Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other

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The only way to stop all of this is to LIMIT all People to an income of $400,000.
This included Millionaires like Bernie Sanders. Their assets should be capped at just $400,000 which means everyone in America can never obtain more than $800,000 in total income and wealth.

Then if you break that limit, we send you to The Guillotine like Bernie Sanders wants to do, only his head gets chopped off too. All The Factories of anyone who is a Millionaire gets taken over by The State, and when they reach a Million Dollars, they have to divide it up and sell it.

If they don't we get The Bernie Bros and ANTIFA to chop their heads off.

You get your head chopped off, and he gets his head chopped off. Everybody gets their heads chopped off!

Sharia Law for Economics!
Only one problem you dumb ass math fail mooching liberal pukes, government already spends over 4,000 BILLION dollars a year. You stupid shits would burn through the billionaires money in 6 months and be right back on your knees mooching for more handouts.
You can't forget the Morman church they are one of they richest billionaires.
But seriously no. I could give a million reasons and everyone with half a brain knows the reasons also. The main one is very simple. Those making the most money are paying the highest taxes as it is.
When a rich person has a team of attorneys doing his books, he's avoiding
paying taxes. Wake up and smell the caviar.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

We have another AOC here... yuo do realize that the majority of their wealth is in assets, not cash money.
You know that right?
You can't forget the Morman church they are one of they richest billionaires.
But seriously no. I could give a million reasons and everyone with half a brain knows the reasons also. The main one is very simple. Those making the most money are paying the highest taxes as it is.
When a rich person has a team of attorneys doing his books, he's avoiding
paying taxes. Wake up and smell the caviar.
I see you understand taxes about as well as you understand everything else. Don't like the tax codes you can only blame congress since they wrote them to benefit themselves.
But even using every loophole they still pay more.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
Do billionaires today contribute to economic growth or stagnation?

Per capita income growth appears to be inversely related to the production of US billionaires.


Billionaires hurt economic growth and should be taxed out of existence, says bestselling French economist

  • "A popular French economist says billionaires are harmful to economic growth and would be effectively abolished under his tax plan,
  • In an interview with the French magazine L’Obs, Thomas Piketty calls for a graduated wealth tax of 5% on those worth 2 million euros or more and up to 90% on those worth more than 2 billion euros.
  • Piketty says the notion that billionaires create jobs and boost growth is false..."
"Piketty added that the notion that billionaires create jobs and boost growth is false.

"He said per capita income growth was 2.2% a year in the U.S. between 1950 and 1990.

"But when the number of billionaires exploded in the 1990s and 2000s — growing from about 100 in 1990 to around 600 today — per capita income growth fell to 1.1%."
Since you put it that way, sure.
Look at the super-billionaire list:

  • Jeff Bezos: $114 billion.
  • Bill Gates: $106 billion.
  • Warren Buffett: $80.8 billion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: $69.6 billion.
  • Larry Ellison: $65 billion.
  • Larry Page: $55.5 billion.
  • Sergey Brin: $53.5 billion.
  • Michael Bloomberg: $53.4 billion.
  • The Forbes 400 2019

If you took EVERY PENNY all those people had it would run our govt for about 3 months.

Think about that when Fauxcohontas, Biden, Sanders, Buttplug et al say they want to have "free healthcare for all.....The New Green Deal .....forgive all student tuition" etc...etc... to the tune of $120 TRILLION and ask yourself.....WHERE DOES THE OTHER $124,995,550 come from.

Not sure your math works?!
The US Budget for 2019 was $4T
If we take all but $1b from all the US billionaires that would net $5.2T. So it would pay for 1-yr plus a month or two.

A quick calc based on the quartiles' average of their wealth to see how much tax revenue would be realized goes something like this:
400 billionaires worth $5,600b -$400b they keep = $5.2T tax revenue (one time gain)

No. The reason they're billionaires is because of tax loopholes.

