Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other

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No large cumbersome bureaucratically top heavy governments are corrupt.

And these large governments grind the people to dust under their weight of regulation and red tape
Actually, it is more difficult in a large bureaucracy. Too many powerful agencies watching as well as the media.
Not many people guarding the henhouse in small, local governments

it's just hidden better and our government agencies don't work together they all operate in their own little sphere of influence.

I do know that no one gets rich from being a Town Clerk but people who get elected to congress all manage to become multi millionaires in just a few terms of office even though they only earn 175K a year
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

No the Clintons just sold influence through their fake global charity.

You never wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded when Hillary lost huh?

And Like I said the single best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to Congress

But no there's nothing to see there

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
what an infantile poll....

what can one say ....


That's all you have? An ad hominem attack? You obviously have nothing to add.

Thanks for trying!

lol ok then my answer is no

I would not benefit from taking anybody's wealth

in other words:

2 Thessalonians 3:12 ... Eat their own bread.--Not other people's. ... They work, and eat their own bread; not the bread of others, but their own, for which they have laboured and which they have earned. They would thus be independent of the liberality and generosity of others.
what an infantile poll....

what can one say ....


That's all you have? An ad hominem attack? You obviously have nothing to add.

Thanks for trying!

lol ok then my answer is no

I would not benefit from taking anybody's wealth

in other words:

2 Thessalonians 3:12 ... Eat their own bread.--Not other people's. ... They work, and eat their own bread; not the bread of others, but their own, for which they have laboured and which they have earned. They would thus be independent of the liberality and generosity of others.
Two Thessalonians walk into a bar.....
How do we benefit from asking the one percent to contribute more?

Higher education

All of which have degenerated over a generation of tax cuts
what an infantile poll....

what can one say ....


That's all you have? An ad hominem attack? You obviously have nothing to add.

Thanks for trying!

lol ok then my answer is no

I would not benefit from taking anybody's wealth

in other words:

2 Thessalonians 3:12 ... Eat their own bread.--Not other people's. ... They work, and eat their own bread; not the bread of others, but their own, for which they have laboured and which they have earned. They would thus be independent of the liberality and generosity of others.
Two Thessalonians walk into a bar.....

you lost me there.....but then....hehe you are are like you are!
Trump lost money on his casinos

Most went bankrupt

How many casinos went bankrupt in Atlantic City? Who owned them all?

He is owner, part owner, or has licensed his name to over 500 corporations. I wonder how many total companies over the past 50 years? With SIX bankruptcies. That's an incredible record.

The problem with the casinos wasn't Trump's fault, some of the other casinos in Atlantic City failed as well, as a result of surrounding regions opening their own casinos and thus the public didn't have to travel as far for their entertainment. It had nothing to do with ineptness.

Surely you know by now that facts and the truth only get our far left Progressives confused and dizzy, that leads to their falling down, whining and crying everywhere. It's really kind of sad.

francoHFW is only here to be a troll. He has no other purpose.
Which has what to do with the Constitutional government of the US?

The BIGGER the government, the MORE CORRUPT the government.

Small government is more "transparent" and would never have gotten away with Co2 based bullshit or 911...
Small governments are more corrupt.
Look at municipal and county governments. That is where the blatant graft and corruption occurs

no big government just hides it better

where else can a person with a net worth of ZERO become a multimillionaire in just a few years while only earning 175K a year?
like who? If they're Democrats is because they wrote a book or gave speeches or mainly real estate seems like. Republicans are on the lobbyist revolving door program, actual corruption
Actually, it is more difficult in a large bureaucracy. Too many powerful agencies watching as well as the media.
Not many people guarding the henhouse in small, local governments

it's just hidden better and our government agencies don't work together they all operate in their own little sphere of influence.

I do know that no one gets rich from being a Town Clerk but people who get elected to congress all manage to become multi millionaires in just a few terms of office even though they only earn 175K a year
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

No the Clintons just sold influence through their fake global charity.

You never wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded when Hillary lost huh?

And Like I said the single best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to Congress

But no there's nothing to see there

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
nothing corrupt. All investigated no problems except in GOP innuendo dupeworld.
what an infantile poll....

what can one say ....


That's all you have? An ad hominem attack? You obviously have nothing to add.

Thanks for trying!

lol ok then my answer is no

I would not benefit from taking anybody's wealth

in other words:

2 Thessalonians 3:12 ... Eat their own bread.--Not other people's. ... They work, and eat their own bread; not the bread of others, but their own, for which they have laboured and which they have earned. They would thus be independent of the liberality and generosity of others.
Two Thessalonians walk into a bar.....

you lost me there.....but then....hehe you are are like you are!
A reference to our dear leaders biblical knowledge
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation
October 1, 2016

FACT SIX – The FBI Wanted To Open An Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation, But The Effort Was Scuttled By The Obama Administration:
The FBI And Department Of Justice Met In Early 2016 To Discuss Opening A Public Corruption Case Into The Clinton Foundation. “Officials from the FBI and Department of Justice met several months ago to discuss opening a public corruption case into the Clinton Foundation, according to a US official.” (Drew Griffin, Pamela Brown and Shimon Prokupecz, “Inside The Debate Over Probing The Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/16)

FACT SEVEN – Clinton’s Chief Of Staff At State Had A Deep And Simultaneous Involvement In The Clinton Foundation:
CNN Headline: “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation” (Drew Griffin, “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/26)

FACT TEN – Since 2003, The Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel:
The New York Post Headline: “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses” (Geoff Earle, “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses,” New York Post, 8/20/13)

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation - Hang The Bankers
Last edited:
it's just hidden better and our government agencies don't work together they all operate in their own little sphere of influence.

