Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

There are already agreements in place, and the travel between states is within the confines of federal jurisdiction, marriage is not. If you have a state parks parking permit for Texas, it is not valid in New York. I fail to see your point.

Oh no. New Yorkers would be able to travel. Just not drive their cars, or any cars. Why not? License requirements are different in every state. Why not just ban those states you don’t like?
Dobbs was a Constitutional win, with short term problems for Republicans. Hardly a bad thing. Placing abortion in the hands of the states was Constitutionally correct, as it limits again the constant overreach of the federal government. Expect such precedent to follow on other massive overreach, like gay 'marriage' and other items. Dobbs was merely a good start with a rocky reception.
And a political loss – with Republicans continuing to lose in coming elections.

Although the courts will no longer defend the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy – the right exists nonetheless; a right that will recognized, codified, and protected via the political process, as we saw in Ohio.

Indeed, Dobbs will likely be overturned by a future Court, or rendered moot through Federal legislation codifying the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.
And a political loss – with Republicans continuing to lose in coming elections.

Although the courts will no longer defend the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy – the right exists nonetheless; a right that will recognized, codified, and protected via the political process, as we saw in Ohio.

Indeed, Dobbs will likely be overturned by a future Court, or rendered moot through Federal legislation codifying the right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.
There is a very limited shelf life on Dobbs, most states have already settled the issue, so the whole thing is short term. There is no need for any redundant and anti-American federal legislation for a state matter.
There is a very limited shelf life on Dobbs, most states have already settled the issue, so the whole thing is short term. There is no need for any redundant and anti-American federal legislation for a state matter.

Oh it’s not over. Not by a long shot. Republicans won’t accept that millions of people want to murder babies. They’ll be running into this wall for years yet. Possibly decades.
There is a very limited shelf life on Dobbs, most states have already settled the issue, so the whole thing is short term. There is no need for any redundant and anti-American federal legislation for a state matter.
Not so, my amigo. The states will be revisiting the issues. The women's movement will not be denied.
I looked up your source here (The Lozier Institute).
Turns out to be a biased, activist organization with an agenda.
Not very credible.
Fake news!
So you are just cherry picking information that confirms your preconceived bias; not actually seeking information with which to educate yourself.
That's probably how you remain so dumb on the issue.

By who fringe left abortion cultists the facts are correct although I believe the number is more like 97% of abortions are for convenience!
Here's the problem with that. If someone commits a robbery and we have the evidence, they are arrested, prosecuted and jailed.

Because there is universal agreement that robbery is bad.

On the other hand, if you get your abortion laws, the police won't investigate because they have better things to do. Prosecutors won't file charges because, again, there are better things to do. And juries sure as hell won't convict. Heck, If I ever found myself on a jury, and you have video of the abortionist throwing Globby the Fetus across the room and yelling "Three points" when it hits the medical waste container, I'm still voting to acquit and so will about half the jury.

This is why SCOTUS struck these laws down in 1973. They were unenforceable and causing more harm than good. This is why there wasn't a drop in the birth rate in 1974. women were getting just as many abortions before Roe as after.

You need to go back to civics class, s0n, and learn the separation of powers between the executive and legislative.

Ah Jury nullification, the last resort of the scoundrel.
1. Is "Debt peonage" going on today? If not its irrelevant.
I would argue that the Prison Industrial Complex is an extension of it. But that's probably too scary a conversation for you.
2. Every registered voter is free to vote. There is no voter suppression.

Unless they lived in Florida in 2000, and they were part of the voter Purge that Jeb carried out to help his moron brother win the state.

3. You are wrong again. There are "partial birth abortions", also called "Intact Dilation and Extractions".

Nope. These RARE procedures are not "partial birth">
I would call jury nullification the last resort of justice. A jury KNOWS a law is unjust, so they reject it, no matter what the evidence.

And how many times was it used to let racist dipshits off during the late Jim Crow era?

Call that "justice"?
I would argue that the Prison Industrial Complex is an extension of it. But that's probably too scary a conversation for you.

Unless they lived in Florida in 2000, and they were part of the voter Purge that Jeb carried out to help his moron brother win the state.

Nope. These RARE procedures are not "partial birth">
1. Do the crime, do the time. Criminals belong in prison.

2. Verification of voter rolls needs to happen every election. Dead people shouldn't vote.

3. Stop typing lies. Partial birth abortions (full term) are allowed in 7 democrat run states. See links below.
Intact dilation and extraction (D&X, IDX, or intact D&E) is a surgical procedure that removes an intact fetus from the uterus. The procedure is used both after miscarriages and for abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.


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