Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other

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Let’s look at where the money is...


Where should we be looking for revenue?

The 40 percent of the population that has one tenth of a percent
The 1 percent of the population that has 38.3 percent of the wealth
I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
you do realize that most of a billionaires wealth is not from income don't you?

Wealth is net worth not income

and why would you want to make it more difficult for average people to invest by making it more expensive?
Exactly....Most super wealthy avoid taking income, it is taxed

That is why I propose taxing stock and real estate transaction. They can hide their income but can’t avoid moving their money around.
You’re just another Open Borders shitbag.
Rather than encourage American citizen employment you want to bankrupt corporations and investors.
Government spending is government stealing.

Raise taxes and the kleptocrats will steal it.

The problem isn't taxes.

The problem is spending.

Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it

Bernie wants to take all of it except $999 MUSD

So I guess you aren't on board with Bernie.

Amma rite?
Let’s look at where the money is...

View attachment 306047

Where should we be looking for revenue?

The 40 percent of the population that has one tenth of a percent
The 1 percent of the population that has 38.3 percent of the wealth

In Saudi Arabia, the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth.

In every country with socialism or communism, it is like that, the elites have 90% + of the wealth, and everyone else has nothing.

Democrat "solution" = communism/socialism = making it WORSE

FREEDOM and CAPITALISM is the best way to address income inequality.

The bigger government gets, the worse the equation gets, which explains why so many extremely wealthy in America are for socialism....
I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
you do realize that most of a billionaires wealth is not from income don't you?

Wealth is net worth not income

and why would you want to make it more difficult for average people to invest by making it more expensive?
Exactly....Most super wealthy avoid taking income, it is taxed

That is why I propose taxing stock and real estate transaction. They can hide their income but can’t avoid moving their money around.
You’re just another Open Borders shitbag.
Rather than encourage American citizen employment you want to bankrupt corporations and investors.
You are being a Drama Queen
A small fee on transactions will not bankrupt anyone
Let’s look at where the money is...

View attachment 306047

Where should we be looking for revenue?

The 40 percent of the population that has one tenth of a percent
The 1 percent of the population that has 38.3 percent of the wealth

In Saudi Arabia, the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth.

In every country with socialism or communism, it is like that, the elites have 90% + of the wealth, and everyone else has nothing.

Democrat "solution" = communism/socialism = making it WORSE

FREEDOM and CAPITALISM is the best way to address income inequality.

The bigger government gets, the worse the equation gets, which explains why so many extremely wealthy in America are for socialism....
I think you are confusing socialism with capitalism
Let’s look at where the money is...

View attachment 306047

Where should we be looking for revenue?

The 40 percent of the population that has one tenth of a percent
The 1 percent of the population that has 38.3 percent of the wealth
The Top 1% Support the 47% of American Democrats who pay absolutely No Taxes, so when you take all of their money, for yourself and your friends, and embezzle it before it gets to The Poor, how are you going to support all the people that lose their jobs as the result of your Confiscation of Wealth?
I think you are confusing socialism with capitalism

No, I'm not. There is a very strong correlation with

size of government


income inequality

just ask the late Ba-ath SOCIALIST leader of Iraq, Saddam, who had 95% + of the wealth of Iraq....
Let’s look at where the money is...

View attachment 306047

Where should we be looking for revenue?

The 40 percent of the population that has one tenth of a percent
The 1 percent of the population that has 38.3 percent of the wealth

In Saudi Arabia, the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth.

In every country with socialism or communism, it is like that, the elites have 90% + of the wealth, and everyone else has nothing.

Democrat "solution" = communism/socialism = making it WORSE

FREEDOM and CAPITALISM is the best way to address income inequality.

The bigger government gets, the worse the equation gets, which explains why so many extremely wealthy in America are for socialism....
I think you are confusing socialism with capitalism
I think you confuse The XX Chromosome with The XY Chromosome.
When I posted this poll I wasn't too hopeful. I, for sure, thought that about 50% would think they benefited. This gives me hope that we aren't going to throw our economy and Country into the shitter.
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I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
you do realize that most of a billionaires wealth is not from income don't you?

Wealth is net worth not income

and why would you want to make it more difficult for average people to invest by making it more expensive?
Exactly....Most super wealthy avoid taking income, it is taxed

That is why I propose taxing stock and real estate transaction. They can hide their income but can’t avoid moving their money around.
You’re just another Open Borders shitbag.
Rather than encourage American citizen employment you want to bankrupt corporations and investors.
You are being a Drama Queen
A small fee on transactions will not bankrupt anyone
It will end up in your pocket though and you won't give it to the poor. You will give it to your bank account.
Your question is flawed. It should read....

if we give GOVERNMENT more in taxes, will that help inequality??

Answer NO

More taxes and bigger government do nothing but harm everyone except the kleptocrats who steal the money....
Your question is flawed. It should read....

if we give GOVERNMENT more in taxes, will that help inequality??

Answer NO

More taxes and bigger government do nothing but harm everyone except the kleptocrats who steal the money....
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society ......Oliver Wendell Holmes
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society

We should have a minimum of taxes and spending, and government should just do what the Constitution says....

provide for the common defense
enforce the laws

and very little else.

The more "spending" we do, the more ends up in HUNTER BIDEN's pockets....
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
what would the government do with it? let's see their programs to use the money for. got that?
So are are trying to hide from the truth by claiming a strawman argument.
But you don't even try to counter it.
Then you use the tried and true they should not have it because I don't.
Nothing like wanting free because you are too busy spending to actually increase your wealth. So when do you plan to give away your house because someone that doesn't have one wants yours?
That sure is lot of wrong assumptions
for one paragraph.

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