Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world.


Whitewater = 14 of 16 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who did not - Bill and Hill

Castle Grande = Hillary about to go to jail for 2 years for billing for it in her "missing" later found billing records. Into the courtroom walks Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell, who claims he did the work Hillary billed for (a confession of BILLING FRAUD). Hubbell goes to jail. Franco insists Hillary was totally innocent...

Vince Foster "dies"
Hillary and Maggie Williams spend that night going through Foster's office, removing documents. Official ruling - not tampering, since the Park Police ruled Foster was a "suicide" 5 seconds after finding his corpse in Ft Marcy Park

Keep it up, Franco. You are HILARIOUS!!!
Why would it have to be all the wealth?

The filthy 2% wealth tax takes the money each year so over a period of time the stupid government gets a substantial portion.

That is thievery.

How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people to pay their bills?

Outside of the morality issue you also have the economic consideration. Wealth in the hands of the productive economy creates jobs. That same money in the hands of government bureaucrats is wasted.
How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people

We had 16 years of that, and our Federal Debt went up 4 fold.....

not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world.


Whitewater = 14 of 16 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who did not - Bill and Hill

Castle Grande = Hillary about to go to jail for 2 years for billing for it in her "missing" later found billing records. Into the courtroom walks Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell, who claims he did the work Hillary billed for (a confession of BILLING FRAUD). Hubbell goes to jail. Franco insists Hillary was totally innocent...

Vince Foster "dies"
Hillary and Maggie Williams spend that night going through Foster's office, removing documents. Official ruling - not tampering, since the Park Police ruled Foster was a "suicide" 5 seconds after finding his corpse in Ft Marcy Park

Keep it up, Franco. You are HILARIOUS!!!
Hater dupe brainwashed functional moron skull is the hardest substance known to man.all that has been in various vest to get it multiple times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda. Discredited every time and never retracted. And no it is not a conspiracy of every intelligent person in the world LOL
not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world.


Whitewater = 14 of 16 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who did not - Bill and Hill

Castle Grande = Hillary about to go to jail for 2 years for billing for it in her "missing" later found billing records. Into the courtroom walks Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell, who claims he did the work Hillary billed for (a confession of BILLING FRAUD). Hubbell goes to jail. Franco insists Hillary was totally innocent...

Vince Foster "dies"
Hillary and Maggie Williams spend that night going through Foster's office, removing documents. Official ruling - not tampering, since the Park Police ruled Foster was a "suicide" 5 seconds after finding his corpse in Ft Marcy Park

Keep it up, Franco. You are HILARIOUS!!!
Hater dupe brainwashed functional moron skull is the hardest substance known to man.all that has been in various vest to get it multiple times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda. Discredited every time and never retracted. And no it is not a conspiracy of every intelligent person in the world LOL

You can't refute anything in that post.
How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people

We had 16 years of that, and our Federal Debt went up 4 fold.....

And now it is going up even faster in supposedly boom times, for Dupes only... Only Reagan Bush and Trump have huge deficits in Good times what is scam. Eighty to ninety percent of Obama's was to avert another full-blown corrupt GOP world depression. And mainly welfare and unemployment for the victims that didn't need any law changes...
The "Reagan deficits" were 100% due to two of your big heroes....

Crook Jim Wright
Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd
How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people

We had 16 years of that, and our Federal Debt went up 4 fold.....

And now it is going up even faster in supposedly boom times, for Dupes only... Only Reagan Bush and Trump have huge deficits in Good times what is scam. Eighty to ninety percent of Obama's was to avert another full-blown corrupt GOP world depression. And mainly welfare and unemployment for the victims that didn't need any law changes...

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama spent ten trillion more dollars than he took in and created more poverty, less family income and dismal economic growth. He was a worthless peice of shit, wasn't he?

At least Trump's debt created a booming economy. If it wasn't for that dipshit Obama fucking up the military so much and Trump having to fix it then our debt be even less.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. Are you voting for the Communist? He will really make this country a socialist shithole, won't he?
not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world.


