Do you trust the CDC?

They are struggling to do a job with inadequate funding.

What would adequate funding be?

Maybe they should have stuck to their original mandated role, Infectious diseases, instead of things like obesity.
Obesity is the cause of a massive amount of disease in this country.

Then make another agency for it. The CDC was designed to fight Infectious diseases. That they allowed themself to branch out is one of the reasons they were so slow in figuring this out, that and the fact that it's been around a century since something like this has happened.
Google the GPMB ,and we find the CDC is simply one small player in a global response ,funded primarily by the world bank

Realize there are something along the likes of a thousand bio-labs in 100 countries , all of whom are now bowing down to ONE collective entity


Well, Sparky, do provide us with the annual budget the GPMB puts to use to exert control over those thousands of bio-labs. It must be gargantuan so as to have these labs all "bowing down to ONE collective entity". Thanks in advance!
Yes i'm always yammering 'follow the $$$' Old one
and this is the best i can do>>>

Yes i'm always yammering 'follow the $$$' Old one and this is the best i can do>>>


Have you read it, Sparky? If you did, you sure noticed the GPMB is a solely advisory agency with no power whatsoever, except, perhaps, the power of a reasoned approach to reality, and to pandemics in particular, and the power of an argument based on that. What weak a power that is you can see that next to nothing the GPMB recommended, reasonable though it was, was actually implemented. What is more, you can see it in how most of the nations fall flat on their faces in terms of pandemic preparedness, failing to protect their populations and their economies, with the possible exception of Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, and Greece. Eff'n Greece demonstrates how to react competently to a pandemic, while Trump, Johnson, and Putin look on, helplessly.

So, it's not the overpowering institution taking over things left, right and center, as someone seems to have made you believe. But you were touting their horn, demonizing an institution committed to safeguarding you against being eaten by little beasts. They were asking states to invest a measly $1 to $2 per head per year into pandemic preparedness, and couldn't get a commitment for that. And now, what's happening is going to cost us tens of trillions, not to mention the loss of lives. Does that make any sense to you?
Yes i'm always yammering 'follow the $$$' Old one and this is the best i can do>>>


Have you read it, Sparky? If you did, you sure noticed the GPMB is a solely advisory agency with no power whatsoever, except, perhaps, the power of a reasoned approach to reality, and to pandemics in particular, and the power of an argument based on that. What weak a power that is you can see that next to nothing the GPMB recommended, reasonable though it was, was actually implemented. What is more, you can see it in how most of the nations fall flat on their faces in terms of pandemic preparedness, failing to protect their populations and their economies, with the possible exception of Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, and Greece. Eff'n Greece demonstrates how to react competently to a pandemic, while Trump, Johnson, and Putin look on, helplessly.

So, it's not the overpowering institution taking over things left, right and center, as someone seems to have made you believe. But you were touting their horn, demonizing an institution committed to safeguarding you against being eaten by little beasts. They were asking states to invest a measly $1 to $2 per head per year into pandemic preparedness, and couldn't get a commitment for that. And now, what's happening is going to cost us tens of trillions, not to mention the loss of lives. Does that make any sense to you?

Yes ,as much as i could i read it Old one. The financials start on Pg 30
and yes, a few bucks per head ain't much, until one multiplies it by every head on this rock

My point is, this entity is new, is a collective that had engaged toward a common goal.

Is this bad?

no, not really ,in fact it should be welcomed considering the pandemic data they have

it's when the biases creep in that worries me , the specter of greed is no conspiracy theory , it's a real problem associated with many such institutions that are abused by it



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