Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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Only one problem you dumb ass math fail mooching liberal pukes, government already spends over 4,000 BILLION dollars a year. You stupid shits would burn through the billionaires money in 6 months and be right back on your knees mooching for more handouts.
They are talking about taking away all of the money but a billion. So if they have 10 billion they want to take 9. So yes they might get almost a year. But then they blow through that they are going to have to come up with a way to rob the millionaires. Then it will be a way to rob the normal high earners.
Nothing like everyone being taxed so heavily that no one gets ahead. Equal misery for all.

Dem's sky high taxes have destroyed cities and entire states. There would be negative consequences and fallout from seizing the wealth of billionaires but they never talk about the down side. These moron Dems live in fantasy land.
I see you understand taxes about as well as you understand everything else. Don't like the tax codes you can only blame congress since they wrote them to benefit themselves.
But even using every loophole they still pay more.
Now you're getting it.
The SYSTEM is rigged ....but you're still evading the central issue.
No you are evading the central point. First off that money was made over time it did not suddenly appear over night. Doing single payer healthcare alone would burn through it in one year or less. Then what? Confiscate all the money from the millionaires? The we have two years of good times. Then everyone can be equally miserable in a failed economy and a failed society. Nothing says equal like everyone having nothing.
You can't forget the Morman church they are one of they richest billionaires.
But seriously no. I could give a million reasons and everyone with half a brain knows the reasons also. The main one is very simple. Those making the most money are paying the highest taxes as it is.
When a rich person has a team of attorneys doing his books, he's avoiding
paying taxes. Wake up and smell the caviar.
I see you understand taxes about as well as you understand everything else. Don't like the tax codes you can only blame congress since they wrote them to benefit themselves.
But even using every loophole they still pay more.

If we stay on the current track there will be a few oligarchs that own everything, and the rest of us with our buckets of rice. No middle class, not good..

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You are placing faith in doctored data and scary science fiction movies.
No you are evading the central point. First off that money was made over time it did not suddenly appear over night. Doing single payer healthcare alone would burn through it in one year or less. Then what? Confiscate all the money from the millionaires? The we have two years of good times. Then everyone can be equally miserable in a failed economy and a failed society. Nothing says equal like everyone having nothing.
That's the common strawman argument, leaving out the
possibilities of compromising in the middle ground.

There's nothing wrong with making a lot of money or keeping most of it, unless you're in the wealthiest nation on the planet that also has the most homeless people. Where 3 people own more than the bottom 170 million.
I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
the proposed warren "wealth tax" is robbery pure and simple. every year you are above a certain % of money, you must give it back.

just bullshit.

all this demonizing the rich is done to simply give our gov more ways to steal from people and provide pennies to you on the dollars they collect.

if they want money, audit the entire gov and find all the programs that are simply wasting it and stop them. reallocate. but stop overspending and coming back for more. i don't care who demonizes who along the way - it's a bad habit we need to pull out of.

Hire another Grace Commission to trim the fat off the Federal government and to raise tax revenue by identifying tax loopholes that need to be closed.
hey - if tax loopholes need to be closed, great. lets look and see if they really do.

but - also look at our tax revenue spending - does it still need to be spent?
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
How are you defining wealth?
I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
you do realize that most of a billionaires wealth is not from income don't you?

Wealth is net worth not income

and why would you want to make it more difficult for average people to invest by making it more expensive?
So all I need to do is vote Democrat and they will confiscate 99% of all billionaire wealth? I have a bit of a problem with the government doing that to anyone, regardless how rich they are.

Isn't that what people are debating in the Billionaire thread - we shouldn't have any?
Maybe we shouldn't have geniuses either. Everyone should be within some agreed upon standard deviation from the "norm". Make America Mediocre.
yes we should lobotomize everyone with an IQ over 100 so we'll all be average
No you are evading the central point. First off that money was made over time it did not suddenly appear over night. Doing single payer healthcare alone would burn through it in one year or less. Then what? Confiscate all the money from the millionaires? The we have two years of good times. Then everyone can be equally miserable in a failed economy and a failed society. Nothing says equal like everyone having nothing.
That's the common strawman argument, leaving out the
possibilities of compromising in the middle ground.

There's nothing wrong with making a lot of money or keeping most of it, unless you're in the wealthiest nation on the planet that also has the most homeless people. Where 3 people own more than the bottom 170 million.
So are are trying to hide from the truth by claiming a strawman argument.
But you don't even try to counter it.
Then you use the tried and true they should not have it because I don't.
Nothing like wanting free because you are too busy spending to actually increase your wealth. So when do you plan to give away your house because someone that doesn't have one wants yours?
Only one problem you dumb ass math fail mooching liberal pukes, government already spends over 4,000 BILLION dollars a year. You stupid shits would burn through the billionaires money in 6 months and be right back on your knees mooching for more handouts.

With no one left to take it from and hand it to them.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it

Just as long as the mob gets their cut.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it
Make them hire Americans or face a billion dollar penalty.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it

so you want everyone to have to pay extra fees when they invest in an IRA or their 401K?

Why do you want to make saving for retirement even harder?
I think I would benefit from taxing future earnings at a 50 percent tax rate.
I would also like to see a small fee on all stock and real estate transactions
you do realize that most of a billionaires wealth is not from income don't you?

Wealth is net worth not income

and why would you want to make it more difficult for average people to invest by making it more expensive?
Exactly....Most super wealthy avoid taking income, it is taxed

That is why I propose taxing stock and real estate transaction. They can hide their income but can’t avoid moving their money around.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
99% of their wealth is in stock.
Confiscate that stock by taxes or otherwise and the market will panic and crash and we will experience massive unemployment.
Bill Gates sells 1 million in one day and MS crashes.

Liberals have no idea how assets work within an economy.
Don’t confiscate
But every time they make a transaction, make them pay a small fee, just like you would to a broker. It becomes the cost of doing business

That way, the super wealthy can’t hide their wealth, unless they sit on it

so you want everyone to have to pay extra fees when they invest in an IRA or their 401K?

Why do you want to make saving for retirement even harder?

I’m sure we can find a way to make an exemption for small scale transactions. Does that make you feel better?
Only one problem you dumb ass math fail mooching liberal pukes, government already spends over 4,000 BILLION dollars a year. You stupid shits would burn through the billionaires money in 6 months and be right back on your knees mooching for more handouts.

That's socialist theory.

Amma rite? Amma Rite?
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

We have another AOC here... yuo do realize that the majority of their wealth is in assets, not cash money.
You know that right?

Yes. I'm not an AOC. I'm conservative (moderate) So you're preaching to the choir. My supposition is they will have to liquidate their assets and give up the cash or surrender the assets.

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