole who approved this fiasco and why isn't he or she being punished for it? So far the people who WERE in charge have been transferred to better jobs in the DOJ. What does THAT tell you about the attitude of Holder and the powers that be?

Obama and Holder were playing politics and people wound up getting killed on both sides.

That's why the EP. Saul Alenski rules to a dangerous degree.:evil:
Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney lied, and US soldiers died.

Iraqis died, and a lot of depleted uranium is in the dirt and air, particularly around Fallujah.

Is there any question, which operation killed more, maimed more, and poisoned more, Iraqi Freedom, which used perjury and contempt of Congress, to kill a lot, or Fast and Furious, which was used by bi-partisan idiots, to kill Brian Terry?

Meanwhile, the redstate retards can't move, toward ending the drug war, which is why Terry really died, and many others died, and more are dying, including in the Middle East, where oil politics hides, behind drug politics, so queers can sell drugs and rant, and oil execs can get behind war industry and US prison industry, which inters 25% of the world's prisoners, funded by 5% of the world's population, decried by practically none of the redstate queers, in the Log Cabin Club meets Chinese fire drill frolic, in US media.
Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney lied, and US soldiers died.

Iraqis died, and a lot of depleted uranium is in the dirt and air, particularly around Fallujah.

Is there any question, which operation killed more, maimed more, and poisoned more, Iraqi Freedom, which used perjury and contempt of Congress, to kill a lot, or Fast and Furious, which was used by bi-partisan idiots, to kill Brian Terry?

Meanwhile, the redstate retards can't move, toward ending the drug war, which is why Terry really died, and many others died, and more are dying, including in the Middle East, where oil politics hides, behind drug politics, so queers can sell drugs and rant, and oil execs can get behind war industry and US prison industry, which inters 25% of the world's prisoners, funded by 5% of the world's population, decried by practically none of the redstate queers, in the Log Cabin Club meets Chinese fire drill frolic, in US media.

Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney lied, and US soldiers died.
Tried and true liberal deflection
Deflection until you're reminded democrats also supported bushes action then you deflect to something else hoping what you deflected from is forgotten.
Does it work no it doesn't. because you deflection is moot since obama invoked the executive privilege for something he was not supposed to have any knowledge of which means now obama threw holder under the bus and holder can be charged with Misleading The Congress
Look at this:

Six topics in a row at the top of the Politics section, all having to do with Fast and Furious.

And that isn't even ALL the F&F topics.

This seems to happen when someone gets their butt hurt in one topic and decides to repeat their point which was destroyed by starting a new topic.
Look at this:

Six topics in a row at the top of the Politics section, all having to do with Fast and Furious.

And that isn't even ALL the F&F topics.

This seems to happen when someone gets their butt hurt in one topic and decides to repeat their point which was destroyed by starting a new topic.

Or it could mean something new was released from the news and deserves a thread of it's own.
Aaaaand nobody's going down, for any reason they should go down, after all these pages, which are all about redstate retard pubs, trying to circle-jerk, so I get called "liberal." Then retards who try to jerk that circle want to daisy chain, every time!

I'm NOT a liberal OR a Democrat, so eat shit, you drawling, redstate-retard bitch!

Obama killed more people with drones, than GW Bush did, in eight years. He supports baby-blue-tikhilit Israel, even though the red-tards won't vote for him, anyway.

Obama is suppressing fracking, mildly, when he needed to get back to Henry Ford and legalize hemp, to make ethanol, plastic, and 25,000 other products, so switchgrass is also needed, for ethanol. But he pushed and signed Obamacare.

Retards, that DD Obama isn't who I would vote for. But since your heads are far up each other's assholes, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey keeps ranting about liberals and whatever, like a dumbass, drawling, chickenshit-colonel, in front of his gay, stupid, and prissy buddy, Q-bag, who wants to pin somebody down, over points made, somehow.