Whitewater = 14 of 16 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who did not - Bill and Hill

Castle Grande = Hillary about to go to jail for 2 years for billing for it in her "missing" later found billing records. Into the courtroom walks Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell, who claims he did the work Hillary billed for (a confession of BILLING FRAUD). Hubbell goes to jail. Franco insists Hillary was totally innocent...

Vince Foster "dies"
Hillary and Maggie Williams spend that night going through Foster's office, removing documents. Official ruling - not tampering, since the Park Police ruled Foster was a "suicide" 5 seconds after finding his corpse in Ft Marcy Park

Keep it up, Franco. You are HILARIOUS!!!
Hater dupe brainwashed functional moron skull is the hardest substance known to man.all that has been in various vest to get it multiple times and nothing has been found but garbage propaganda. Discredited every time and never retracted. And no it is not a conspiracy of every intelligent person in the world LOL

You can't refute anything in that post.
the Vince Foster murder is a total joke it was investigated five different times by Republican house committees including to buy mr. Star and they found
How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people

We had 16 years of that, and our Federal Debt went up 4 fold.....

And now it is going up even faster in supposedly boom times, for Dupes only... Only Reagan Bush and Trump have huge deficits in Good times what is scam. Eighty to ninety percent of Obama's was to avert another full-blown corrupt GOP world depression. And mainly welfare and unemployment for the victims that didn't need any law changes...

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama spent ten trillion more dollars than he took in and created more poverty, less family income and dismal economic growth. He was a worthless peice of shit, wasn't he?

At least Trump's debt created a booming economy. If it wasn't for that dipshit Obama fucking up the military so much and Trump having to fix it then our debt be even less.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. Are you voting for the Communist? He will really make this country a socialist shithole, won't he?
funny how the Obama economy produced more jobs and growth in his last three years than Trump has in this supposed boom economy, brainwashed functional moron. And of course Obama was not able to pass anything but Obamacare. the demise of the middle-class will continue until we tax the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans again, hater dupe.
Since you put it that way, sure.
Look at the super-billionaire list:

  • Jeff Bezos: $114 billion.
  • Bill Gates: $106 billion.
  • Warren Buffett: $80.8 billion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: $69.6 billion.
  • Larry Ellison: $65 billion.
  • Larry Page: $55.5 billion.
  • Sergey Brin: $53.5 billion.
  • Michael Bloomberg: $53.4 billion.
  • The Forbes 400 2019
I think I heard somewhere that the totality of Sanders proposals were something like $220 Trillion...This shows that his platform is junk.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
the Vince Foster murder

FBI to Webster Hubbell - do you want us to take over the case from the Park Police?

Webster Hubbell - FUCK OFF!!!

Foster's corpse was covered with one specific type of carpet fiber, as if the corpse had been wrapped in a blood stained carpet before being dumped in the park.

As for Ken Starr... and Robert Fisk.... yeah, both are traitors.
We would benefit from good capitalism. Most if not all our billionaires got a lot of government help. Our economy is loaded with near monopolies and that’s bad for workers.
How could anybody with any moral foundation justify using the government to steal money from other people

We had 16 years of that, and our Federal Debt went up 4 fold.....

And now it is going up even faster in supposedly boom times, for Dupes only... Only Reagan Bush and Trump have huge deficits in Good times what is scam. Eighty to ninety percent of Obama's was to avert another full-blown corrupt GOP world depression. And mainly welfare and unemployment for the victims that didn't need any law changes...

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama spent ten trillion more dollars than he took in and created more poverty, less family income and dismal economic growth. He was a worthless peice of shit, wasn't he?

At least Trump's debt created a booming economy. If it wasn't for that dipshit Obama fucking up the military so much and Trump having to fix it then our debt be even less.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. Are you voting for the Communist? He will really make this country a socialist shithole, won't he?
Obama's deficit was like 8 trillion dollars at least to avert a depression from the GOP, again. From the GOP of course. the first couple of years he was in we were spending 800 billion dollars a year on welfare and unemployment for the victims and still that is going on to the tune of 100 billion or so a year. What you aren't told on the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. Most GOP voters don't even know there was a GOP depression in 2008. Absolute idiocy.
there was a GOP depression in 2008

It was indeed a post 1998 GOP depression, caused by the post 1998 GOP's total purge of fiscal conservatives and patriotic Americans. W's spending was worse than LBJ's.

