Do you trust the CDC?

I trust the CDC as much as I trust any other group of humans.

They are not perfect and they will make mistakes. But if they at least know their stuff, their efforts will be useful.

Attacking them on every possible front because they may not fit your ideology or worldview is the behavior of arrogant children.
Google the GPMB ,and we find the CDC is simply one small player in a global response ,funded primarily by the world bank

Realize there are something along the likes of a thousand bio-labs in 100 countries , all of whom are now bowing down to ONE collective entity

They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

They've had how long to prepare for something like this?
Okay...I found the budget request from Trump this year for the CDC.
$6.594 Billion.

But I cant for the life of me find info in earlier years.

When far left agency fails, it's always because it did not have enough funding. Not because they were not even trying to accomplish the goal and focus on diversity instead.

If billions of dollars isn't enough, there is no amount that is. We could have a lot better for billions of dollars.
I don’t know where you get tbe idea it is a far left agency unless you consider science to be a leftist plot.
They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

They've had how long to prepare for something like this?
Okay...I found the budget request from Trump this year for the CDC.
$6.594 Billion.

But I cant for the life of me find info in earlier years.

When far left agency fails, it's always because it did not have enough funding. Not because they were not even trying to accomplish the goal and focus on diversity instead.

If billions of dollars isn't enough, there is no amount that is. We could have a lot better for billions of dollars.
I don’t know where you get tbe idea it is a far left agency unless you consider science to be a leftist plot.

No agency that is not far-left would be as incompetent as they are, and as focused on diversity which has NOTHING to do with controlling disease.
They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

They've had more funding under Trump.

Google the GPMB ,and we find the CDC is simply one small player in a global response ,funded primarily by the world bank

Realize there are something along the likes of a thousand bio-labs in 100 countries , all of whom are now bowing down to ONE collective entity


Well, Sparky, do provide us with the annual budget the GPMB puts to use to exert control over those thousands of bio-labs. It must be gargantuan so as to have these labs all "bowing down to ONE collective entity". Thanks in advance!
They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

They've had how long to prepare for something like this?
Okay...I found the budget request from Trump this year for the CDC.
$6.594 Billion.

But I cant for the life of me find info in earlier years.

When far left agency fails, it's always because it did not have enough funding. Not because they were not even trying to accomplish the goal and focus on diversity instead.

If billions of dollars isn't enough, there is no amount that is. We could have a lot better for billions of dollars.
I don’t know where you get tbe idea it is a far left agency unless you consider science to be a leftist plot.

No agency that is not far-left would be as incompetent as they are, and as focused on diversity which has NOTHING to do with controlling disease.

I think the only one focused on "diversity" is you.

Here's there front page:

Other than it being part of a longer list of spots to go, it's not part of the main CDC. DARE they care about diversity eh?
Anyone who does has the brain of a dog willing to kiss anybody's ass as long as you feed it a bone.

Despite amplifying Chinese propaganda that there was no “human to human” transmission of coronavirus on January 14, a WHO spokesperson today claimed that the U.S. and Brazil ignored warnings about COVID-19.

They lie and lies and lie...........

They always lie ----to get the SHEEP in the position they want them in. PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION..

Dr. Birx does not.
Do we need an independent 3rd party to truly gauge the impact of COVID-19?

They are conditioning their idiots------ CDC LIES keep them in line the fear makes them OBEY the invisible 911 has not yet sunk because getting groped by the TSA legally molesting ppl wasn't enough proof of lost freedoms base off a mother fkn lie!!!!!

How does our government justify forcing businesses to keep detailed logs of who their customers are, what time they ate and what they ate?

and they will bend over just to have this and do this to ppl. The good thing though. KARMA ALWAYS FINDS THESE TWO FACED PRICKS!

They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

They've had more funding under Trump.


Because Congress said NO to Trumps proposed cuts.

And Trump still signed the budget. Hence, the CDC's budget was NOT cut under Trump. The lie about the CDC being cut under Trump was told over and over.
I don't know if I need to trust them or not. What I'd like to see is them doing their job. They have failed thus far. So I don't trust them to do their job I guess.
We must remember this is a new virus and haven't encountered this virus before. Just look at a growing number of kids getting really sick now and who are testing positive for the virus. This could open up whole new can of worms. We don't know enough.

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