Why don't you punks fuck the hell off? You want to keep pushing your dose, like bath-house freaks, who tricked and shot speed, all the way, through HIV and AIDS, to death. You are no different, so you are LIVING-dead queers, and so what? You are like queer Hitlers, wanting to kill everybody, while doing a limper salute, than everybody else.

The major point is, Queerbag and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, the problems underlying the Republican-era scams, Project Gunrunner, Operation Wide Receiver, or the Democrat-era scam, Operation Fast and Furious need to be resolved, without you queers getting your panties in a bunch, for another 80+ pages, at USMB or for a million pages, in Congress!

We need to end the drug war, when you daisy-chainers are ready. I know other posters have run down the drug war. Lying to Congress about Iraq, to get CIA-asset Saddam, whom GHW Bush knew about because GHW Bush was head of the CIA, but GHW Bush wussed on the road to Basra, so GW and Cheney could lie for the money, and to kill a lot more people IS WORSE THAN FAST AND FURIOUS, you fucking morons, who need to go out with each other, and quit taking other people off, with your queenie edicts!

I know Brian Terry would still be alive, if not for the drug war; sorry if your buddies don't get to push bags or pump as much gas or as much ass, in prison, when that stinking drug war ends, ranting, redstate punkasses
Q-bag and bigretardedqueen.
Aaaaand nobody's going down, for any reason they should go down, after all these pages, which are all about redstate retard pubs, trying to circle-jerk, so I get called "liberal." Then retards who try to jerk that circle want to daisy chain, every time!

I'm NOT a liberal OR a Democrat, so eat shit, you drawling, redstate-retard bitch!

Obama killed more people with drones, than GW Bush did, in eight years. He supports baby-blue-tikhilit Israel, even though the red-tards won't vote for him, anyway.

Obama is suppressing fracking, mildly, when he needed to get back to Henry Ford and legalize hemp, to make ethanol, plastic, and 25,000 other products, so switchgrass is also needed, for ethanol. But he pushed and signed Obamacare.

Retards, that DD Obama isn't who I would vote for. But since your heads are far up each other's assholes, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey keeps ranting about liberals and whatever, like a dumbass, drawling, chickenshit-colonel, in front of his gay, stupid, and prissy buddy, Q-bag, who wants to pin somebody down, over points made, somehow.

Why don't you punks fuck the hell off? You want to keep pushing your dose, like bath-house freaks, who tricked and shot speed, all the way, through HIV and AIDS, to death. You are no different, so you are LIVING-dead queers, and so what? You are like queer Hitlers, wanting to kill everybody, while doing a limper salute, than everybody else.

The major point is, Queerbag and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, the problems underlying the Republican-era scams, Project Gunrunner, Operation Wide Receiver, or the Democrat-era scam, Operation Fast and Furious need to be resolved, without you queers getting your panties in a bunch, for another 80+ pages, at USMB or for a million pages, in Congress!

We need to end the drug war, when you daisy-chainers are ready. I know other posters have run down the drug war. Lying to Congress about Iraq, to get CIA-asset Saddam, whom GHW Bush knew about because GHW Bush was head of the CIA, but GHW Bush wussed on the road to Basra, so GW and Cheney could lie for the money, and to kill a lot more people IS WORSE THAN FAST AND FURIOUS, you fucking morons, who need to go out with each other, and quit taking other people off, with your queenie edicts!

I know Brian Terry would still be alive, if not for the drug war; sorry if your buddies don't get to push bags or pump as much gas or as much ass, in prison, when that stinking drug war ends, ranting, redstate punkasses
Q-bag and bigretardedqueen.

Talk about circle jerking bitches you must be the pivot man in the liberal jerk off circle defending obama.
Lookie here, redstate retard-sociopaths and scientist hostages:

There's a TREND. The bath-houses had to close down, and swishy-saluting Adolf shot himself, in a bunker. That's the kind of outcome all the redstate-sociopathic queer rants are coming to. There will be statistics, if any scientists are still interested.