Had W governed like the Gingrich Revolution, Cocksucker Obama never gets near the WH....
the Vince Foster murder

FBI to Webster Hubbell - do you want us to take over the case from the Park Police?

Webster Hubbell - FUCK OFF!!!

Foster's corpse was covered with one specific type of carpet fiber, as if the corpse had been wrapped in a blood stained carpet before being dumped in the park.

As for Ken Starr... and Robert Fisk.... yeah, both are traitors.
You are indeed a brainwashed functional moron. You know more details about total phony scandals. But don't know you are being robbed every day by the scumbag GOP and it's lying propaganda machine dumbass dupe.
No the Clintons just sold influence through their fake global charity.

You never wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded when Hillary lost huh?

And Like I said the single best way to become a millionaire is to get elected to Congress

But no there's nothing to see there

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
nothing corrupt. All investigated no problems except in GOP innuendo dupeworld.
And yet you cannot explain why people just stopped donating after Hillary lost

And you call other people brainwashed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
of course they hoped to get some advantage or perhaps they just liked her and what she stood for and what the charity stood for. However it has all been investigated and no Advantage has ever been found. you people start with them being criminals. In reality they would have to be crazy to try any of the stuff you think they do. You know what happens when you assume......not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world. and totally discredited and of course never retracted by the garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Welcome to the civilized world

Yeah investigated.

There was something fishy going on and people weren't giving money to that "charity" because it was doing good work.

A "good charity" doesn't go belly up like the Clinton Foundation did
there was a GOP depression in 2008

It was indeed a post 1998 GOP depression, caused by the post 1998 GOP's total purge of fiscal conservatives and patriotic Americans. W's spending was worse than LBJ's.

Had W governed like the Gingrich Revolution, Cocksucker Obama never gets near the WH....
W is the worst president of my lifetime...
there was a GOP depression in 2008

It was indeed a post 1998 GOP depression, caused by the post 1998 GOP's total purge of fiscal conservatives and patriotic Americans. W's spending was worse than LBJ's.

Had W governed like the Gingrich Revolution, Cocksucker Obama never gets near the WH....
W is the worst president of my lifetime...
They all suck and they will all always suck

people who seek the power of office are the least worthy to hold that power
the Clinton Foundation was a great charity and they didn't make any money out of it. Idiot oops brainwashed functional idiot

And yet the donations dropped to almost ZERO when Hillary lost.

If it was a "great charity" why aren't people still donating?

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain
nothing corrupt. All investigated no problems except in GOP innuendo dupeworld.
And yet you cannot explain why people just stopped donating after Hillary lost

And you call other people brainwashed

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
of course they hoped to get some advantage or perhaps they just liked her and what she stood for and what the charity stood for. However it has all been investigated and no Advantage has ever been found. you people start with them being criminals. In reality they would have to be crazy to try any of the stuff you think they do. You know what happens when you assume......not a single one of the hundred phony scandals you know about Hillary have ever gotten to the real world. and totally discredited and of course never retracted by the garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Welcome to the civilized world

Yeah investigated.

There was something fishy going on and people weren't giving money to that "charity" because it was doing good work.

A "good charity" doesn't go belly up like the Clinton Foundation did
How the trump foundation doing?
there was a GOP depression in 2008

It was indeed a post 1998 GOP depression, caused by the post 1998 GOP's total purge of fiscal conservatives and patriotic Americans. W's spending was worse than LBJ's.

Had W governed like the Gingrich Revolution, Cocksucker Obama never gets near the WH....
Enjoy hell. God does not enjoy willfully ignorant asshole hater dupes... The real estate bubble was caused by pathetic GOP crony oversight of their pals in the private mortgage industry. Fannie and Freddy's share of the market went from 75% to 30% in 2003. You have no clue. That's what happens when you listen to garbage endlessly.

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