I do know that no one gets rich from being a Town Clerk but people who get elected to congress all manage to become multi millionaires in just a few terms of office even though they only earn 175K a year
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

"hurr durrrrr we have no idea where Trump got his money"

View attachment 306097

It truly boggles the mind how fucking dumb leftists are.
Trump lost money on his casinos

Most went bankrupt
The problem with the casinos wasn't Trump's fault, some of the other casinos in Atlantic City failed as well, as a result of surrounding regions opening their own casinos and thus the public didn't have to travel as far for their entertainment. It had nothing to do with ineptness.
Yes, it was Trumps fault
He sold NJ a House of Cards

It seems to me that it was NJ that sold various investors a House of Cards!
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

"hurr durrrrr we have no idea where Trump got his money"

View attachment 306097

It truly boggles the mind how fucking dumb leftists are.
Trump lost money on his casinos

Most went bankrupt
The problem with the casinos wasn't Trump's fault, some of the other casinos in Atlantic City failed as well, as a result of surrounding regions opening their own casinos and thus the public didn't have to travel as far for their entertainment. It had nothing to do with ineptness.
Yes, it was Trumps fault
He sold NJ a House of Cards

It seems to me that it was NJ that sold various investors a House of Cards!
Not by a long shot

Trump promised AC all kinds of redevelopment in return for his casinos.

Never delivered
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation
October 1, 2016

FACT SIX – The FBI Wanted To Open An Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation, But The Effort Was Scuttled By The Obama Administration:
The FBI And Department Of Justice Met In Early 2016 To Discuss Opening A Public Corruption Case Into The Clinton Foundation. “Officials from the FBI and Department of Justice met several months ago to discuss opening a public corruption case into the Clinton Foundation, according to a US official.” (Drew Griffin, Pamela Brown and Shimon Prokupecz, “Inside The Debate Over Probing The Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/16)

FACT SEVEN – Clinton’s Chief Of Staff At State Had A Deep And Simultaneous Involvement In The Clinton Foundation:
CNN Headline: “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation” (Drew Griffin, “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/26)

FACT TEN – Since 2003, The Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel:
The New York Post Headline: “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses” (Geoff Earle, “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses,” New York Post, 8/20/13)

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation - Hang The Bankers
I voted "other". It would all depend on how the revenue was used.

I expanded the question to include expending it in the message content below the question. Take a look if you want to.

I made my choice without assuming that the money had to be used for new programs only. If the dough went towards dropping payroll taxes while shoring up Medicare and extending Social Security's positive balance then that would make it an easy sell.
it's just hidden better and our government agencies don't work together they all operate in their own little sphere of influence.

I do know that no one gets rich from being a Town Clerk but people who get elected to congress all manage to become multi millionaires in just a few terms of office even though they only earn 175K a year
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

No the Clintons just sold influence through their fake global charity.

You never wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded when Hillary lost huh?

And Like I said the single best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to Congress

But no there's nothing to see there

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
nothing corrupt. All investigated no problems except in GOP innuendo dupeworld.
And yet you cannot explain why people just stopped donating after Hillary lost

And you call other people brainwashed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation
October 1, 2016

FACT SIX – The FBI Wanted To Open An Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation, But The Effort Was Scuttled By The Obama Administration:
The FBI And Department Of Justice Met In Early 2016 To Discuss Opening A Public Corruption Case Into The Clinton Foundation. “Officials from the FBI and Department of Justice met several months ago to discuss opening a public corruption case into the Clinton Foundation, according to a US official.” (Drew Griffin, Pamela Brown and Shimon Prokupecz, “Inside The Debate Over Probing The Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/16)

FACT SEVEN – Clinton’s Chief Of Staff At State Had A Deep And Simultaneous Involvement In The Clinton Foundation:
CNN Headline: “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation” (Drew Griffin, “Top Clinton State Department Aide Helped Clinton Foundation,” CNN, 8/11/26)

FACT TEN – Since 2003, The Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel:
The New York Post Headline: “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses” (Geoff Earle, “Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel Expenses,” New York Post, 8/20/13)

Clinton corruption: 10 facts about the Clinton Foundation - Hang The Bankers
Why doesn’t the Trump Justice Dept prosecute such “crimes”?
Republicans in the lobbyist revolving door maybe, but Democrats not. the clintons Obama and Sanders and Warren have made money writing books and giving speeches. we know because they give us their tax returns. Unlike the orange con man fraud failure. except in GOP dupe world.

No the Clintons just sold influence through their fake global charity.

You never wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded when Hillary lost huh?

And Like I said the single best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to Congress

But no there's nothing to see there

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
nothing corrupt. All investigated no problems except in GOP innuendo dupeworld.
And yet you cannot explain why people just stopped donating after Hillary lost

And you call other people brainwashed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
of course they hoped to get some advantage or perhaps they just liked her and what she stood for and what the charity stood for. However it has all been investigated and no Advantage has ever been found. you people start with them being criminals. In reality they would have to be crazy to try any of the stuff you think they do. You know what happens when you assume......not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world. and totally discredited and of course never retracted by the garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Welcome to the civilized world

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