Eat shit, and die, or smarten up, and try to live, with everybody else, sociopaths. The drug war has to end, with all your shit, about Fast and Furious, which will be over, about five minutes, before or after the November election. Vin Diesel did Fast Five, with The Rock and Paul Walker, which also happens to be Vin Diesel's real name, lots of Fords and other cars got driven around, really fast, including in Rio, on sugar-ethanol, but Rudolph Diesel's hemp ethanol didn't happen, yet. Go to the movies, heads out of butts, and watch!

Darrell Issa is still the same piece of shit, who led recall against Cali Gov. Gray Davis, over Davis' habit of taking 50K per favor, when DAVIS COOKED CALIFORNIA'S BOOKS, WITH DE-REGULATED ENERGY DEALS, 2001-2, and Issa let him walk, since Issa sucks balls, for power providers and oil company execs, like any other pub queen.

You queens of the day can't think your heads out of each others' assholes! I particularly mean YOU, Q-baggie and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey! There's a big picture, if you could only pull your queer heads, out of each others' butts, and LOOK!
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Watergate is nothing compared to what Democraps do today against political enemies.

This F&F shit is high crimes against Mexico and the USA, people died here while nobody died from some damn political tapes in Washington DC.

Let's see, selling guns to drug gangs compared to taping your political competition in a hotel......uh, one is worse to a sane person. Nevermind selling those guns with the sole intention of then turning around and blaming the US gun industry for the carnage of selling those guns to drug gangs.

That is like some KKK members dropping off a dump truck full assault weapons, jewlery and cash in the ghetto to film the black people take the stuff then shoot each other over the stuff for some video on YouTube which puts black people in a bad light.
Rats should have busted Carl Rove, GW Bush, and Dick Cheney, at least, but noooo.

Iran-Contra and Operation Iraqi Freedom were both more corrupt, and Iraqi Freedom was more deadly, than I-C and F&F, put together and multiplied, many times.

But ratsos just keep putting on the ritz, pretending to be second-team pubs, when any rats get into office, anywhere. Or the rats would make democracy worth more than shit, by ENDING THE DRUG WAR, which is what really killed Brian Terry and thousands, even millions more, while amplifying human misery and insolvency.

The OP to this thread offers Watergate as a straw-dog. Democrats have been messing with Nader 2004 and Occupy Wall Street, like they are turd-burglars, for Nixon. So fucking what, about Watergate? All kinds of politicians take war industry, prison industry, and petroleum industry "contributions." So shut up, punkass pub sociopaths!

The rats are really no goddamn good, since Watergate, so why compare F&F, to Watergate, unless you are a pub sociopath, with your head up your asshole, trying to forget, how pubs started Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver?
Rats should have busted Carl Rove, GW Bush, and Dick Cheney, at least, but noooo.

Iran-Contra and Operation Iraqi Freedom were both more corrupt, and Iraqi Freedom was more deadly, than I-C and F&F, put together and multiplied, many times.

But ratsos just keep putting on the ritz, pretending to be second-team pubs, when any rats get into office, anywhere. Or the rats would make democracy worth more than shit, by ENDING THE DRUG WAR, which is what really killed Brian Terry and thousands, even millions more, while amplifying human misery and insolvency.

The OP to this thread offers Watergate as a straw-dog. Democrats have been messing with Nader 2004 and Occupy Wall Street, like they are turd-burglars, for Nixon. So fucking what, about Watergate? All kinds of politicians take war industry, prison industry, and petroleum industry "contributions." So shut up, punkass pub sociopaths!

The rats are really no goddamn good, since Watergate, so why compare F&F, to Watergate, unless you are a pub sociopath, with your head up your asshole, trying to forget, how pubs started Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver?

Lookie here another wing nut to join truth don't matter cult .
pussyshithead would put everything, in the gay section, if he had his queer way.

Eat kibbles and shit, pussyshithead.
Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

No. This is the worst thing that has ever happened..period. Oh! the horror! We should just disband the country...give it back to the Indians and all kill ourselves in shame..

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