We should seize idiots like you.
the proposed warren "wealth tax" is robbery pure and simple. every year you are above a certain % of money, you must give it back.

just bullshit.

all this demonizing the rich is done to simply give our gov more ways to steal from people and provide pennies to you on the dollars they collect.

if they want money, audit the entire gov and find all the programs that are simply wasting it and stop them. reallocate. but stop overspending and coming back for more. i don't care who demonizes who along the way - it's a bad habit we need to pull out of.

Hire another Grace Commission to trim the fat off the Federal government and to raise tax revenue by identifying tax loopholes that need to be closed.
Dems don't want to seize just the money, Dems want government to seize entire industries. Maxine Waters has already threatened to seize all the oil and gas companies and have government take them over.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

I don't want to TAKE THEIR WEALTH

I want THEM to stop deciding that THEY GET ALL THE WEALTH and everyone else can just fight for the crumbs.

right now;

on a scale of 1-10

with the poverty level at 2....

millions of people work at poverty level (or lower wages)


same 1-10 scale

poverty level still at 2

EVERYONE with a job earns MORE (at least slightly) than poverty level wages.

If everyone can afford to pay their bills won't that help the economy?

if everyone can afford a night out wouldn't that help the economy?

if everyone has enough to pay their rent, keep the lights on, eat well, go to a movie, have a pizza then MOST EVERYONE will be happier and the economy would be more robust

and we can still have super rich people
You can't forget the Morman church they are one of they richest billionaires.
But seriously no. I could give a million reasons and everyone with half a brain knows the reasons also. The main one is very simple. Those making the most money are paying the highest taxes as it is.
When a rich person has a team of attorneys doing his books, he's avoiding
paying taxes. Wake up and smell the caviar.
I see you understand taxes about as well as you understand everything else. Don't like the tax codes you can only blame congress since they wrote them to benefit themselves.
But even using every loophole they still pay more.

If we stay on the current track there will be a few oligarchs that own everything, and the rest of us with our buckets of rice. No middle class, not good..

Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Only one problem you dumb ass math fail mooching liberal pukes, government already spends over 4,000 BILLION dollars a year. You stupid shits would burn through the billionaires money in 6 months and be right back on your knees mooching for more handouts.
They are talking about taking away all of the money but a billion. So if they have 10 billion they want to take 9. So yes they might get almost a year. But then they blow through that they are going to have to come up with a way to rob the millionaires. Then it will be a way to rob the normal high earners.
Nothing like everyone being taxed so heavily that no one gets ahead. Equal misery for all.
I dont know if taxing the rich would benefit me personally but I know who it has benefited:

The Obamas

The Sanders

The Warrens

The Clintons
Since you put it that way, sure.
Look at the super-billionaire list:

  • Jeff Bezos: $114 billion.
  • Bill Gates: $106 billion.
  • Warren Buffett: $80.8 billion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: $69.6 billion.
  • Larry Ellison: $65 billion.
  • Larry Page: $55.5 billion.
  • Sergey Brin: $53.5 billion.
  • Michael Bloomberg: $53.4 billion.
  • The Forbes 400 2019

If you took EVERY PENNY all those people had it would run our govt for about 3 months.

Think about that when Fauxcohontas, Biden, Sanders, Buttplug et al say they want to have "free healthcare for all.....The New Green Deal .....forgive all student tuition" etc...etc... to the tune of $120 TRILLION and ask yourself.....WHERE DOES THE OTHER $124,995,550 come from.

Not sure your math works?!
The US Budget for 2019 was $4T
If we take all but $1b from all the US billionaires that would net $5.2T. So it would pay for 1-yr plus a month or two.
I think you are missing a math problem there to. First if you think that all that is tied up in cash you don't know enough. Second do you really think that they are just going to hand over billions in cash and say come back tomorrow l will have more? Third what happens in a year? Do we decide to tax the millionaires, the year after that we tax those with a hundred thousand?
I dont know if taxing the rich would benefit me personally but I know who it has benefited:

The Obamas

The Sanders

The Warrens

The Clintons

the Trumps

why did you neglect to mention rich conservatives and republicans?

do you have an unfair and irrational bias?

an agenda?

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